The problem with statistics
(too old to reply)
2007-07-02 14:11:32 UTC
The problem with all of the statistics that people cite in this group
is that (a) no statistic is totally accurate (except for tiny
populations) and (2) that they only measure what they measure, not
what YOU THINK they measure.

Some people find a published statistic and cherish it like gold. They
are right because they have "proof". But the proof isn't necessarily
good. The statistic measures something, but often it's hard to tell

Take homelessness, for example. That's pretty straight forward,
right. Of course not. There are HUGE political debates as to what
"homeless" means and how to measure it.

So, William's parents throw him out for excessively high grades. He
goes to live with his favorite priest, Fr. Pius, PhD, OSF, ETC. Fr.
Pius has an large closet under the stairs at the friary and Willy can
stay there. William is not problem and he lives out the school year
there while waiting for his grades to go down so his family accepts
him back. William has no home, no money, no job and no place to live
except under the stairs at the friary. William is homeless, right?
Wrong. He has a place to live. Under the Federal definition of
homeless, William does not quality. He lives at the friary. Under
the Federal definition, you are only homeless if you are living in
some place that is not meant for habitation: a car, under a bridge, on
a sidewalk.

So if you husband beats the shit out of you so you take your 3 kids
and go live with your sister, her husband and their 2 kids over there
in her 2 bedroom apartment, you are NOT homeless.

Back to the debate. There's a huge debate on the definition of
homeless. Many argue that the definition is particularly
restrictive. In the north, there are VERY few homeless because the
early-spring date when the Census is taken. Homeless = dead in
extreme northern climates.

The same is try for all of the other statistics. It is awfully hard
to go and pull a statistic and try to figure out what it means. Often
it does not mean exactly what you think it does.

Even within the Census, it often takes an amount of expertese to
determine if "family" or "household" data is appropriate for any given

Census population projections are also to be taken with a grain of
salt. They are NOT projections based on the population trends
reported in the Census and they are NOT estimates based on re-sampling
geographic areas. They are formulamatic and based on other
demographic data that is nearly unrelated to the Census as you know

So stop hiding in "data" and proof" and use some logic. After all,
42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
george conklin
2007-07-02 16:38:44 UTC
Post by Pat
The same is try for all of the other statistics. It is awfully hard
to go and pull a statistic and try to figure out what it means.
That is the most ignornat, stupid statement ever posted on Usent.
2007-07-02 17:45:34 UTC
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
The same is try for all of the other statistics. It is awfully hard
to go and pull a statistic and try to figure out what it means.
That is the most ignornat, stupid statement ever posted on Usent.
No George. The problem is that you see a number and leap to a
conclusion. You generally don't take the time to go figure out what
it means. More often that not, it does not mean what one would think.

You for example, might see that the population of a community in 1990
was 150,000 and in 2000 it was 149,000. You would conclude that the
population is declining. However, there is nothing to support an
assertion like that.

You, George, might see a statistic that the someone is at 50% of AMI
for a family of 3 and conclude that anyone actually calculates AMI for
a family of 3. They don't. 50% of AMI for a family of 3 has no
relationship with median income for a family of 3. None. Nada. Zip.

There are two camps here George. Those such as you who read a
statistic and go "ta da, I found it" and those who look into what the
statistic actually means. That is, there are those who think and
research and those such as you who just read and jump to conclusions.

At some point in time, George, you should go take a decent course in
demographics or econometrics or something.

The number is not important. It is important what it means. That's
were you get lost.

BTW, where's the example I'm waiting for. You said you had one. I
went looking for it and couldn't find it. Just one example to prove
your point. Just one. One isn't a very big number. Just one,
Amy Blankenship
2007-07-02 18:17:32 UTC
Post by Pat
BTW, where's the example I'm waiting for. You said you had one. I
went looking for it and couldn't find it. Just one example to prove
your point. Just one. One isn't a very big number. Just one,
One is the loneliest number...
george conklin
2007-07-02 21:09:33 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
The same is try for all of the other statistics. It is awfully hard
to go and pull a statistic and try to figure out what it means.
That is the most ignornat, stupid statement ever posted on Usent.
No George. The problem is that you see a number and leap to a
You only want your raw emotions to count.
2007-07-02 21:36:17 UTC
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
The same is try for all of the other statistics. It is awfully hard
to go and pull a statistic and try to figure out what it means.
That is the most ignornat, stupid statement ever posted on Usent.
No George. The problem is that you see a number and leap to a
You only want your raw emotions to count.
Right now, George, I'm writing a research report for a national
organization that I have a research contract with. They don't pay be
to just go get data. Any moron (including you) can go do that. They
pay me to know what the data means and to find the story it tells.
That's the art of it. You need to know what, if anything, it means
and you need to know the limitation of the data -- what's good for
what and what's not good for what.

One of my associates is a data guru for when things get really tough
or really big.
You've never lived until you've debated statistics with someone like
that. You learn more in 10 minutes of debate than you'll learn in a
lifetime of college. What is relevant. What is right. What is
wrong. What statistics are misleading. What doesn't tell enough of a
story. Where is the autocorrelation.

I think that's what you don't understand George. There's more to
numbers than just black and white images on a page. Until you
understand that, you have no business teaching. You just don't know

Well back to work. I need to go trash the 2007 reports I have been
looking at and go back to the 2005 reports. They are much more
relevant. The 2007 methodology is pretty bad. Ugh. I hate it when
that happens....
george conklin
2007-07-05 20:01:53 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
The same is try for all of the other statistics. It is awfully hard
to go and pull a statistic and try to figure out what it means.
That is the most ignornat, stupid statement ever posted on Usent.
No George. The problem is that you see a number and leap to a
You only want your raw emotions to count.
Right now, George, I'm writing a research report for a national
organization that I have a research contract with. They don't pay be
to just go get data. Any moron (including you) can go do that. They
pay me to know what the data means and to find the story it tells.
Oh dear, a story teller. Take it to the English department.
Amy Blankenship
2007-07-05 21:48:24 UTC
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
The same is try for all of the other statistics. It is awfully hard
to go and pull a statistic and try to figure out what it means.
That is the most ignornat, stupid statement ever posted on Usent.
No George. The problem is that you see a number and leap to a
You only want your raw emotions to count.
Right now, George, I'm writing a research report for a national
organization that I have a research contract with. They don't pay be
to just go get data. Any moron (including you) can go do that. They
pay me to know what the data means and to find the story it tells.
Oh dear, a story teller. Take it to the English department.
Yes, my grandmother used to call what you do "telling stories" as well.
2007-07-05 22:06:07 UTC
On Jul 5, 5:48 pm, "Amy Blankenship"
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
The same is try for all of the other statistics. It is awfully hard
to go and pull a statistic and try to figure out what it means.
That is the most ignornat, stupid statement ever posted on Usent.
No George. The problem is that you see a number and leap to a
You only want your raw emotions to count.
Right now, George, I'm writing a research report for a national
organization that I have a research contract with. They don't pay be
to just go get data. Any moron (including you) can go do that. They
pay me to know what the data means and to find the story it tells.
Oh dear, a story teller. Take it to the English department.
Yes, my grandmother used to call what you do "telling stories" as well.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Ms Blankenship, being nice to Conk does NOT work. I will avoid
posting what you don't like out of respect for you. You have to keep
pushing his buttons and do more pushing and hopefully he take a
sabatical from all of the news groups.

You have to make him sweat, and sweat some more. His lying has been
pointed out time and time again. Like the ubiquitous 1c a mile
increase is all the airlines ned to extreme profitability.

Please keep pounding away at Conk and hopefully we can get rid of him.

I should not be the only one pounding on him for lies and damn lies.

Respectfully yours,

2007-07-03 01:12:28 UTC
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
The same is try for all of the other statistics. It is awfully hard
to go and pull a statistic and try to figure out what it means.
That is the most ignornat, stupid statement ever posted on Usent.
No George. The problem is that you see a number and leap to a
You only want your raw emotions to count.





2007-07-03 02:42:04 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
The same is try for all of the other statistics. It is awfully hard
to go and pull a statistic and try to figure out what it means.
That is the most ignornat, stupid statement ever posted on Usent.
No George. The problem is that you see a number and leap to a
You only want your raw emotions to count.
Actually, my latest theory is that George is not really George.
George is probably some nerdy college prof who wouldn't know a N.G. if
it fell on him. George-the-poster is really an evil grad student who
is out to tarnish the real George.

That has replaced my previous theory that it this all part of some
evil sociology experiment that George-the-Sociologist is doing.
Amy Blankenship
2007-07-03 12:36:20 UTC
Post by Pat
Actually, my latest theory is that George is not really George.
George is probably some nerdy college prof who wouldn't know a N.G. if
it fell on him. George-the-poster is really an evil grad student who
is out to tarnish the real George.
That has replaced my previous theory that it this all part of some
evil sociology experiment that George-the-Sociologist is doing.
My theory is that he's really in favor of Smart Growth and New Urbanism, but
is too lazy to do his own research for the book he is writing. So he trolls
on here, getting people to provide him with cites and information he'd
otherwise have to spend a lot of time collecting.
george conklin
2007-07-03 19:23:37 UTC
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by Pat
Actually, my latest theory is that George is not really George.
George is probably some nerdy college prof who wouldn't know a N.G. if
it fell on him. George-the-poster is really an evil grad student who
is out to tarnish the real George.
That has replaced my previous theory that it this all part of some
evil sociology experiment that George-the-Sociologist is doing.
My theory is that he's really in favor of Smart Growth and New Urbanism,
but is too lazy to do his own research for the book he is writing. So he
trolls on here, getting people to provide him with cites and information
he'd otherwise have to spend a lot of time collecting.
What is posted here is mostly a waste of time.
2007-07-03 19:44:53 UTC
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by Pat
Actually, my latest theory is that George is not really George.
George is probably some nerdy college prof who wouldn't know a N.G. if
it fell on him. George-the-poster is really an evil grad student who
is out to tarnish the real George.
That has replaced my previous theory that it this all part of some
evil sociology experiment that George-the-Sociologist is doing.
My theory is that he's really in favor of Smart Growth and New Urbanism,
but is too lazy to do his own research for the book he is writing. So he
trolls on here, getting people to provide him with cites and information
he'd otherwise have to spend a lot of time collecting.
What is posted here is mostly a waste of time.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -



2007-07-05 04:22:25 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by Pat
Actually, my latest theory is that George is not really George.
George is probably some nerdy college prof who wouldn't know a N.G. if
it fell on him. George-the-poster is really an evil grad student who
is out to tarnish the real George.
That has replaced my previous theory that it this all part of some
evil sociology experiment that George-the-Sociologist is doing.
My theory is that he's really in favor of Smart Growth and New Urbanism,
but is too lazy to do his own research for the book he is writing. So he
trolls on here, getting people to provide him with cites and information
he'd otherwise have to spend a lot of time collecting.
What is posted here is mostly a waste of time.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Sooo, I just got back from visiting some extended family in Omaha, and
some parts of Iowa.
Pretty coo, Omaha is a dirty city I must say, but it's cool. and Iowas
not as bad as people make it out to be.
Anyways, Stats, and reality are two different things. To tidy it up a
bit, a team might be the best in the league *on paper*,
meaning just because there the number one team in stats, does not mean
they are going to win the super bowl does it?
So if theres a statistic about 1 out of every 10 inner city kids
join a gang, that does not mean if you round up 10 kids on your block
1 of them is guaranteed to be in a gang. You need to apply human logic
to it. So, an example would be of using logic with stats is using the
fake 1 out of 10 stat I made up, if you went to the Bronx, and went
into some project and started asking around whose In a gang, I'm
guessing most of that 10 you asked is involved in a gang. If you went
to the Plaza Hotel and started asking, Im sure the only kid who would
say yes to being in a gang is the fat kid whose in the chess club.
Do these to these two examples of the opposite extremes prove my
fake stat false? You be the judge.

1 out of every 3 of George's replies will talk about how ignorant you
2007-07-05 17:22:17 UTC
Post by William
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by Pat
Actually, my latest theory is that George is not really George.
George is probably some nerdy college prof who wouldn't know a N.G. if
it fell on him. George-the-poster is really an evil grad student who
is out to tarnish the real George.
That has replaced my previous theory that it this all part of some
evil sociology experiment that George-the-Sociologist is doing.
My theory is that he's really in favor of Smart Growth and New Urbanism,
but is too lazy to do his own research for the book he is writing. So he
trolls on here, getting people to provide him with cites and information
he'd otherwise have to spend a lot of time collecting.
What is posted here is mostly a waste of time.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Sooo, I just got back from visiting some extended family in Omaha, and
some parts of Iowa.
Pretty coo, Omaha is a dirty city I must say, but it's cool. and Iowas
not as bad as people make it out to be.
Anyways, Stats, and reality are two different things. To tidy it up a
bit, a team might be the best in the league *on paper*,
meaning just because there the number one team in stats, does not mean
they are going to win the super bowl does it?
So if theres a statistic about 1 out of every 10 inner city kids
join a gang, that does not mean if you round up 10 kids on your block
1 of them is guaranteed to be in a gang. You need to apply human logic
to it. So, an example would be of using logic with stats is using the
fake 1 out of 10 stat I made up, if you went to the Bronx, and went
into some project and started asking around whose In a gang, I'm
guessing most of that 10 you asked is involved in a gang. If you went
to the Plaza Hotel and started asking, Im sure the only kid who would
say yes to being in a gang is the fat kid whose in the chess club.
Do these to these two examples of the opposite extremes prove my
fake stat false? You be the judge.
1 out of every 3 of George's replies will talk about how ignorant you
are.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Sir, I do not need you to tell me what George says. I can figure that
out for myself very nicely..

I have been around a lot longer then you. He is a liar, damn liar and
twister of stats.
He has NO reputation on this or any other news group. He is in a
death spiral, a free fall. As I said in another post, he is so very
easy to make a fool of. That is the only thing he is good for is
comic relief and I should add wasting everyone's time with lies, damn
lies and twisted stats.

2007-07-05 17:56:53 UTC
Post by William
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by Pat
Actually, my latest theory is that George is not really George.
George is probably some nerdy college prof who wouldn't know a N.G. if
it fell on him. George-the-poster is really an evil grad student who
is out to tarnish the real George.
That has replaced my previous theory that it this all part of some
evil sociology experiment that George-the-Sociologist is doing.
My theory is that he's really in favor of Smart Growth and New Urbanism,
but is too lazy to do his own research for the book he is writing. So he
trolls on here, getting people to provide him with cites and information
he'd otherwise have to spend a lot of time collecting.
What is posted here is mostly a waste of time.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Sooo, I just got back from visiting some extended family in Omaha, and
some parts of Iowa.
Pretty coo, Omaha is a dirty city I must say, but it's cool. and Iowas
not as bad as people make it out to be.
Anyways, Stats, and reality are two different things. To tidy it up a
bit, a team might be the best in the league *on paper*,
meaning just because there the number one team in stats, does not mean
they are going to win the super bowl does it?
So if theres a statistic about 1 out of every 10 inner city kids
join a gang, that does not mean if you round up 10 kids on your block
1 of them is guaranteed to be in a gang. You need to apply human logic
to it. So, an example would be of using logic with stats is using the
fake 1 out of 10 stat I made up, if you went to the Bronx, and went
into some project and started asking around whose In a gang, I'm
guessing most of that 10 you asked is involved in a gang. If you went
to the Plaza Hotel and started asking, Im sure the only kid who would
say yes to being in a gang is the fat kid whose in the chess club.
Do these to these two examples of the opposite extremes prove my
fake stat false? You be the judge.
1 out of every 3 of George's replies will talk about how ignorant you
So what happens if I scare you half-to-death, twice.

Here's a quick course for you.
There are 3 types of numbers: counts, estimates, and projections.
They are not the same.

A count is a physical count. There are 15 kids in your class.
An estimate is sometimes more accurate but isn't a count. There are
180 kids in your school today, but there is typically a 5% absence
rate. The enrollement at your school is probably closer to 180+5%
An project is what the future MIGHT bring. There were 189 kids last
year, 15 graduated, 25 moved, you expect 30 transfers in and the new
1st grade class expects 17 kids. So you project 196 for next year.

Except for very small numbers, nothing is accurate -- not even
counts. A population count is only the count of the population that
you can find. What if you count all of the kids in the classrooms at
one time, but a kid in in the restroom. You might miss him. Or what
if a kid who you thought was absent had really transferred out (or

The project isn't that statistics are not accurate. We know that they
aren't. The problem is people THINKING that they are accurate.
That's the biggest problem.

I'll leave you with question to ponder. Say your city has 1,000,000
in the 1990 Census and the 2000 Census says it has 1,010,000 people.
How much has your city grown by?
2007-07-05 20:04:32 UTC
Post by Pat
The problem with all of the statistics that people cite in this group
is that (a) no statistic is totally accurate (except for tiny
populations) and (2) that they only measure what they measure, not
what YOU THINK they measure.
Some people find a published statistic and cherish it like gold. They
are right because they have "proof". But the proof isn't necessarily
good. The statistic measures something, but often it's hard to tell
Take homelessness, for example. That's pretty straight forward,
right. Of course not. There are HUGE political debates as to what
"homeless" means and how to measure it.
So, William's parents throw him out for excessively high grades. He
goes to live with his favorite priest, Fr. Pius, PhD, OSF, ETC. Fr.
Pius has an large closet under the stairs at the friary and Willy can
stay there. William is not problem and he lives out the school year
there while waiting for his grades to go down so his family accepts
him back. William has no home, no money, no job and no place to live
except under the stairs at the friary. William is homeless, right?
Wrong. He has a place to live. Under the Federal definition of
homeless, William does not quality. He lives at the friary. Under
the Federal definition, you are only homeless if you are living in
some place that is not meant for habitation: a car, under a bridge, on
a sidewalk.
So if you husband beats the shit out of you so you take your 3 kids
and go live with your sister, her husband and their 2 kids over there
in her 2 bedroom apartment, you are NOT homeless.
Back to the debate. There's a huge debate on the definition of
homeless. Many argue that the definition is particularly
restrictive. In the north, there are VERY few homeless because the
early-spring date when the Census is taken. Homeless = dead in
extreme northern climates.
The same is try for all of the other statistics. It is awfully hard
to go and pull a statistic and try to figure out what it means. Often
it does not mean exactly what you think it does.
Even within the Census, it often takes an amount of expertese to
determine if "family" or "household" data is appropriate for any given
Census population projections are also to be taken with a grain of
salt. They are NOT projections based on the population trends
reported in the Census and they are NOT estimates based on re-sampling
geographic areas. They are formulamatic and based on other
demographic data that is nearly unrelated to the Census as you know
So stop hiding in "data" and proof" and use some logic. After all,
42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
Yeah, that's the problem with statistics. The problem without
statistics is that you're arguing a bunch of opinions and anecdotes.
This may be fine, I find it makes for a friendlier debate if both
parties just accept that their opinions are different. Know whatta
george conklin
2007-07-05 20:09:05 UTC
Post by rotten
Post by Pat
So stop hiding in "data" and proof" and use some logic. After all,
42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
Yeah, that's the problem with statistics. The problem without
statistics is that you're arguing a bunch of opinions and anecdotes.
This may be fine, I find it makes for a friendlier debate if both
parties just accept that their opinions are different. Know whatta
Data are not made up on the spot by the census. This is another one of
the usual lies posted on Usenet.
2007-07-05 21:33:21 UTC
Post by george conklin
Post by rotten
Post by Pat
So stop hiding in "data" and proof" and use some logic. After all,
42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
Yeah, that's the problem with statistics. The problem without
statistics is that you're arguing a bunch of opinions and anecdotes.
This may be fine, I find it makes for a friendlier debate if both
parties just accept that their opinions are different. Know whatta
Data are not made up on the spot by the census. This is another one of
the usual lies posted on Usenet.
William, if you are listening please tell Conk all he ever does is
lie, damn lie and twist stats. I apprecets it. He has killed me off,
but I would still like to get thourgh to him. Please tell him I said

I will return the favor. Thanks, Randy
2007-07-05 21:51:32 UTC
Lets start with a clean slate here. Let's start with a real statistic
and go from there.
So heres one, 18% of Minneapolis's population is made up of Blacks.
I will tell you know more. Now tell me, what is implied
within that one statistic?
2007-07-06 00:17:30 UTC
Post by William
Lets start with a clean slate here. Let's start with a real statistic
and go from there.
So heres one, 18% of Minneapolis's population is made up of Blacks.
I will tell you know more. Now tell me, what is implied
within that one statistic?
First off, I'd say that you looked up the wrong statistic. Only about
4.3% of the population is what you would think of as black, making you
the 16th least-black state in the Nation.

The black statistic has huge issues with it.

First off, it is totally incompatible with all previous Censuses due
to a dramatic change in both methodology and ordering of the
questions. So you cannot trend this data with other data.

Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it as black
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't matter.
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and guess what,
it just gets recorded.

Second, if there are two children of the same two parents and they are
asked the same question, there is no certainty that they will answer
it the same. If one parent is white and one is black, one could
answer the question as white, black, mixed or other.

Also, there is no indication here of heritage. Steve Nash, the
basketball player, is from South Africa. His "white" kids
could.should answer it as "africain-american" which would then
classify them as black (if they wrote that in).

Fourth, it is a self-reported answer. What if a person is adopted and
does not know their race? Are they black or italian? Sometimes it's
hard to tell.

Fifth, there's a margin of error on all data. I don't know what it is
for the Census and don't have time to look, but assume it's small, say
2%. The margin of error of the number of black is +/- about 3500
people. That's comparable to the size of the city I live in. So the
reported number of blacks is +/- the population of a village.

Finally, there is a lot of diversity in your state. Hennepin, Ramsey,
Olmstead, Waseca, and Dakota counties are different from the rest.
Due to fear and alienation, it is likely that some of the "whiter"
counties get under-reported due to the fear of discrimination --
someone might not want the enumerator to know that they have a black

This is only a start and all I have time for now.
2007-07-06 00:47:38 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by William
Lets start with a clean slate here. Let's start with a real statistic
and go from there.
So heres one, 18% of Minneapolis's population is made up of Blacks.
I will tell you know more. Now tell me, what is implied
within that one statistic?
First off, I'd say that you looked up the wrong statistic. Only about
4.3% of the population is what you would think of as black, making you
the 16th least-black state in the Nation.
Minneapolis is a state now? Who knew?
2007-07-06 01:07:05 UTC
Post by RJ
Post by Pat
Post by William
Lets start with a clean slate here. Let's start with a real statistic
and go from there.
So heres one, 18% of Minneapolis's population is made up of Blacks.
I will tell you know more. Now tell me, what is implied
within that one statistic?
First off, I'd say that you looked up the wrong statistic. Only about
4.3% of the population is what you would think of as black, making you
the 16th least-black state in the Nation.
Minneapolis is a state now? Who knew?
Ahhh. Yet another error with statistics. ADHD.
george conklin
2007-07-06 01:23:30 UTC
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it as black
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't matter.
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and guess what,
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are carefully discussed
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never attended.
2007-07-06 01:56:53 UTC
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it as black
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't matter.
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and guess what,
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are carefully discussed
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never attended.
Please someone tell George his problem is lying, damn lying and
twisting stats. Please someone point this out to him, I beg of you.

Someone ask Goeorge what prof meetings he attends???

Another damn lie, I am sure.

George needs to be told his reputation is in free fall and he is in a
death spiral. Also tell hime we are severly getting tired of his
endless repitition.

As I have said before he does not know the truth if it slaps himupside
the head.

Thanks, Randy
2007-07-06 02:43:26 UTC
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it as black
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't matter.
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and guess what,
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are carefully discussed
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never attended.
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data that is
often missed, overlooked or ignored by people who are in over their
heads and trying to use data that they don't understand.

This is EXACTLY why I have contended that most statistics do NOT mean
what people think they mean. In this case, "black" does not mean what
you think it means.

First off, this information is NOT "carefully discussed at
professional meetings". The Census does not define race and
categorize anyone. The Census is a self-reporting instrument. You
answer it however you want. There are no racial tests. If you think
you are black, you are black. Period.

There are discussions on methodology and implementation, but the
Census does NOT define race.

Second off, discuss it however you want. It doesn't change the data
or the collection or anything. You can define any race any way you
want. It doesn't matter to the Census.

Third off, here's what the Census says about it:

"Question: How does the Census Bureau define race and ethnicity?

"Answer: Census Bureau complies with the Office of Management and
Budget's standards for maintaining, collecting, and presenting data on
race, which were revised in October 1997. They generally reflect a
social definition of race recognized in this country. They do not
conform to any biological, anthropological or genetic criteria.

"In accordance with the Office of Management and Budget definition of
ethnicity, the Census Bureau provides data for the basic categories in
the OMB standards: Hispanic or Latino and Not Hispanic or Latino. In
general, the Census Bureau defines ethnicity or origin as the
heritage, nationality group, lineage, or country of birth of the
person or the person 's parents or ancestors before their arrival in
the United States. People who identify their origin as Spanish,
Hispanic, or Latino may be of any race.

"According to the revised Office of Management and Budget standards
noted above, race is considered a separate concept from Hispanic
origin (ethnicity) and, wherever possible, separate questions should
be asked on each concept."

Fourthly, this great example shows why interpreting data -- any data
-- requires a lot of skill and knowledge. Just looking a number up
and giving the answer is seldom enough. You need to know what the
number means. That gets back to your contention of "bad education".
I agree with that. I learned most of the stuff I know about
statistics, demographics, and econometrics after I left college.
College teaches you the formulas. It seldom teaches you to interpret
things. Few college kids would ever analyze race and think about what
the whole thing meant and how that impacts the interpretation of it.
I doubt if many students -- or instructors -- would pick up on the
fact that 2000 data is not consistent with pre-2000 data.

Finally, William has to be commended for his question. I don't know
if realized it at the time or not, but it is a great question to look
at the interpretation of data. There are a lot of factors that go
into that simple little question. Good job Billy.
george conklin
2007-07-06 11:49:24 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it as black
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't matter.
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and guess what,
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are carefully discussed
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never attended.
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data that is
often missed,
No it does not.
2007-07-06 14:26:05 UTC
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it as black
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't matter.
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and guess what,
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are carefully discussed
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never attended.
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data that is
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you have
no idea at all. You think you know what it means. You think it's a
simple issue, but it isn't.

But back to William's question, George. If you think it's not a
subtle issue, what can YOU deduce from that one simple sentence. It's
just one statement. Just one fact. What does it mean?

Again, here's a hint for you, George. It does NOT mean that 18% of
the people in Minneapolis are black. No one with even a basic
knowledge of statistics or demographics would think that.
george conklin
2007-07-06 14:31:34 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it as black
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't matter.
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and guess what,
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are carefully discussed
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never attended.
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data that is
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you have
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these subjects and
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
2007-07-06 14:42:36 UTC
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it as black
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't matter.
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and guess what,
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are carefully discussed
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never attended.
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data that is
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you have
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these subjects and
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.

I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.

You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world. You
think you know statistics. You think data is all black and white.
Wake up George. It isn't. Data is only useful if you understand
it .. and from what I see, you don't have a clue.

That's the problem with our educational system today. There are
people like you throwing BS at young minds so that you feel important
and smart. then they go out into the world and find themselves
totally unprepared for reality.

You need to get out into the world and work on some real things. You
need to do something, instead of reading about people doing things.
You need to have your own money at risk. You to know that if you
fail, you don't make any money.

I spend a lot of money having people do studies for me. I get paid to
do different types of studies for other people. There is a constant
flow of information. Seldom, if ever, is anyone interested in
statistics. Hate to tell you that. People are interested in what the
statistics mean. That is where you just don't get it. But it's
understandable because you don't understand the statistics enough to
understand what you don't know.

The most interesting thing is that I posed an original question and
William posed another one. You refuse to address the question. If
you know so much about statistics, then try to answer one of the
questions. William's is pretty simple. Come on, don't be a chicken.
george conklin
2007-07-06 14:49:07 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it as black
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't matter.
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and guess what,
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are carefully discussed
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never attended.
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data that is
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you have
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these subjects and
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical sources. Most
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and understood data
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
2007-07-06 14:56:48 UTC
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it as
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't matter.
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and guess
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are carefully
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never attended.
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data that is
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you have
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these subjects and
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.

I'm betting that you having an idea is just another unsubstantiated
claim you've made.
george conklin
2007-07-06 15:37:01 UTC
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it as
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and guess
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are carefully
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never attended.
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you have
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
2007-07-06 16:08:47 UTC
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are carefully
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never attended.
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you have
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.

Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.

Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.

Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.
2007-07-06 16:39:50 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you have
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
OH MY GAWD, OH MY GAWD, I wish I were that smart.


Without a doubt, the best post I have ever read. Your last post is a
very close second.

Nothing more I can say.

2007-07-06 16:40:55 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you have
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
Jason Pawloski
2007-07-06 17:17:50 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!
2007-07-06 17:34:02 UTC
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!
Oh you didn't get him, but you screwed up the statistics cuz now
you're the 8th poster.

Being now part of the thread, we must now collect data from you. You
must answer the following non-biased, non-directing, and carefully
crafted question.

What do you thing of George's moroness?

A. He is just your run-of-the-mill moron?
B. He is one of the most moronic people I know?
C. He is the king of the morons?
D. One cannot answer the question because he is too moronic to form
an opinion of?
Jason Pawloski
2007-07-06 19:30:19 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!
Oh you didn't get him, but you screwed up the statistics cuz now
you're the 8th poster.
Being now part of the thread, we must now collect data from you. You
must answer the following non-biased, non-directing, and carefully
crafted question.
What do you thing of George's moroness?
A. He is just your run-of-the-mill moron?
B. He is one of the most moronic people I know?
C. He is the king of the morons?
D. One cannot answer the question because he is too moronic to form
an opinion of?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I don't know who you are or what's going on, but generally I side
against Randy since he has shown himself to be illogical and hateful
on just about every issue (note, of course, that he could still be
"right" in a sense and just come across the "right" conclusion through
logical fallacies that somehow cancel each other out. If this is the
case, then I would be on the "wrong" side of the issue).

So to answer your question, none of the above.

A note to Randy, who is reading this 3 seconds after I posted it:
Examine the sentence "If this is the case, then I would be on the
'wrong' side of the issue" which I wrote above. The sentence begins
with an "if," so you know it is a conditional. Since it is a
conditional, I used the conditional word "then" rather than the
comparative word "than."

Randy, I'm going to help you fulfill your dreams of being able to
wield the English language. Then (why did I use "then," and not
"than?") you might not be such a hateful piece of shit.
2007-07-06 20:14:35 UTC
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by Pat
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!
Oh you didn't get him, but you screwed up the statistics cuz now
you're the 8th poster.
Being now part of the thread, we must now collect data from you. You
must answer the following non-biased, non-directing, and carefully
crafted question.
What do you thing of George's moroness?
A. He is just your run-of-the-mill moron?
B. He is one of the most moronic people I know?
C. He is the king of the morons?
D. One cannot answer the question because he is too moronic to form
an opinion of?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I don't know who you are or what's going on, but generally I side
against Randy since he has shown himself to be illogical and hateful
on just about every issue (note, of course, that he could still be
"right" in a sense and just come across the "right" conclusion through
logical fallacies that somehow cancel each other out. If this is the
case, then I would be on the "wrong" side of the issue).
So to answer your question, none of the above.
Examine the sentence "If this is the case, then I would be on the
'wrong' side of the issue" which I wrote above. The sentence begins
with an "if," so you know it is a conditional. Since it is a
conditional, I used the conditional word "then" rather than the
comparative word "than."
Randy, I'm going to help you fulfill your dreams of being able to
wield the English language. Then (why did I use "then," and not
"than?") you might not be such a hateful piece of shit.
Cool, the "an enemy of my enemy is my friend" position.

Also, an "if". Nice to see things in an NG that aren't all black and

Then/than. What's next. It's/its. Or the infamous therefor/therefore.
Amy Blankenship
2007-07-07 01:35:19 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by Jason Pawloski
I don't know who you are or what's going on, but generally I side
against Randy since he has shown himself to be illogical and hateful
on just about every issue (note, of course, that he could still be
"right" in a sense and just come across the "right" conclusion through
logical fallacies that somehow cancel each other out. If this is the
case, then I would be on the "wrong" side of the issue).
So to answer your question, none of the above.
Examine the sentence "If this is the case, then I would be on the
'wrong' side of the issue" which I wrote above. The sentence begins
with an "if," so you know it is a conditional. Since it is a
conditional, I used the conditional word "then" rather than the
comparative word "than."
Randy, I'm going to help you fulfill your dreams of being able to
wield the English language. Then (why did I use "then," and not
"than?") you might not be such a hateful piece of shit.
Cool, the "an enemy of my enemy is my friend" position.
Also, an "if". Nice to see things in an NG that aren't all black and
Then/than. What's next. It's/its. Or the infamous therefor/therefore.
Sit/Set Your/You're There/Their/They're
george conklin
2007-07-06 21:16:22 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could
answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in
person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues
at professional meetings, which you obviously have
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people
like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means"
when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data.
There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!
Oh you didn't get him, but you screwed up the statistics cuz now
you're the 8th poster.
Being now part of the thread, we must now collect data from you. You
must answer the following non-biased, non-directing, and carefully
crafted question.
What do you thing of George's moroness?
A. He is just your run-of-the-mill moron?
No, I am one of the few people with good qualifications posting here. I
know my colleagues tell me to waste my time with fools, but I do anyway.
Amy Blankenship
2007-07-07 01:36:20 UTC
"george conklin" <***@nxu.edu> wrote in message news:Giyji.4582$***@newsread4.news.pas.earthlink.net...
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Being now part of the thread, we must now collect data from you. You
must answer the following non-biased, non-directing, and carefully
crafted question.
What do you thing of George's moroness?
A. He is just your run-of-the-mill moron?
No, I am one of the few people with good qualifications posting here. I
know my colleagues tell me to waste my time with fools, but I do anyway.
The foolishness of your colleagues isn't really your fault, you know.
2007-07-06 19:24:32 UTC
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Oh, ratbite you are just so intelligent, I am just so impressed. But
Pat is so very much smarter then you and very likely will NOT wind up
shot to death like you will, nor will I.

Watch out for those ubiquitous firearms out there in Phoenix.

Oh, you probably have no idea what it means, so look it up.

Jason Pawloski
2007-07-06 19:27:57 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Oh, ratbite you are just so intelligent, I am just so impressed. But
Pat is so very much smarter then you and very likely will NOT wind up
shot to death like you will, nor will I.
"smarter than you." Than is for comparison, then is for conditional
clauses. Since you are making a comparison, you use the comparative
word. I know English is a tricky language, and most people pick up
competent writing styles by high school, but I truly admire how you
keep pursuing the fantasy that you will one day be able to write
eloquently, in spite of the great struggle that I and my Usenet
comrades see daily.

Post by ***@yahoo.com
Watch out for those ubiquitous firearms out there in Phoenix.
Oh, you probably have no idea what it means, so look it up.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
2007-07-06 19:32:11 UTC
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Oh, ratbite you are just so intelligent, I am just so impressed. But
Pat is so very much smarter then you and very likely will NOT wind up
shot to death like you will, nor will I.
"smarter than you." Than is for comparison, then is for conditional
clauses. Since you are making a comparison, you use the comparative
word. I know English is a tricky language, and most people pick up
competent writing styles by high school, but I truly admire how you
keep pursuing the fantasy that you will one day be able to write
eloquently, in spite of the great struggle that I and my Usenet
comrades see daily.
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Watch out for those ubiquitous firearms out there in Phoenix.
Oh, you probably have no idea what it means, so look it up.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Thanks for the English teaching, ratbite. Again, why are you so
concerned with me? I don't need any help from you. You just should
be concerned with the high homicide rates and easy availability of
guns out there in the desert reaches.

I can see your future, death by multiple gunshots, possibly execution
style. Watch out who you hang with.

Jason Pawloski
2007-07-06 19:34:29 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Oh, ratbite you are just so intelligent, I am just so impressed. But
Pat is so very much smarter then you and very likely will NOT wind up
shot to death like you will, nor will I.
"smarter than you." Than is for comparison, then is for conditional
clauses. Since you are making a comparison, you use the comparative
word. I know English is a tricky language, and most people pick up
competent writing styles by high school, but I truly admire how you
keep pursuing the fantasy that you will one day be able to write
eloquently, in spite of the great struggle that I and my Usenet
comrades see daily.
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Watch out for those ubiquitous firearms out there in Phoenix.
Oh, you probably have no idea what it means, so look it up.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Thanks for the English teaching, ratbite. Again, why are you so
concerned with me? I don't need any help from you. You just should
be concerned with the high homicide rates and easy availability of
guns out there in the desert reaches.
I can see your future, death by multiple gunshots, possibly execution
style. Watch out who you hang with.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
You sound like you are getting upset. I am sorry I am bothering you so
much Randy. Perhaps this is indicative of a serious psychological

Anyway, I don't "hang" with anyone. I am a complete loner, aside from
being a welfare leech and dropping out of the 9th grade. I rarely, if
ever, step outside of my house in fact. I usually only do it to get
groceries, but sometimes I'd rather starve.Get your facts straight.
2007-07-06 19:51:49 UTC
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Oh, ratbite you are just so intelligent, I am just so impressed. But
Pat is so very much smarter then you and very likely will NOT wind up
shot to death like you will, nor will I.
"smarter than you." Than is for comparison, then is for conditional
clauses. Since you are making a comparison, you use the comparative
word. I know English is a tricky language, and most people pick up
competent writing styles by high school, but I truly admire how you
keep pursuing the fantasy that you will one day be able to write
eloquently, in spite of the great struggle that I and my Usenet
comrades see daily.
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Watch out for those ubiquitous firearms out there in Phoenix.
Oh, you probably have no idea what it means, so look it up.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Thanks for the English teaching, ratbite. Again, why are you so
concerned with me? I don't need any help from you. You just should
be concerned with the high homicide rates and easy availability of
guns out there in the desert reaches.
I can see your future, death by multiple gunshots, possibly execution
style. Watch out who you hang with.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
You sound like you are getting upset. I am sorry I am bothering you so
much Randy. Perhaps this is indicative of a serious psychological
Anyway, I don't "hang" with anyone. I am a complete loner, aside from
being a welfare leech and dropping out of the 9th grade. I rarely, if
ever, step outside of my house in fact. I usually only do it to get
groceries, but sometimes I'd rather starve.Get your facts straight.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I already said ratbite I am having such a good time. You ought to get
better reading skills.

There is a heavy suicide rate esp in NV. Maybe you should get
professional help if you are such a loner and have access to multiple

2007-07-06 20:23:58 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Oh, ratbite you are just so intelligent, I am just so impressed. But
Pat is so very much smarter then you and very likely will NOT wind up
shot to death like you will, nor will I.
Watch out for those ubiquitous firearms out there in Phoenix.
Oh, you probably have no idea what it means, so look it up.
I don't know about that whole "shot to death" thing. There are a lot
of guns out here by/on the Rez, too, -- including the one I have here
in my desk draw. I don't know why I keep it there, but maybe now I'm
finding out.

As for the whole "Pat is so smart" thing. That's pretty funny. I
wish I were half as smart as you think. Heck, I wish I were half as
smart as I think. Heck, I wish I were half smart. As we say around
here, "sometimes even a blind squirrel finds an acorn".

As for George, we would say "it's easy to box with a blind man".

(oh shoot, now I'm confused if it's "its" or "it's". I can't take the
2007-07-06 20:28:54 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Oh, ratbite you are just so intelligent, I am just so impressed. But
Pat is so very much smarter then you and very likely will NOT wind up
shot to death like you will, nor will I.
Watch out for those ubiquitous firearms out there in Phoenix.
Oh, you probably have no idea what it means, so look it up.
I don't know about that whole "shot to death" thing. There are a lot
of guns out here by/on the Rez, too, -- including the one I have here
in my desk draw. I don't know why I keep it there, but maybe now I'm
finding out.
As for the whole "Pat is so smart" thing. That's pretty funny. I
wish I were half as smart as you think. Heck, I wish I were half as
smart as I think. Heck, I wish I were half smart. As we say around
here, "sometimes even a blind squirrel finds an acorn".
As for George, we would say "it's easy to box with a blind man".
(oh shoot, now I'm confused if it's "its" or "it's". I can't take the
pressure.)- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Still, I give you credit for some of the best posts I have ever read.
Best thing is to ignore ratbite. He could not find the rez you are
talking about with a guide dog and a map. He cannot even read a map.

Jason Pawloski
2007-07-06 20:30:37 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Oh, ratbite you are just so intelligent, I am just so impressed. But
Pat is so very much smarter then you and very likely will NOT wind up
shot to death like you will, nor will I.
Watch out for those ubiquitous firearms out there in Phoenix.
Oh, you probably have no idea what it means, so look it up.
I don't know about that whole "shot to death" thing. There are a lot
of guns out here by/on the Rez, too, -- including the one I have here
in my desk draw. I don't know why I keep it there, but maybe now I'm
finding out.
As for the whole "Pat is so smart" thing. That's pretty funny. I
wish I were half as smart as you think. Heck, I wish I were half as
smart as I think. Heck, I wish I were half smart. As we say around
here, "sometimes even a blind squirrel finds an acorn".
As for George, we would say "it's easy to box with a blind man".
(oh shoot, now I'm confused if it's "its" or "it's". I can't take the
pressure.)- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Still, I give you credit for some of the best posts I have ever read.
Best thing is to ignore ratbite. He could not find the rez you are
talking about with a guide dog and a map. He cannot even read a map.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Don't respond to this comment.
2007-07-06 20:37:45 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Oh, ratbite you are just so intelligent, I am just so impressed. But
Pat is so very much smarter then you and very likely will NOT wind up
shot to death like you will, nor will I.
Watch out for those ubiquitous firearms out there in Phoenix.
Oh, you probably have no idea what it means, so look it up.
I don't know about that whole "shot to death" thing. There are a lot
of guns out here by/on the Rez, too, -- including the one I have here
in my desk draw. I don't know why I keep it there, but maybe now I'm
finding out.
As for the whole "Pat is so smart" thing. That's pretty funny. I
wish I were half as smart as you think. Heck, I wish I were half as
smart as I think. Heck, I wish I were half smart. As we say around
here, "sometimes even a blind squirrel finds an acorn".
As for George, we would say "it's easy to box with a blind man".
(oh shoot, now I'm confused if it's "its" or "it's". I can't take the
pressure.)- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Still, I give you credit for some of the best posts I have ever read.
Best thing is to ignore ratbite. He could not find the rez you are
talking about with a guide dog and a map. He cannot even read a map.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Don't respond to this comment.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
What, are you worried about it ratbite? I know where Pat is from. I
have been there plenty of times. You on the other hand could not find
you way out of the desert w/out a guide dog and a map. Oh, I forgot
you cannot read a map.

You have trouble reading period.

And watch out for the homicide rate out there in the desert. Like I
said, there were shootings at New York, New York in Vegas.

That is the way you are going to die, I am so sure of it I would go to
AC with those odds, I would win millions.

Jason Pawloski
2007-07-06 20:39:16 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Oh, ratbite you are just so intelligent, I am just so impressed. But
Pat is so very much smarter then you and very likely will NOT wind up
shot to death like you will, nor will I.
Watch out for those ubiquitous firearms out there in Phoenix.
Oh, you probably have no idea what it means, so look it up.
I don't know about that whole "shot to death" thing. There are a lot
of guns out here by/on the Rez, too, -- including the one I have here
in my desk draw. I don't know why I keep it there, but maybe now I'm
finding out.
As for the whole "Pat is so smart" thing. That's pretty funny. I
wish I were half as smart as you think. Heck, I wish I were half as
smart as I think. Heck, I wish I were half smart. As we say around
here, "sometimes even a blind squirrel finds an acorn".
As for George, we would say "it's easy to box with a blind man".
(oh shoot, now I'm confused if it's "its" or "it's". I can't take the
pressure.)- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Still, I give you credit for some of the best posts I have ever read.
Best thing is to ignore ratbite. He could not find the rez you are
talking about with a guide dog and a map. He cannot even read a map.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Don't respond to this comment.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
What, are you worried about it ratbite? I know where Pat is from. I
have been there plenty of times. You on the other hand could not find
you way out of the desert w/out a guide dog and a map. Oh, I forgot
you cannot read a map.
You have trouble reading period.
And watch out for the homicide rate out there in the desert. Like I
said, there were shootings at New York, New York in Vegas.
That is the way you are going to die, I am so sure of it I would go to
AC with those odds, I would win millions.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Don't respond to this comment.
2007-07-06 20:48:36 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Oh, ratbite you are just so intelligent, I am just so impressed. But
Pat is so very much smarter then you and very likely will NOT wind up
shot to death like you will, nor will I.
Watch out for those ubiquitous firearms out there in Phoenix.
Oh, you probably have no idea what it means, so look it up.
I don't know about that whole "shot to death" thing. There are a lot
of guns out here by/on the Rez, too, -- including the one I have here
in my desk draw. I don't know why I keep it there, but maybe now I'm
finding out.
As for the whole "Pat is so smart" thing. That's pretty funny. I
wish I were half as smart as you think. Heck, I wish I were half as
smart as I think. Heck, I wish I were half smart. As we say around
here, "sometimes even a blind squirrel finds an acorn".
As for George, we would say "it's easy to box with a blind man".
(oh shoot, now I'm confused if it's "its" or "it's". I can't take the
pressure.)- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Still, I give you credit for some of the best posts I have ever read.
Best thing is to ignore ratbite. He could not find the rez you are
talking about with a guide dog and a map. He cannot even read a map.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Don't respond to this comment.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
What, are you worried about it ratbite? I know where Pat is from. I
have been there plenty of times. You on the other hand could not find
you way out of the desert w/out a guide dog and a map. Oh, I forgot
you cannot read a map.
You have trouble reading period.
And watch out for the homicide rate out there in the desert. Like I
said, there were shootings at New York, New York in Vegas.
That is the way you are going to die, I am so sure of it I would go to
AC with those odds, I would win millions.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Don't respond to this comment.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Ratbite, you are so worried. Maybe if you had a life, nah this is not
possible for someone like you.

You are like Jackie Baby and Conk a scared little boy.

Wonder where the next big shooting will be in Vegas. Plenty of guns
all over out there.

And why are you telling another poster what to do. What are you
running mtr like some of the other buffoons? It is unmoderated,
although I am sure you have NO idea what that means.

It means it is free and anyone can post anything they want even if
they are a complete idiot and in fear for his very life like you.

Oh, ratbite, you have no future except a multiple shooting, sooner
then you think. Dying in a pool of you own blood, that is your

Jason Pawloski
2007-07-06 20:54:48 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Oh, ratbite you are just so intelligent, I am just so impressed. But
Pat is so very much smarter then you and very likely will NOT wind up
shot to death like you will, nor will I.
Watch out for those ubiquitous firearms out there in Phoenix.
Oh, you probably have no idea what it means, so look it up.
I don't know about that whole "shot to death" thing. There are a lot
of guns out here by/on the Rez, too, -- including the one I have here
in my desk draw. I don't know why I keep it there, but maybe now I'm
finding out.
As for the whole "Pat is so smart" thing. That's pretty funny. I
wish I were half as smart as you think. Heck, I wish I were half as
smart as I think. Heck, I wish I were half smart. As we say around
here, "sometimes even a blind squirrel finds an acorn".
As for George, we would say "it's easy to box with a blind man".
(oh shoot, now I'm confused if it's "its" or "it's". I can't take the
pressure.)- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Still, I give you credit for some of the best posts I have ever read.
Best thing is to ignore ratbite. He could not find the rez you are
talking about with a guide dog and a map. He cannot even read a map.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Don't respond to this comment.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
What, are you worried about it ratbite? I know where Pat is from. I
have been there plenty of times. You on the other hand could not find
you way out of the desert w/out a guide dog and a map. Oh, I forgot
you cannot read a map.
You have trouble reading period.
And watch out for the homicide rate out there in the desert. Like I
said, there were shootings at New York, New York in Vegas.
That is the way you are going to die, I am so sure of it I would go to
AC with those odds, I would win millions.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Don't respond to this comment.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Ratbite, you are so worried. Maybe if you had a life, nah this is not
possible for someone like you.
You are like Jackie Baby and Conk a scared little boy.
Wonder where the next big shooting will be in Vegas. Plenty of guns
all over out there.
And why are you telling another poster what to do. What are you
running mtr like some of the other buffoons? It is unmoderated,
although I am sure you have NO idea what that means.
It means it is free and anyone can post anything they want even if
they are a complete idiot and in fear for his very life like you.
Oh, ratbite, you have no future except a multiple shooting, sooner
then you think. Dying in a pool of you own blood, that is your
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Don't respond to this comment.
Mr Sparkle
2007-07-06 20:58:13 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Oh, ratbite you are just so intelligent, I am just so impressed. But
Pat is so very much smarter then you and very likely will NOT wind up
shot to death like you will, nor will I.
Watch out for those ubiquitous firearms out there in Phoenix.
Oh, you probably have no idea what it means, so look it up.
I don't know about that whole "shot to death" thing. There are a lot
of guns out here by/on the Rez, too, -- including the one I have here
in my desk draw. I don't know why I keep it there, but maybe now I'm
finding out.
As for the whole "Pat is so smart" thing. That's pretty funny. I
wish I were half as smart as you think. Heck, I wish I were half as
smart as I think. Heck, I wish I were half smart. As we say around
here, "sometimes even a blind squirrel finds an acorn".
As for George, we would say "it's easy to box with a blind man".
(oh shoot, now I'm confused if it's "its" or "it's". I can't take the
pressure.)- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Still, I give you credit for some of the best posts I have ever read.
Best thing is to ignore ratbite. He could not find the rez you are
talking about with a guide dog and a map. He cannot even read a map.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Don't respond to this comment.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
What, are you worried about it ratbite? I know where Pat is from. I
have been there plenty of times. You on the other hand could not find
you way out of the desert w/out a guide dog and a map. Oh, I forgot
you cannot read a map.
You have trouble reading period.
And watch out for the homicide rate out there in the desert. Like I
said, there were shootings at New York, New York in Vegas.
That is the way you are going to die, I am so sure of it I would go to
AC with those odds, I would win millions.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Don't respond to this comment.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Ratbite, you are so worried. Maybe if you had a life, nah this is not
possible for someone like you.
That's odd, posting as frequently as you one would think you don;t
have a life either?
Post by ***@yahoo.com
You are like Jackie Baby and Conk a scared little boy.
Wonder where the next big shooting will be in Vegas. Plenty of guns
all over out there.
And why are you telling another poster what to do. What are you
running mtr like some of the other buffoons? It is unmoderated,
although I am sure you have NO idea what that means.
It means it is free and anyone can post anything they want even if
they are a complete idiot and in fear for his very life like you.
Oh, ratbite, you have no future except a multiple shooting, sooner
then you think. Dying in a pool of you own blood, that is your
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Jason Pawloski
2007-07-06 21:01:28 UTC
Post by Mr Sparkle
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Oh, ratbite you are just so intelligent, I am just so impressed. But
Pat is so very much smarter then you and very likely will NOT wind up
shot to death like you will, nor will I.
Watch out for those ubiquitous firearms out there in Phoenix.
Oh, you probably have no idea what it means, so look it up.
I don't know about that whole "shot to death" thing. There are a lot
of guns out here by/on the Rez, too, -- including the one I have here
in my desk draw. I don't know why I keep it there, but maybe now I'm
finding out.
As for the whole "Pat is so smart" thing. That's pretty funny. I
wish I were half as smart as you think. Heck, I wish I were half as
smart as I think. Heck, I wish I were half smart. As we say around
here, "sometimes even a blind squirrel finds an acorn".
As for George, we would say "it's easy to box with a blind man".
(oh shoot, now I'm confused if it's "its" or "it's". I can't take the
pressure.)- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Still, I give you credit for some of the best posts I have ever read.
Best thing is to ignore ratbite. He could not find the rez you are
talking about with a guide dog and a map. He cannot even read a map.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Don't respond to this comment.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
What, are you worried about it ratbite? I know where Pat is from. I
have been there plenty of times. You on the other hand could not find
you way out of the desert w/out a guide dog and a map. Oh, I forgot
you cannot read a map.
You have trouble reading period.
And watch out for the homicide rate out there in the desert. Like I
said, there were shootings at New York, New York in Vegas.
That is the way you are going to die, I am so sure of it I would go to
AC with those odds, I would win millions.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Don't respond to this comment.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Ratbite, you are so worried. Maybe if you had a life, nah this is not
possible for someone like you.
That's odd, posting as frequently as you one would think you don;t
have a life either?
Post by ***@yahoo.com
You are like Jackie Baby and Conk a scared little boy.
Wonder where the next big shooting will be in Vegas. Plenty of guns
all over out there.
And why are you telling another poster what to do. What are you
read more �- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
And, in my defense, I have had to constantly run simulations at work
today, each of which takes a minute or so. Which is prime Randy-
baiting opportunity.
Amy Blankenship
2007-07-07 01:40:08 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com
You are like Jackie Baby and Conk a scared little boy.
Wonder where the next big shooting will be in Vegas. Plenty of guns
all over out there.
And why are you telling another poster what to do. What are you
read more »- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
And, in my defense, I have had to constantly run simulations at work
today, each of which takes a minute or so. Which is prime Randy-
baiting opportunity.


We all succumb to the temptation to explore our inner crackpot sooner or
2007-07-06 21:01:37 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Oh, ratbite you are just so intelligent, I am just so impressed. But
Pat is so very much smarter then you and very likely will NOT wind up
shot to death like you will, nor will I.
Watch out for those ubiquitous firearms out there in Phoenix.
Oh, you probably have no idea what it means, so look it up.
I don't know about that whole "shot to death" thing. There are a lot
of guns out here by/on the Rez, too, -- including the one I have here
in my desk draw. I don't know why I keep it there, but maybe now I'm
finding out.
As for the whole "Pat is so smart" thing. That's pretty funny. I
wish I were half as smart as you think. Heck, I wish I were half as
smart as I think. Heck, I wish I were half smart. As we say around
here, "sometimes even a blind squirrel finds an acorn".
As for George, we would say "it's easy to box with a blind man".
(oh shoot, now I'm confused if it's "its" or "it's". I can't take the
pressure.)- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Still, I give you credit for some of the best posts I have ever read.
Best thing is to ignore ratbite. He could not find the rez you are
talking about with a guide dog and a map. He cannot even read a map.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Don't respond to this comment.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
What, are you worried about it ratbite? I know where Pat is from. I
have been there plenty of times. You on the other hand could not find
you way out of the desert w/out a guide dog and a map. Oh, I forgot
you cannot read a map.
You have trouble reading period.
And watch out for the homicide rate out there in the desert. Like I
said, there were shootings at New York, New York in Vegas.
That is the way you are going to die, I am so sure of it I would go to
AC with those odds, I would win millions.
Randy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Don't respond to this comment.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Ratbite, you are so worried. Maybe if you had a life, nah this is not
possible for someone like you.
You are like Jackie Baby and Conk a scared little boy.
Wonder where the next big shooting will be in Vegas. Plenty of guns
all over out there.
And why are you telling another poster what to do. What are you
running mtr like some of the other buffoons? It is unmoderated,
although I am sure you have NO idea what that means.
It means it is free and anyone can post anything they want even if
they are a complete idiot and in fear for his very life like you.
Oh, ratbite, you have no future except a multiple shooting, sooner
then you think. Dying in a pool of you own blood, that is your
george conklin
2007-07-06 21:15:19 UTC
Post by Jason Pawloski
Post by ***@yahoo.com
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could
answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people
like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
This post has to be read by everyone
So, what everyone else learned in 9th grade statistics is a revelation
to you? Gotcha!
Yes, I suggested she read the Helen Ladd in the original form, but she
declined. Or that she write an article to "Urban Studies" to refute Helen
Ladd, but she refused. In the meantime, the review I published actually
included a copy of one of the original figures and tables. No
misintrepretation here.
Amy Blankenship
2007-07-06 16:46:17 UTC
Post by george conklin
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
Post by george conklin
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
Here's an example: There are 7 people who have posted in this
thread. 6 of them think you're a moron. So, obviously 85% of the
people here think you're a moron. By your analysis, George, that
PROVES that you're a moron. That's what you get when you take
statistics on the face of it.
Interestingly, he's where I'd have to come to your defense. I'd have
to say that it doesn't prove that you're a moron. It merely proves
that people THINK you're a moron. Your moroness would have to be
proved separately. The statistic merely illuminates people's
perception of you and indicates a likeliness that you are a moron.
Now, if Amy goes and counts the number of people who have posted and
counts the number who think that you're a moron, I can say that this
analysis has been Peer Reviewed and it will have the same credibility
as the rag you publish.
You've completely failed to take into account all the other threads that he
is participating in now and has participated in in the past. My estimate
without actually counting is that it would ultimately be roughly 80%. But
that's an unsubstantiated claim. I wonder if Google has some kind of
newsgroup aggregator tool that allows you to figure out how big a moron
people on Usenet in general think a particular individual is.
george conklin
2007-07-06 21:13:09 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you have
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
It does not mean we need your emotional interpretations. There are many
people involved in census work, and I suggest once again you try Demography
Amy Blankenship
2007-07-07 01:41:08 UTC
"george conklin" <***@nxu.edu> wrote in message news:Ffyji.4580$***@newsread4.news.pas.earthlink.net...
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
It does not mean we need your emotional interpretations. There are many
people involved in census work, and I suggest once again you try
Demography 101
George hates emotions.
Sancho Panza
2007-07-08 18:24:00 UTC
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
It does not mean we need your emotional interpretations. There are many
people involved in census work, and I suggest once again you try
Demography 101
George hates emotions.
Written by a true psychoanalyst wannabee.
2007-07-09 03:30:34 UTC
Post by Sancho Panza
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
It does not mean we need your emotional interpretations. There are many
people involved in census work, and I suggest once again you try
Demography 101
George hates emotions.
Written by a true psychoanalyst wannabee.
No, it's true. I quote George:

"Proof is never more of your personal opinions. You need
census data,
studies and references"

"You need to start studying something other than your own base

"No they are not. You are simply posting your ideology with no
proof except your own emotions"

"You just have emotions, as in "the rural is perfect." Ha Ha Ha"

"You are on confused teenager. You obviously have read very little
pride yourself on that and you admire that in others. You think being
ignorant makes you feel human"

No joke, George Hates emotions.
george conklin
2007-07-09 11:57:07 UTC
Post by William
Post by Sancho Panza
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
It does not mean we need your emotional interpretations. There are many
people involved in census work, and I suggest once again you try
Demography 101
George hates emotions.
Written by a true psychoanalyst wannabee.
"Proof is never more of your personal opinions. You need
census data,
studies and references"
"You need to start studying something other than your own base
"No they are not. You are simply posting your ideology with no
proof except your own emotions"
"You just have emotions, as in "the rural is perfect." Ha Ha Ha"
"You are on confused teenager. You obviously have read very little
pride yourself on that and you admire that in others. You think being
ignorant makes you feel human"
No joke, George Hates emotions.
There is no such thing as emotional statistics. Sorry about that. Nor are
there pious statistics.
2007-07-09 13:33:05 UTC
Post by george conklin
Post by William
Post by Sancho Panza
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
It does not mean we need your emotional interpretations. There are many
people involved in census work, and I suggest once again you try
Demography 101
George hates emotions.
Written by a true psychoanalyst wannabee.
"Proof is never more of your personal opinions. You need
census data,
studies and references"
"You need to start studying something other than your own base
"No they are not. You are simply posting your ideology with no
proof except your own emotions"
"You just have emotions, as in "the rural is perfect." Ha Ha Ha"
"You are on confused teenager. You obviously have read very little
pride yourself on that and you admire that in others. You think being
ignorant makes you feel human"
No joke, George Hates emotions.
There is no such thing as emotional statistics. Sorry about that. Nor are
there pious statistics.
Yet another classic heartless robotic statement coming from the Conk
If you were a psychologist you would never believe your patients were
having any problems because their primarily based on intangible and
emotional problems. You would also make a bad socialologist because
you would never be able to get past the statistics and into the brains
of the people you were studying.
Amy Blankenship
2007-07-09 14:12:07 UTC
Post by William
Post by Sancho Panza
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
It does not mean we need your emotional interpretations. There are many
people involved in census work, and I suggest once again you try
Demography 101
George hates emotions.
Written by a true psychoanalyst wannabee.
"Proof is never more of your personal opinions. You need
census data,
studies and references"
"You need to start studying something other than your own base
"No they are not. You are simply posting your ideology with no
proof except your own emotions"
"You just have emotions, as in "the rural is perfect." Ha Ha Ha"
"You are on confused teenager. You obviously have read very little
pride yourself on that and you admire that in others. You think being
ignorant makes you feel human"
No joke, George Hates emotions.
<Sigh> Actually, it was a joke. Apparently too subtle for this crowd.
Hint: hate _is_ an emotion.
2007-07-09 14:50:52 UTC
On Jul 9, 9:12 am, "Amy Blankenship"
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by William
Post by Sancho Panza
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
It does not mean we need your emotional interpretations. There are many
people involved in census work, and I suggest once again you try
Demography 101
George hates emotions.
Written by a true psychoanalyst wannabee.
"Proof is never more of your personal opinions. You need
census data,
studies and references"
"You need to start studying something other than your own base
"No they are not. You are simply posting your ideology with no
proof except your own emotions"
"You just have emotions, as in "the rural is perfect." Ha Ha Ha"
"You are on confused teenager. You obviously have read very little
pride yourself on that and you admire that in others. You think being
ignorant makes you feel human"
No joke, George Hates emotions.
<Sigh> Actually, it was a joke. Apparently too subtle for this crowd.
Hint: hate _is_ an emotion.
Hate is more of an action, it's something you do.
Anger is an emotion. Anyways, George got smoked in my past
Amy Blankenship
2007-07-09 15:35:01 UTC
Post by William
On Jul 9, 9:12 am, "Amy Blankenship"
Post by William
Post by Amy Blankenship
<Sigh> Actually, it was a joke. Apparently too subtle for this crowd.
Hint: hate _is_ an emotion.
Hate is more of an action, it's something you do.
Anger is an emotion. Anyways, George got smoked in my past
2007-07-09 20:30:16 UTC
On Jul 9, 10:35 am, "Amy Blankenship"
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by William
On Jul 9, 9:12 am, "Amy Blankenship"
Post by William
Post by Amy Blankenship
<Sigh> Actually, it was a joke. Apparently too subtle for this crowd.
Hint: hate _is_ an emotion.
Hate is more of an action, it's something you do.
Anger is an emotion. Anyways, George got smoked in my past
Wow I just got smoked.

2007-07-07 02:41:20 UTC
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world.
Actually we have very good estimates of errors of offical
sources. Most
Post by george conklin
of us had your ideas before we took demography courses and
understood data
Post by george conklin
processing. You don't know either and pretend you do. Sad.
George, I doubt that you've ever had an original idea in your life. If
you have, let us know what it was. Just one please. We'd like to
know what it is.
We have very good estimates of the accuracy of census data. There are
people who concentrate in that subject. Most of us went through your stage
of analysis at age 18. I keep waiting for you to grow up. We even have
good estimates for the accuracy of census data in some third-world nations.
I suggest you do some serious studying in place of posting silly comments
which suppose you have just discovered error estimates. You should enroll
in Demography 101 somewhere.
Ha ha. George. The problem is that someone might have once told you
about error. But you don't understand it. In fact, I am not really
talking about sampling error. That's one little part of it. My point,
which you refuse to understand, is that just because you have a
statistic, it doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means ...
esp. what YOU think it means.
It does not mean we need your emotional interpretations. There are many
people involved in census work, and I suggest once again you try Demography
Demography 101? Not if someone like you is taking it. I would only
want to take it if (a) I could learn something and (b) the information
was right. If you taught it, I'm sure I'd learn something, it's just
too bad it isn't right.

The thing is, George, with all of your insults and attempts to
belittle people, you exhibit the characteristics of someone who has
lost and argument, knows they have lost the argument, but who wants to
keep on arguing anyway. It's like a kid throwing a tantrum on the

As for Demography 101, when I stopped taking stat course it was at the
600 level. Actually it was all pretty cool stuff. Calculus-based
stats is another world but the multi-dimensional stats were pretty
neat. It's really neat when it hits 3 dimensions and you have to
graph it.

Anyway back to the subject. If you thing the Census is 100% Gospel
truth, it is totally unbiased and a-political, plus it needs no
interpretation -- then we have nothing left to discuss. You are just
wrong and we can end it there.

Meanwhile, the dudes over at the Census will continue to deal with
sampling v. estimates for the next congressional redistricting. Oh,
but I guess that's not political. And they will continue to deal with
an absurd definition of homelessness that is intentionally designed to
under count the problem. Oh, but I guess that's not political. Plus
it will also have to continue to deal with the under count of minority
groups and rural folks. But I guess that's not political.

George, it's must be nice to live in academia where reality doesn't
matter and everything is as perfect as you want it to be.
2007-07-06 15:57:00 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it as black
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't matter.
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and guess what,
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are carefully
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never attended.
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data that is
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you have
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these subjects and
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
No George, again you miss the point.
I have probably read as much of the Census's tech doc as most people
in the field -- and obviously more than you.
You sit in your faded ivory tower and think you know the world. You
think you know statistics. You think data is all black and white.
Wake up George. It isn't. Data is only useful if you understand
it .. and from what I see, you don't have a clue.
That's the problem with our educational system today. There are
people like you throwing BS at young minds so that you feel important
and smart. then they go out into the world and find themselves
totally unprepared for reality.
You need to get out into the world and work on some real things. You
need to do something, instead of reading about people doing things.
You need to have your own money at risk. You to know that if you
fail, you don't make any money.
I spend a lot of money having people do studies for me. I get paid to
do different types of studies for other people. There is a constant
flow of information. Seldom, if ever, is anyone interested in
statistics. Hate to tell you that. People are interested in what the
statistics mean. That is where you just don't get it. But it's
understandable because you don't understand the statistics enough to
understand what you don't know.
The most interesting thing is that I posed an original question and
William posed another one. You refuse to address the question. If
you know so much about statistics, then try to answer one of the
questions. William's is pretty simple. Come on, don't be a chicken.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Pat, this is maybe the most exquisite post I have ever read dealing
with Conk. I wish i was that smart. My hat is off to you.

Please, please keep pounding on the liar and fact twister.

2007-07-07 01:40:16 UTC
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it as black
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't matter.
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and guess what,
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are carefully discussed
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never attended.
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data that is
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you have
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these subjects and
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
Let me get this straight, you complain about Pat not using enough
statistics to back up his cases, a fair point, but now
your saying he can't use them because he decided that "data
processing" might be a tad bit dry of a subject to major in?
So you need to spend 120 Grand on four years of school
before your can discuss statistics and data with superiors like
2007-07-07 02:29:41 UTC
Post by William
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it as black
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't matter.
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and guess what,
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are carefully
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never attended.
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data that is
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you have
no idea at all.
You need to read some of the professional literature on these subjects and
stop pretending you have an educaiton in data processing.
Let me get this straight, you complain about Pat not using enough
statistics to back up his cases, a fair point, but now
your saying he can't use them because he decided that "data
processing" might be a tad bit dry of a subject to major in?
So you need to spend 120 Grand on four years of school
before your can discuss statistics and data with superiors like
I'd hate to tell George this, but I bet I've taken more statistics/
econometrics/demographic courses than he has.
Amy Blankenship
2007-07-06 14:29:55 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it as black
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't matter.
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and guess what,
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are carefully discussed
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never attended.
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data that is
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you have
no idea at all. You think you know what it means. You think it's a
simple issue, but it isn't.
But back to William's question, George. If you think it's not a
subtle issue, what can YOU deduce from that one simple sentence. It's
just one statement. Just one fact. What does it mean?
Again, here's a hint for you, George. It does NOT mean that 18% of
the people in Minneapolis are black. No one with even a basic
knowledge of statistics or demographics would think that.
Someone on here used to have a sig to the effect that it's almost impossible
to get someone to understand a concept if their job depends on their _not_
understanding it.
george conklin
2007-07-06 14:47:36 UTC
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it as black
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't matter.
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and guess what,
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are carefully discussed
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never attended.
Great answer George. It clearly shows the subtleness of data that is
often missed,
No it does not.
It does George. Trust on this one. It is just that people like you
look at it and say "Black, okay, I know what that means" when you have
no idea at all. You think you know what it means. You think it's a
simple issue, but it isn't.
But back to William's question, George. If you think it's not a
subtle issue, what can YOU deduce from that one simple sentence. It's
just one statement. Just one fact. What does it mean?
Again, here's a hint for you, George. It does NOT mean that 18% of
the people in Minneapolis are black. No one with even a basic
knowledge of statistics or demographics would think that.
Someone on here used to have a sig to the effect that it's almost
impossible to get someone to understand a concept if their job depends on
their _not_ understanding it.
Most of us went through this stage when we were 18 and had not yet studied
demography. When will you grow up?
2007-07-06 02:49:29 UTC
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it as black
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't matter.
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and guess what,
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are carefully discussed
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never attended.
... and one more thing, George. I'll tell you what it DOESN'T mean.
It clearly does NOT mean that "18% of Minneapolis's population is made
up of Blacks". At best, it means that within a certain likelihood,
that somewhere between say 17.6% and 18.4% of the population that the
Census estimated was there (based on who they could find) decided to
classify themselves as black, on that day.
2007-07-07 01:34:30 UTC
Post by george conklin
Post by Pat
Second, there is no definition of black. You could answer it as black
if you'd like -- assuming that you are not. It just doesn't matter.
A lilly white person could answer by mail or in person and guess what,
it just gets recorded.
Your problem is bad education. All these issues are carefully discussed
at professional meetings, which you obviously have never attended.
Yeah Pat, I mean I never see you at those meetings come on!
There Mon-Fri starting a 8:00 and on Sundays at 7:30.
This place reeks with ignorance, and uneducated people who
don't even attend daily statistic discussion meetings!
2007-07-06 03:16:48 UTC
Post by William
Lets start with a clean slate here. Let's start with a real statistic
and go from there.
So heres one, 18% of Minneapolis's population is made up of Blacks.
I will tell you know more. Now tell me, what is implied
within that one statistic?
Bill. If you want to read something that is quite fascinating, look
esp. chapter 8 re data error.

Here's one excerpt that might illuminate the Census for you.
Data Swapping
Data swapping is a method of disclosure limitation designed to protect
confidentiality in tables
of frequency data (the number or percentage of the population with
certain characteristics). Data
swapping is done by editing the source data or exchanging records for
a sample of cases when
creating a table. A sample of households is selected and matched on a
set of selected key variables
with households in neighboring geographic areas that have similar
characteristics (such as
the same number of adults and same number of children). Because the
swap often occurs within a
neighboring area, there is no effect on the marginal totals for the
area or for totals that include
data from multiple areas. Because of data swapping, users should not
assume that tables with
cells having a value of one or two reveal information about specific

Remember when George said that the Census doesn't just make things
up? Well, they do, sort of. They change numbers to protect

They also correct data. What is the population of your state? It
depends on which version of the Census you look at. They've corrected
2007-07-07 12:36:16 UTC
Post by Pat
The problem with all of the statistics that people cite in this group
is that (a) no statistic is totally accurate (except for tiny
populations) and (2) that they only measure what they measure, not
what YOU THINK they measure.
(1) Statistics of a entire(closed) population are totally accurate
(for that time period);
however, most statistic the general public reads about and that are
in various studies are estimated statistics using sample population -
statistical findings always have confidence levels ( an accuracy
rating) associated
with them.

(2) In order to know how to inteprete a statistic study's statistical
one must read and understand the study's statistical methodology which
create by the study's authors before the data was collected. The
study's authors
should also provide an error statement and a conclusion statement
cover the quality of the data collected, the completeness of the
and the value of any statistical findings.
Post by Pat
Some people find a published statistic and cherish it like gold. They
are right because they have "proof". But the proof isn't necessarily
good. The statistic measures something, but often it's hard to tell
Take homelessness, for example. That's pretty straight forward,
right. Of course not. There are HUGE political debates as to what
"homeless" means and how to measure it.
So, William's parents throw him out for excessively high grades. He
goes to live with his favorite priest, Fr. Pius, PhD, OSF, ETC. Fr.
Pius has an large closet under the stairs at the friary and Willy can
stay there. William is not problem and he lives out the school year
there while waiting for his grades to go down so his family accepts
him back. William has no home, no money, no job and no place to live
except under the stairs at the friary. William is homeless, right?
Wrong. He has a place to live. Under the Federal definition of
homeless, William does not quality. He lives at the friary. Under
the Federal definition, you are only homeless if you are living in
some place that is not meant for habitation: a car, under a bridge, on
a sidewalk.
So if you husband beats the shit out of you so you take your 3 kids
and go live with your sister, her husband and their 2 kids over there
in her 2 bedroom apartment, you are NOT homeless.
Such is the challenge of using simple logic.
In defense of monotonic(simple) logic
The finer the hair to comb -- the finer the comb's teeth must be.
As one tries to *mine* a database for more information
invariably one must collect, organize, and analyze more data
( which brings up the question -- what's the ROI for such an

one might propose that a different type of logic system
is necessary to define and analysis your situation
for example - fuzzy logic...
Post by Pat
Back to the debate. There's a huge debate on the definition of
homeless. Many argue that the definition is particularly
restrictive. In the north, there are VERY few homeless because the
early-spring date when the Census is taken. Homeless = dead in
extreme northern climates.
the number of homelessness
might also be a seasonal too -
a) a hobo might migrate to the south during the winter
and come back to the north during the summer
b) a migrant worker migrates to the northeast during summer for work
and migrates to the southwest on his vacations

however, the quick answer is that any given
census may not cover every circumstance
(albeit a census will attempt to do this)
and that every census invariable may
miss some data points or through methodology
not collect the data at all!

The hope is that any data that the
census fails to collect is not significant
and/or small in nature and that
any such discrepancies or limitations
to a study would be published/ publically disclosed.
Post by Pat
The same is try for all of the other statistics. It is awfully hard
to go and pull a statistic and try to figure out what it means. Often
it does not mean exactly what you think it does.
Even within the Census, it often takes an amount of expertese to
determine if "family" or "household" data is appropriate for any given
Census population projections are also to be taken with a grain of
salt. They are NOT projections based on the population trends
reported in the Census and they are NOT estimates based on re-sampling
geographic areas. They are formulamatic and based on other
demographic data that is nearly unrelated to the Census as you know
IIRC the U.S. population *estimation* are based formulas
which use small population re-sampling of the same geographic area
to project increase growth - these estimations do not represent an
actual census count of all living persons but an computation base
on a sampling found in a particular geographic area.
george conklin
2007-07-07 13:26:47 UTC
Post by drydem
Post by Pat
Census population projections are also to be taken with a grain of
salt. They are NOT projections based on the population trends
reported in the Census and they are NOT estimates based on re-sampling
geographic areas. They are formulamatic and based on other
demographic data that is nearly unrelated to the Census as you know
IIRC the U.S. population *estimation* are based formulas
which use small population re-sampling of the same geographic area
to project increase growth - these estimations do not represent an
actual census count of all living persons but an computation base
on a sampling found in a particular geographic area.
Pat will continue to post anti-census diatribes regardless of the facts.
2007-07-09 15:15:58 UTC
Post by george conklin
Post by drydem
Post by Pat
Census population projections are also to be taken with a grain of
salt. They are NOT projections based on the population trends
reported in the Census and they are NOT estimates based on re-sampling
geographic areas. They are formulamatic and based on other
demographic data that is nearly unrelated to the Census as you know
IIRC the U.S. population *estimation* are based formulas
which use small population re-sampling of the same geographic area
to project increase growth - these estimations do not represent an
actual census count of all living persons but an computation base
on a sampling found in a particular geographic area.
Pat will continue to post anti-census diatribes regardless of the facts.
George, in a previous post in another thread, you were quite proud of
your record in correctly using "then" and "than" as well as the extent
of your grammatical correctness. That is a very tough thing to master
in English. I was wondering, just out of curiosity, what your native
language is. Your grasp of English is quite good for it being a
second language, but although you've figured out what all of the words
mean, you now have to work on looking at them as sentences and
paragraphs. By stringing the words together, we create things much
more complex then the individuals words.

For example, Drydem talks about "interpreting" a study or survey.
Yes, that is what one must do and it is my point, exactly! You must
interpret it. That is the same for anything ranging from a simple
little thing to the Census. It must be interpreted. And, in order to
do so you must understand it's underlying methodology, its
definitions, etc. This applies to all surveys. You cannot go get a
number "10% black" and say "wow, it's 18% black" without understanding
what "black" means. That is Drydem's point and that is my point.

I am not "anti-Census" (Note for the grammatically pure, Census when
referring to the US Census is capitalized. -5 pts. George.). I
understand that it must be interpreted, not just taken at face value.
It is way to complex for the simple analysis that you use. You just
go and pull an number and think it proves something. It proves
nothing, out of context.

Finally, back to your understanding of the Census. Billy, a 15-year-
old-punk from Minneapolis asked an interesting question that I thought
was quite subtle but you didn't. He asked, something to the effect of
"Minneapolis is 18% black. What does that mean." George, you've had
a week or so for you, your grad students and any other prof you could
find (who would deal with you) to come up with an answer. He's an
interesting test of your knowledge (or lack of knowledge) of the
Census (and statistics in general). George, what does it mean? This
is a question from a high-schooler. What does it mean? Can you
answer it George, or is it beyond you?