ahhh. <multiple head bangs>
(too old to reply)
2008-01-29 02:45:56 UTC
After spending the better part of the day researching how to make an
ineligible activity into an eligible one using CDBG funding; I finally
sat down and reread the rule.

I guess it's a sign of being burned out at the end of the day when the
following sentence begins to make sense:

"Notwithstanding that CBDOs may carry out activities that are not
otherwise eligible under this subpart, this section does not
authorize: (1) Carrying out an activity described as ineligible in
Sec. 570.207(a)...."

... just how many reversals does one sentence need?

ahhhh. At least I'm almost done for the day.
Michael Bulatovich
2008-01-29 12:39:28 UTC
Post by Pat
After spending the better part of the day researching how to make an
ineligible activity into an eligible one using CDBG funding; I finally
sat down and reread the rule.
I guess it's a sign of being burned out at the end of the day when the
"Notwithstanding that CBDOs may carry out activities that are not
otherwise eligible under this subpart, this section does not
authorize: (1) Carrying out an activity described as ineligible in
Sec. 570.207(a)...."
... just how many reversals does one sentence need?
You confused the section with the subpart? Sheesh! ; )
