33 million AmeriKKKans are Scum
(too old to reply)
V for Vendicar
2008-07-21 02:04:57 UTC
Liberalism doesn't keep 3 million AmeriKKKan citizens in prison
You're correct. They help them get out. The murderers, the pedophiles,
the rapists and other scum.
3 million AmeriKKKan murderers, pedophiles, rapists and other AmeriKKKan
scum. And that's only the scum that remain in jail after being caught. 10
times that many must be slithering the streets.

Three certainly seem to be one hell of a lot of scum in AmeriKKKa.

What do you think it is about AmeriKKKa that makes it's population such

Could it be an underlying KKKonservative liedeology of self before
Cultural Supremacist
2008-07-21 02:52:13 UTC
Post by V for Vendicar
Liberalism doesn't keep 3 million AmeriKKKan citizens in prison
You're correct. They help them get out. The murderers, the pedophiles,
the rapists and other scum.
3 million AmeriKKKan murderers, pedophiles, rapists and other AmeriKKKan
scum. And that's only the scum that remain in jail after being caught. 10
times that many must be slithering the streets.
Three certainly seem to be one hell of a lot of scum in AmeriKKKa.
What do you think it is about AmeriKKKa that makes it's population such
Could it be an underlying KKKonservative liedeology of self before
That's s fair question, however, it isn't simply conservative ideology.
It is capitalism that places self-interest over all else.

2008-07-21 03:54:54 UTC
On Sun, 20 Jul 2008 22:52:13 -0400, Cultural Supremacist
Post by Cultural Supremacist
Post by V for Vendicar
Liberalism doesn't keep 3 million AmeriKKKan citizens in prison
You're correct. They help them get out. The murderers, the pedophiles,
the rapists and other scum.
3 million AmeriKKKan murderers, pedophiles, rapists and other AmeriKKKan
scum. And that's only the scum that remain in jail after being caught. 10
times that many must be slithering the streets.
Three certainly seem to be one hell of a lot of scum in AmeriKKKa.
What do you think it is about AmeriKKKa that makes it's population such
Could it be an underlying KKKonservative liedeology of self before
That's s fair question, however, it isn't simply conservative ideology.
It is capitalism that places self-interest over all else.
Again the lying liberals resort to broadbrushing an entire nation
based on their own made up "facts".
V pulls a number out of his ass and you're there to give him a blowjob
over it.
How about you provide a cite for your ridiculous 33 million count?
Since you're both such experts on American civilization you should
have no problem finding numbers to support your statistics. Unless of
course it's just made up bullshit by a couple of third rate trolls

'A government big enough to give you everything you want, is
big enough to take away everything you have.'

"You cannot enrich the poor by impoverishing the rich."
Cultural Supremacist
2008-07-21 04:35:18 UTC
Post by Starkiller
On Sun, 20 Jul 2008 22:52:13 -0400, Cultural Supremacist
Post by Cultural Supremacist
Post by V for Vendicar
Liberalism doesn't keep 3 million AmeriKKKan citizens in prison
You're correct. They help them get out. The murderers, the pedophiles,
the rapists and other scum.
3 million AmeriKKKan murderers, pedophiles, rapists and other AmeriKKKan
scum. And that's only the scum that remain in jail after being caught. 10
times that many must be slithering the streets.
Three certainly seem to be one hell of a lot of scum in AmeriKKKa.
What do you think it is about AmeriKKKa that makes it's population such
Could it be an underlying KKKonservative liedeology of self before
That's s fair question, however, it isn't simply conservative ideology.
It is capitalism that places self-interest over all else.
Again the lying liberals resort to broadbrushing an entire nation
based on their own made up "facts".
V pulls a number out of his ass and you're there to give him a blowjob
over it.
How about you provide a cite for your ridiculous 33 million count?
That's not my figure. You just stated that "V pulls a number ..."

If you'll be rational and read what was written, V stated that X number
of pedos, etc are in jail and those are only the ones that got caught.
"10 times that many must be slithering the streets" is a dysphemism for
saying there are still many more out there, and that's true.
Post by Starkiller
Since you're both such experts on American civilization you should
have no problem finding numbers to support your statistics. Unless of
course it's just made up bullshit by a couple of third rate trolls
Your issue seems to be the numbers. Mine is that the wanton greed of
capitalism "places self-interest over all else", which is also true.

Get over yourself.

Post by Starkiller
'A government big enough to give you everything you want, is
big enough to take away everything you have.'
"You cannot enrich the poor by impoverishing the rich."
2008-07-22 01:51:02 UTC
Here are some quotes from the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica
after the heading Ku Klux Klan:

"Ku Klux Klan, the name of an American secret association of Southern
whites united for self-protection and to oppose the Reconstruction
measures of the United States Congress"

"The various causes assigned for the origin and development of
this movement were: the absence of stable government in the South for
several years after the Civil War; the corrupt and tyrannical rule of
the alien, renegade and negro, and the belief that it was supported by
the Federal troops which controlled elections and legislative bodies;
the disfranchisement of whites; the spread of ideas of social and
political equality among the negroes; fear of negro insurrections; the
arming of negro militia and the disarming of whites; outrages upon
white women by black men"

"The constitutions and rituals of these secret orders have
declarations of principles, of which the following are characteristic:
to protect and succour the weak and unfortunate, especially the widows
and orphans of Confederate soldiers; to protect members of the white
race in life, honour and property from the encroachments of the

"To control the negro the Klan played upon his superstitious
fears by having night patrols, parades and drills of silent horsemen
covered with white sheets, carrying skulls with coals of fire for

"the Ku Klux movement went on until it accomplished its object by
giving protection to the whites, reducing the blacks to order,
replacing the whites in control of society and state, expelling the
worst of the carpet-baggers and scalawags, and nullifying those laws
of Congress which had resulted in placing the Southern whites under
the control of a party composed principally of ex-slaves."

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/

Cultural Supremacist
2008-07-22 02:36:23 UTC
Post by Topaz
Here are some quotes from the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica
"Ku Klux Klan, the name of an American secret association of Southern
whites united for self-protection and to oppose the Reconstruction
measures of the United States Congress"
"The various causes assigned for the origin and development of
this movement were: the absence of stable government in the South for
several years after the Civil War; the corrupt and tyrannical rule of
the alien, renegade and negro, and the belief that it was supported by
the Federal troops which controlled elections and legislative bodies;
the disfranchisement of whites; the spread of ideas of social and
political equality among the negroes; fear of negro insurrections; the
arming of negro militia and the disarming of whites; outrages upon
white women by black men"
"The constitutions and rituals of these secret orders have
to protect and succour the weak and unfortunate, especially the widows
and orphans of Confederate soldiers; to protect members of the white
race in life, honour and property from the encroachments of the
"To control the negro the Klan played upon his superstitious
fears by having night patrols, parades and drills of silent horsemen
covered with white sheets, carrying skulls with coals of fire for
"the Ku Klux movement went on until it accomplished its object by
giving protection to the whites, reducing the blacks to order,
replacing the whites in control of society and state, expelling the
worst of the carpet-baggers and scalawags, and nullifying those laws
of Congress which had resulted in placing the Southern whites under
the control of a party composed principally of ex-slaves."
Good info, thanks. Reconstruction was a hellish time in the South.

Post by Topaz
http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com
http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/