What are your opinions on the suburbs?
(too old to reply)
2007-06-14 16:57:23 UTC
Many times I have shared my views on the suburbs and many times they
have been aprehended, but I want to know what are your opinions on the
suburbs? For me the general concept of them is great but when carried
out with the idea to save money before uniqueness the end result is to
me is very ugly. But I have shared that many times, what do you think?
Do you have any problems with them? Think there okay? Please all share
you opinion.
2007-06-14 17:22:47 UTC
Post by William
Many times I have shared my views on the suburbs and many times they
have been aprehended, but I want to know what are your opinions on the
suburbs? For me the general concept of them is great but when carried
out with the idea to save money before uniqueness the end result is to
me is very ugly. But I have shared that many times, what do you think?
Do you have any problems with them? Think there okay? Please all share
you opinion.
I have two opinions of suburbs and cities. 1). They BOTH suck. 2).
I hope all of you people stay there and leave me alone up in the
middle of nowhere instead of coming around for your summer/ski homes.
So I you that YOU LOVE THEM and stay there.
2007-06-14 18:05:01 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by William
Many times I have shared my views on the suburbs and many times they
have been aprehended, but I want to know what are your opinions on the
suburbs? For me the general concept of them is great but when carried
out with the idea to save money before uniqueness the end result is to
me is very ugly. But I have shared that many times, what do you think?
Do you have any problems with them? Think there okay? Please all share
you opinion.
I have two opinions of suburbs and cities. 1). They BOTH suck. 2).
I hope all of you people stay there and leave me alone up in the
middle of nowhere instead of coming around for your summer/ski homes.
So I you that YOU LOVE THEM and stay there.
Wait am I talking to one of my friends on Instant messenger I thought
I was that Urban Planning group
were everyone has perfect spelling and english major worthy grammar.
Hmm Firefox is on the fritz again I guess.
2007-06-14 20:10:04 UTC
Post by William
Post by Pat
Post by William
Many times I have shared my views on the suburbs and many times they
have been aprehended, but I want to know what are your opinions on the
suburbs? For me the general concept of them is great but when carried
out with the idea to save money before uniqueness the end result is to
me is very ugly. But I have shared that many times, what do you think?
Do you have any problems with them? Think there okay? Please all share
you opinion.
I have two opinions of suburbs and cities. 1). They BOTH suck. 2).
I hope all of you people stay there and leave me alone up in the
middle of nowhere instead of coming around for your summer/ski homes.
So I you that YOU LOVE THEM and stay there.
Wait am I talking to one of my friends on Instant messenger I thought
I was that Urban Planning group
were everyone has perfect spelling and english major worthy grammar.
Hmm Firefox is on the fritz again I guess.
Dnt wrry. u r on IM
2007-06-14 21:04:54 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by William
Many times I have shared my views on the suburbs and many times they
have been aprehended, but I want to know what are your opinions on the
suburbs? For me the general concept of them is great but when carried
out with the idea to save money before uniqueness the end result is to
me is very ugly. But I have shared that many times, what do you think?
Do you have any problems with them? Think there okay? Please all share
you opinion.
I have two opinions of suburbs and cities. 1). They BOTH suck. 2).
I hope all of you people stay there and leave me alone up in the
middle of nowhere instead of coming around for your summer/ski homes.
So I you that YOU LOVE THEM and stay there.
Does anyone have an opinion that doesn't have an attitude of pro
isolation and anti-society?
2007-06-15 06:02:52 UTC
Post by William
Post by Pat
Post by William
Many times I have shared my views on the suburbs and many times they
have been aprehended, but I want to know what are your opinions on the
suburbs? For me the general concept of them is great but when carried
out with the idea to save money before uniqueness the end result is to
me is very ugly. But I have shared that many times, what do you think?
Do you have any problems with them? Think there okay? Please all share
you opinion.
I have two opinions of suburbs and cities. 1). They BOTH suck. 2).
I hope all of you people stay there and leave me alone up in the
middle of nowhere instead of coming around for your summer/ski homes.
So I you that YOU LOVE THEM and stay there.
Does anyone have an opinion that doesn't have an attitude of pro
isolation and anti-society?
I'm not anti-society, it's people I don't like.
2007-06-15 14:41:34 UTC
Post by RJ
Post by William
Post by Pat
Post by William
Many times I have shared my views on the suburbs and many times they
have been aprehended, but I want to know what are your opinions on the
suburbs? For me the general concept of them is great but when carried
out with the idea to save money before uniqueness the end result is to
me is very ugly. But I have shared that many times, what do you think?
Do you have any problems with them? Think there okay? Please all share
you opinion.
I have two opinions of suburbs and cities. 1). They BOTH suck. 2).
I hope all of you people stay there and leave me alone up in the
middle of nowhere instead of coming around for your summer/ski homes.
So I you that YOU LOVE THEM and stay there.
Does anyone have an opinion that doesn't have an attitude of pro
isolation and anti-society?
I'm not anti-society, it's people I don't like.
Well put. I would have said "I'm not anti-social, darn it. Now leave
me alone and go home".
2007-06-15 16:04:49 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by RJ
Post by William
Post by Pat
Post by William
Many times I have shared my views on the suburbs and many times they
have been aprehended, but I want to know what are your opinions on the
suburbs? For me the general concept of them is great but when carried
out with the idea to save money before uniqueness the end result is to
me is very ugly. But I have shared that many times, what do you think?
Do you have any problems with them? Think there okay? Please all share
you opinion.
I have two opinions of suburbs and cities. 1). They BOTH suck. 2).
I hope all of you people stay there and leave me alone up in the
middle of nowhere instead of coming around for your summer/ski homes.
So I you that YOU LOVE THEM and stay there.
Does anyone have an opinion that doesn't have an attitude of pro
isolation and anti-society?
I'm not anti-society, it's people I don't like.
Well put. I would have said "I'm not anti-social, darn it. Now leave
me alone and go home".
Does anybody here like living in close proximity of other people? And
by the way
where were you guys when I was talking about how closed off and anti
cultural the suburbs are?
2007-06-15 19:26:53 UTC
Post by William
Post by Pat
Post by RJ
Post by William
Post by Pat
Post by William
Many times I have shared my views on the suburbs and many times they
have been aprehended, but I want to know what are your opinions on the
suburbs? For me the general concept of them is great but when carried
out with the idea to save money before uniqueness the end result is to
me is very ugly. But I have shared that many times, what do you think?
Do you have any problems with them? Think there okay? Please all share
you opinion.
I have two opinions of suburbs and cities. 1). They BOTH suck. 2).
I hope all of you people stay there and leave me alone up in the
middle of nowhere instead of coming around for your summer/ski homes.
So I you that YOU LOVE THEM and stay there.
Does anyone have an opinion that doesn't have an attitude of pro
isolation and anti-society?
I'm not anti-society, it's people I don't like.
Well put. I would have said "I'm not anti-social, darn it. Now leave
me alone and go home".
Does anybody here like living in close proximity of other people? And
by the way
where were you guys when I was talking about how closed off and anti
cultural the suburbs are?
I was there, thinking "suburbs suck and cities suck more".

I know that drugs aren't just an urban problem, but they are perceived
to be. So here ya go:
William ----Drawing with chalk on sidewalks That is known as vandalism-George Conklin
2007-06-15 22:32:27 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by William
Post by Pat
Post by RJ
Post by William
Post by Pat
Post by William
Many times I have shared my views on the suburbs and many times they
have been aprehended, but I want to know what are your opinions on the
suburbs? For me the general concept of them is great but when carried
out with the idea to save money before uniqueness the end result is to
me is very ugly. But I have shared that many times, what do you think?
Do you have any problems with them? Think there okay? Please all share
you opinion.
I have two opinions of suburbs and cities. 1). They BOTH suck. 2).
I hope all of you people stay there and leave me alone up in the
middle of nowhere instead of coming around for your summer/ski homes.
So I you that YOU LOVE THEM and stay there.
Does anyone have an opinion that doesn't have an attitude of pro
isolation and anti-society?
I'm not anti-society, it's people I don't like.
Well put. I would have said "I'm not anti-social, darn it. Now leave
me alone and go home".
Does anybody here like living in close proximity of other people? And
by the way
where were you guys when I was talking about how closed off and anti
cultural the suburbs are?
I was there, thinking "suburbs suck and cities suck more".
I know that drugs aren't just an urban problem, but they are perceived
to be. So here ya go:http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/99172.html
Im gonna break down a simple Local (for me)diagram of lables and what
they smoke

Lable Narcatics Habitat

-White Trash -Pot/Meth -St.Paul and all suburbs

-Black Ghetto -Pot/Cocain -Minneapolis

-Depressed -All of the above + Alcohal -All of the above
2007-06-15 23:28:03 UTC
Post by William
Does anybody here like living in close proximity of other people?
Obviously I can only speak for myself. I've lived in densely populated
places. I didn't like it and I don't want to do it again.
William ----Drawing with chalk on sidewalks That is known as vandalism-George Conklin
2007-06-17 01:35:46 UTC
Post by RJ
Post by William
Does anybody here like living in close proximity of other people?
Obviously I can only speak for myself. I've lived in densely populated
places. I didn't like it and I don't want to do it again.
I don't know how long I would want to live in a very dense city
either, Minneapolis is the city of lakes
so its nothing like Chicago or New York, its much more beautiful.
Scott M. Kozel
2007-06-16 01:59:44 UTC
Post by Pat
I you that YOU LOVE THEM and stay there.
Post by William
Does anyone have an opinion that doesn't have an attitude of pro
isolation and anti-society?
I'm not anti-society, it's people I don't like.
It's rather obvious that you don't like people.
2007-06-16 23:55:12 UTC
Post by William
Many times I have shared my views on the suburbs and many times they
have been aprehended, but I want to know what are your opinions on the
suburbs? For me the general concept of them is great but when carried
out with the idea to save money before uniqueness the end result is to
me is very ugly. But I have shared that many times, what do you think?
Do you have any problems with them? Think there okay? Please all share
you opinion.
I am inclined to believe that over time the difference in
the cost-of-living between urban and suburban areas will lessen.

I am also incline to focusing on an area's economic potential
or current capacity that would sustain a community plans.
While planning for economically sustainability includes
being avoiding waste it also means being economically
adaptable. Adaptablity includes the ability to scale
one's plans and infrastructure based on the economic
conditions. If the economy slows down or declines -
one has a plan to lower cost - but if the economy heats
up then one has a plan to expand to meet public and
and commerical needs.