Your ideal living environment(city,suburb or rual)
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Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
2007-04-27 21:18:31 UTC
So latly theres been alot of discussion about where you live(Albeit
Mostly propelled from me) but I just want to know, if you could, and
if you had enough money what would your ideal living environment be?
Would it be known as a city, suburb , rual area or small town? Maybe a
combination of
the three? How would the politics work out? Any aspect you want to
talk about of your "ideal environment" go ahead. I say environment
because I know all of you are not going to talk about a city like I
will be haha.
You may talk about problems you others may have in their spaces and
Tadej Brezina
2007-04-29 18:58:42 UTC
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
So latly theres been alot of discussion about where you live(Albeit
Mostly propelled from me) but I just want to know, if you could, and
if you had enough money what would your ideal living environment be?
Would it be known as a city, suburb , rual area or small town? Maybe a
combination of the three? How would the politics work out? Any aspect
you want to
talk about of your "ideal environment" go ahead. I say environment
because I know all of you are not going to talk about a city like I
will be haha.
You may talk about problems you others may have in their spaces and
Well, to put in my 2 cents...
I do already live in a place that fits my desires almost perfectly.
A small town (25,000 inhab.) with abt. 25 min of travel time into a big
city (1,8 mio inhab). The town centre is more than 500a old, with a lot of
narrow and cosy streets and a rather large re-pedestrianized area. Its
position on a slope, one side a wide valley, other side wood hills of up
to 800m altitude, the slope itself is used for vineyards. Thermal springs.

Perfect for living and working, even if working is meant to be commuting
(lively major rail line / interurban rail line, 30min/15min headways) to
the city.
What it doesn't make it perfect for me/us, is that we are living in
newbuild outskirts of this new town. The plan is, to come back to your
question, to move somewhere in the town centre, preferrably next to the
ped. precinct and the rail/LRT/bus stops.

best regards
"Vergleich es mit einer Pflanze - die wächst auch nur dann gut, wenn du
sie nicht jeden zweiten Tag aus der Erde reißt, um nachzusehen, ob sie
schon Wurzeln geschlagen hat."
<Martina Diel in d.t.r>
Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
2007-05-03 01:25:59 UTC
Id just like to invite you all you me new group dedicated
to Suburbs/City debates. http://groups.google.com/group/cities-vs-suburbs?lnk=li&hl=en