Summer Reading List
(too old to reply)
2007-05-25 04:17:44 UTC
Hey Mr. Cool, do you want us to put together an eclectic reading list
for you. It'll give you something to do as you site on your rooftop
and try not to catch it on fire.

Tipping Point
Around the World in 80 Days or 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Any good dictionary of allusions
Trout Fishing in America (don't worry, it's not about trout fishing
in America)
Any good bio of Issac Newton
New York Times Manual of Style (great read)
Any compalation of poetry by Robert Service
Any compilation of poetry by Carl Sanburg

Okay, everyone, what else is out there that's worth reading?
2007-05-27 15:54:38 UTC
I actually prefer Narcissus and Goldmund to Siddhartha, but anything
by Hesse is good for a reading list

Everyone who haunts this newsgroup should read Jerad Diamond -
especially Collapse and Guns, Germs, and Steel

Post by Pat
Hey Mr. Cool, do you want us to put together an eclectic reading list
for you. It'll give you something to do as you site on your rooftop
and try not to catch it on fire.
Tipping Point
Around the World in 80 Days or 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Any good dictionary of allusions
Trout Fishing in America (don't worry, it's not about trout fishing
in America)
Any good bio of Issac Newton
New York Times Manual of Style (great read)
Any compalation of poetry by Robert Service
Any compilation of poetry by Carl Sanburg
Okay, everyone, what else is out there that's worth reading?
Mr.Cool (Call me William if you would like) Defender of a complex life
2007-05-27 17:15:31 UTC
"I actually prefer Narcissus and Goldmund to Siddhartha, but anything
by Hesse is good for a reading list

Everyone who haunts this newsgroup should read Jerad Diamond -
especially Collapse and Guns, Germs, and Steel


-There was a PBS seris on the "Guns, Germs and Steel", at
first it was "Guns,Germans and Steel" so I thought it was something on
World War II
but to my disapointment it was not. Haha yea but I am sure its good.
2007-05-27 18:18:30 UTC
Post by Pat
Hey Mr. Cool, do you want us to put together an eclectic reading list
for you. It'll give you something to do as you site on your rooftop
and try not to catch it on fire.
Okay, everyone, what else is out there that's worth reading?
Economies of Cities - Jane Jacobs[1]

Urban Economies: Trends, Forces, and Implications for the President's
National Urban Policy
Franklin J. James. University of Colorado (Denver)
Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research.
Volume 1, Number 2. June 1995. U.S. Dept of Housing and Urban
( Office of Policy Development and Research), 67-123 pages

2007-05-27 22:21:08 UTC
Post by drydem
Post by Pat
Hey Mr. Cool, do you want us to put together an eclectic reading list
for you. It'll give you something to do as you site on your rooftop
and try not to catch it on fire.
Okay, everyone, what else is out there that's worth reading?
Economies of Cities - Jane Jacobs[1]
Urban Economies: Trends, Forces, and Implications for the President's
National Urban Policy
Franklin J. James. University of Colorado (Denver)
Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research.
Volume 1, Number 2. June 1995. U.S. Dept of Housing and Urban
( Office of Policy Development and Research), 67-123 pageshttp://www.huduser.org/Periodicals/CITYSCPE/VOL1NUM2/ch2.pdf
Gag. Gag. Wouldn't it be easier to re-read "A Tale of Two Cites" or
"Les Miserable" in French?
