(too old to reply)
2007-04-22 01:21:34 UTC
I know that the transport/commuting/mass transit people read this
group on occasion. Well, I got my motorcycle out, changed the oil,
etc. and started to get it ready for the summer. Took a nice
"checkout" ride.

It gets better gas mileage than the mini-van, but not that much. But
I don't see it as an environmental statement -- especially when you
take them out to ride them just to ride them. That's always fun. I
can't imagine riding the subway just to ride it or taking the EL. And
only Billy Joel takes the Greyhound on the Hudson River Line just
because. But lots of people ride bikes just to go out for a spin.

Hey, Mr. Cool. Yet another reason for the rural areas: riding
motorcycles. That's not something I would want to do too much in a
city. Besides, touring bikes are made for touring -- not sitting at
traffic lights.
Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
2007-04-22 14:27:07 UTC
Post by Pat
I know that the transport/commuting/mass transit people read this
group on occasion. Well, I got my motorcycle out, changed the oil,
etc. and started to get it ready for the summer. Took a nice
"checkout" ride.
It gets better gas mileage than the mini-van, but not that much. But
I don't see it as an environmental statement -- especially when you
take them out to ride them just to ride them. That's always fun. I
can't imagine riding the subway just to ride it or taking the EL. And
only Billy Joel takes the Greyhound on the Hudson River Line just
because. But lots of people ride bikes just to go out for a spin.
Hey, Mr. Cool. Yet another reason for the rural areas: riding
motorcycles. That's not something I would want to do too much in a
city. Besides, touring bikes are made for touring -- not sitting at
traffic lights.
-Okay Im going to say this for THE LAST TIME. I have nothing against
Rual areas. Only suburbs.
My topic said "Suburbs,why I hate them" Not "I have everything that
isnt a city, and why"

-As for motercycles, well I agree with you on motorcycles and their
benifits, but their lack of comfort and relaxtion in relation to a
four wheel car plays an effect on people. I don't know the statistics,
but at least I know that Motercycles appear to be alot more dangerous
to people. esp because the fact that if you get in an accedent in a
motercyle its far more likly to be trama worthy because of its lack of
outside protection.
I could see more, well more likly in the city for this to happen, but
I could see Mopeds being popular becuase of their great gas mileage ,
and you do not need to get an extra licenses to ride one being that
they are alot less dangerous/less complicated. They do have their draw
backs though, well the fact that they can go about to 30 then they max
out is one to think about before going out of town.
George Conklin
2007-04-22 20:34:03 UTC
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
Post by Pat
I know that the transport/commuting/mass transit people read this
group on occasion. Well, I got my motorcycle out, changed the oil,
etc. and started to get it ready for the summer. Took a nice
"checkout" ride.
It gets better gas mileage than the mini-van, but not that much. But
I don't see it as an environmental statement -- especially when you
take them out to ride them just to ride them. That's always fun. I
can't imagine riding the subway just to ride it or taking the EL. And
only Billy Joel takes the Greyhound on the Hudson River Line just
because. But lots of people ride bikes just to go out for a spin.
Hey, Mr. Cool. Yet another reason for the rural areas: riding
motorcycles. That's not something I would want to do too much in a
city. Besides, touring bikes are made for touring -- not sitting at
traffic lights.
-Okay Im going to say this for THE LAST TIME. I have nothing against
Rual areas. Only suburbs.
My topic said "Suburbs,why I hate them" Not "I have everything that
isnt a city, and why"
Junvenile hatreds, that is. You don't know what you are talking about
so you keep talking.
Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
2007-04-22 22:03:54 UTC
Post by George Conklin
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
Post by Pat
I know that the transport/commuting/mass transit people read this
group on occasion. Well, I got my motorcycle out, changed the oil,
etc. and started to get it ready for the summer. Took a nice
"checkout" ride.
It gets better gas mileage than the mini-van, but not that much. But
I don't see it as an environmental statement -- especially when you
take them out to ride them just to ride them. That's always fun. I
can't imagine riding the subway just to ride it or taking the EL. And
only Billy Joel takes the Greyhound on the Hudson River Line just
because. But lots of people ride bikes just to go out for a spin.
Hey, Mr. Cool. Yet another reason for the rural areas: riding
motorcycles. That's not something I would want to do too much in a
city. Besides, touring bikes are made for touring -- not sitting at
traffic lights.
-Okay Im going to say this for THE LAST TIME. I have nothing against
Rual areas. Only suburbs.
My topic said "Suburbs,why I hate them" Not "I have everything that
isnt a city, and why"
Junvenile hatreds, that is. You don't know what you are talking about
so you keep talking.
O Thanks Dr.Phill, While your at analyzing my every move, can you help
renavate my basement?
2007-04-23 03:37:59 UTC
On Apr 22, 10:27 am, "Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]"
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
Post by Pat
I know that the transport/commuting/mass transit people read this
group on occasion. Well, I got my motorcycle out, changed the oil,
etc. and started to get it ready for the summer. Took a nice
"checkout" ride.
It gets better gas mileage than the mini-van, but not that much. But
I don't see it as an environmental statement -- especially when you
take them out to ride them just to ride them. That's always fun. I
can't imagine riding the subway just to ride it or taking the EL. And
only Billy Joel takes the Greyhound on the Hudson River Line just
because. But lots of people ride bikes just to go out for a spin.
Hey, Mr. Cool. Yet another reason for the rural areas: riding
motorcycles. That's not something I would want to do too much in a
city. Besides, touring bikes are made for touring -- not sitting at
traffic lights.
-Okay Im going to say this for THE LAST TIME. I have nothing against
Rual areas. Only suburbs.
My topic said "Suburbs,why I hate them" Not "I have everything that
isnt a city, and why"
-As for motercycles, well I agree with you on motorcycles and their
benifits, but their lack of comfort and relaxtion
relaxation. Here's a hint. People drive them TO relax. If they
weren't fun, people wouldn't own them. Duh.

in relation to a
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
four wheel car plays an effect on people
Why do you think they refer to cars as "cages". Because you're caged
in. Where the fun there?

. I don't know the statistics,
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
but at least I know that Motercycles appear to be alot more dangerous
to people. esp because the fact that if you get in an accedent in a
motercyle its far more likly to be trama worthy because of its lack of
outside protection.
So? Life is full of risks.
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
I could see more, well more likly in the city for this to happen, but
I could see Mopeds being popular
Ha. Ha. Ha. LOL. Nearly hurt myself with that one. Keep up the good

becuase of their great gas mileage ,
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
and you do not need to get an extra licenses to ride one
Yes you do. In NYS you need the same license for a moped and a
Harley. A motorcycle is a motorcyle is a motorcycle.

Also, those high-gas-milage cars with 3 wheels that are pretty tiny.
You need a motorcycle license for them, too -- and you need to wear a
helmet inside the "car" because it has 3 wheels.

being that
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
they are alot less dangerous/less complicated. They do have their draw
backs though, well the fact that they can go about to 30 then they max
out is one to think about before going out of town.
Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
2007-04-23 20:56:45 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
-As for motercycles, well I agree with you on motorcycles and their
benifits, but their lack of comfort and relaxtion
relaxation. Here's a hint. People drive them TO relax. If they
weren't fun, people wouldn't own them. Duh.
in relation to a
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
four wheel car plays an effect on people
Why do you think they refer to cars as "cages". Because you're caged
in. Where the fun there?
What would you rather drive on a 6 hour trip, a Motorcycle or a
car. I realize that there are plenty of
huge motorcycle trips that peopel drive on, but when transporting
three somtimes and two more people
with luggage etc they are not the ideal moter vehicle. Iv been on a
motorcyle before and their pretty sweet and fun but
things like they are more dangerous then cars ( I realize life is
full of risks, but people this day in age don't really want another
risk to add to their life) and they require things like balence and
alittle bit more attentiveness (never driven one but thats what I
suspect) and people might not want to go threw drivers traning for
motorcycles. These reasons migth be pretty lame I know but people just
like to stay in their comfort zone.
Post by Pat
I don't know the statistics,
but at least I know that Motercycles appear to be alot more dangerous
Post by Pat
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
to people. esp because the fact that if you get in an accedent in a
motercyle its far more likly to be trama worthy because of its lack of
outside protection.
So? Life is full of risks.
Yes I know, but its just another reason why some people wouldnt be as
attracted to them.
These reasons add up.

I have never driven a motorcycle so I assume its alot cooler then just
riding in one but
I know these reasons appear to me as ones that might turn people off
for getting one.
2007-04-24 17:27:10 UTC
On Apr 23, 4:56 pm, "Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]"
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
Post by Pat
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
-As for motercycles, well I agree with you on motorcycles and their
benifits, but their lack of comfort and relaxtion
relaxation. Here's a hint. People drive them TO relax. If they
weren't fun, people wouldn't own them. Duh.
in relation to a
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
four wheel car plays an effect on people
Why do you think they refer to cars as "cages". Because you're caged
in. Where the fun there?
What would you rather drive on a 6 hour trip, a Motorcycle or a
car. I realize that there are plenty of
huge motorcycle trips that peopel drive on, but when transporting
three somtimes and two more people
with luggage etc they are not the ideal moter vehicle. Iv been on a
motorcyle before and their pretty sweet and fun but
things like they are more dangerous then cars ( I realize life is
full of risks, but people this day in age don't really want another
risk to add to their life) and they require things like balence and
alittle bit more attentiveness (never driven one but thats what I
suspect) and people might not want to go threw drivers traning for
motorcycles. These reasons migth be pretty lame I know but people just
like to stay in their comfort zone.
Man, I wish I was 14 again. As the Bob Seger song says "I wish I
didn't know now what I didn't know then". At 14 one should be free
spirited and full of life and mayb (maybe) 1 step short of "damn the
consequences". It's the only time in your life to be like that.

You should be "it's to risky" or "stay in the confort zone". Go live
a little. And who gives a d**m what other people think, anyway.

Go take some risks. Go have some fun. Live a little. Otherwise you
risk growing old way too young and having a middle-aged crisis because
of all of the things that you didn't do.

While you're at it, get away from all of the PhD teachers. Know what
the degrees BS. MS. and PhD stand for: Bull S**t, More S**t, and
Piled Higher and Deeper. Don't bet impressed by credentials.

My 15-year-old has a black belt in karate, plays varsity soccer, is
the goalie on the JV lacrosse team, plays youth soccer, plays defense
in box lacrosse and yes; he's ridden on the back of my bikes for years
and wants on of his own. Plus he hunts a little and is a pretty good
shot. I almost forget, he also snowboards about twice a week in the
winter (without a helmet!). These are most high-risk activities --
but that is what you should be doing when you're 14 or 15. Oh, and he
doesn't worry one bit about urban planning or the fate of the city.

As for me, it's a nice sunny day and I need to go to city hall so I'm
going to hop on the bike and go. Boots, jeans, and a helmet -- no
leathers today. But that's a risk I take. Have fun on your mass
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
Post by Pat
I don't know the statistics,
but at least I know that Motercycles appear to be alot more dangerous
Post by Pat
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
to people. esp because the fact that if you get in an accedent in a
motercyle its far more likly to be trama worthy because of its lack of
outside protection.
So? Life is full of risks.
Yes I know, but its just another reason why some people wouldnt be as
attracted to them.
These reasons add up.
I have never driven a motorcycle so I assume its alot cooler then just
riding in one but
I know these reasons appear to me as ones that might turn people off
for getting one.
Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
2007-04-26 00:03:36 UTC
Post by Pat
On Apr 23, 4:56 pm, "Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]"
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
Post by Pat
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
-As for motercycles, well I agree with you on motorcycles and their
benifits, but their lack of comfort and relaxtion
relaxation. Here's a hint. People drive them TO relax. If they
weren't fun, people wouldn't own them. Duh.
in relation to a
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
four wheel car plays an effect on people
Why do you think they refer to cars as "cages". Because you're caged
in. Where the fun there?
What would you rather drive on a 6 hour trip, a Motorcycle or a
car. I realize that there are plenty of
huge motorcycle trips that peopel drive on, but when transporting
three somtimes and two more people
with luggage etc they are not the ideal moter vehicle. Iv been on a
motorcyle before and their pretty sweet and fun but
things like they are more dangerous then cars ( I realize life is
full of risks, but people this day in age don't really want another
risk to add to their life) and they require things like balence and
alittle bit more attentiveness (never driven one but thats what I
suspect) and people might not want to go threw drivers traning for
motorcycles. These reasons migth be pretty lame I know but people just
like to stay in their comfort zone.
Man, I wish I was 14 again. As the Bob Seger song says "I wish I
didn't know now what I didn't know then". At 14 one should be free
spirited and full of life and mayb (maybe) 1 step short of "damn the
consequences". It's the only time in your life to be like that.
You should be "it's to risky" or "stay in the confort zone". Go live
a little. And who gives a d**m what other people think, anyway.
Go take some risks. Go have some fun. Live a little. Otherwise you
risk growing old way too young and having a middle-aged crisis because
of all of the things that you didn't do.
While you're at it, get away from all of the PhD teachers. Know what
the degrees BS. MS. and PhD stand for: Bull S**t, More S**t, and
Piled Higher and Deeper. Don't bet impressed by credentials.
My 15-year-old has a black belt in karate, plays varsity soccer, is
the goalie on the JV lacrosse team, plays youth soccer, plays defense
in box lacrosse and yes; he's ridden on the back of my bikes for years
and wants on of his own. Plus he hunts a little and is a pretty good
shot. I almost forget, he also snowboards about twice a week in the
winter (without a helmet!). These are most high-risk activities --
but that is what you should be doing when you're 14 or 15. Oh, and he
doesn't worry one bit about urban planning or the fate of the city.
As for me, it's a nice sunny day and I need to go to city hall so I'm
going to hop on the bike and go. Boots, jeans, and a helmet -- no
leathers today. But that's a risk I take. Have fun on your mass
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
Post by Pat
I don't know the statistics,
but at least I know that Motercycles appear to be alot more dangerous
Post by Pat
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
to people. esp because the fact that if you get in an accedent in a
motercyle its far more likly to be trama worthy because of its lack of
outside protection.
So? Life is full of risks.
Yes I know, but its just another reason why some people wouldnt be as
attracted to them.
These reasons add up.
I have never driven a motorcycle so I assume its alot cooler then just
riding in one but
I know these reasons appear to me as ones that might turn people off
for getting one.
Okay,well I think I take plenty of risks, and I also play varsity
soccer [I am a freshmen so this was my first year] I also do varsity
wrestling and play summer soccer. I may not take the kind of risks
that are more known to each other, but I do what I can, me and my best
friend plan on this friday
to go hop over 3 fences in the backyard of some houses and pull the
ding dong ditch and get the heck our of their and get this all on
video camera (and of course put it on YouTube haha). Never done it in
the backyard before haha. Wev done alittle bit of graffiti on the side
to haha.
But is kinda cool getting to your life too( really it is, not being
sarcastic). But I think its a misconception
that teenagers are there just to have fun and rebel and smoke pot and
get drunk. Sure you cant take risks in life, but what someone does in
their teens tends to reflect who they will be in the adult ages.
Teenagers can help the world be a better place to, Keep in mind, it
was teenagers who won the revolutionary war.
2007-04-26 15:36:18 UTC
On Apr 25, 8:03 pm, "Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]"
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
Post by Pat
On Apr 23, 4:56 pm, "Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]"
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
Post by Pat
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
-As for motercycles, well I agree with you on motorcycles and their
benifits, but their lack of comfort and relaxtion
relaxation. Here's a hint. People drive them TO relax. If they
weren't fun, people wouldn't own them. Duh.
in relation to a
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
four wheel car plays an effect on people
Why do you think they refer to cars as "cages". Because you're caged
in. Where the fun there?
What would you rather drive on a 6 hour trip, a Motorcycle or a
car. I realize that there are plenty of
huge motorcycle trips that peopel drive on, but when transporting
three somtimes and two more people
with luggage etc they are not the ideal moter vehicle. Iv been on a
motorcyle before and their pretty sweet and fun but
things like they are more dangerous then cars ( I realize life is
full of risks, but people this day in age don't really want another
risk to add to their life) and they require things like balence and
alittle bit more attentiveness (never driven one but thats what I
suspect) and people might not want to go threw drivers traning for
motorcycles. These reasons migth be pretty lame I know but people just
like to stay in their comfort zone.
Man, I wish I was 14 again. As the Bob Seger song says "I wish I
didn't know now what I didn't know then". At 14 one should be free
spirited and full of life and mayb (maybe) 1 step short of "damn the
consequences". It's the only time in your life to be like that.
You should be "it's to risky" or "stay in the confort zone". Go live
a little. And who gives a d**m what other people think, anyway.
Go take some risks. Go have some fun. Live a little. Otherwise you
risk growing old way too young and having a middle-aged crisis because
of all of the things that you didn't do.
While you're at it, get away from all of the PhD teachers. Know what
the degrees BS. MS. and PhD stand for: Bull S**t, More S**t, and
Piled Higher and Deeper. Don't bet impressed by credentials.
My 15-year-old has a black belt in karate, plays varsity soccer, is
the goalie on the JV lacrosse team, plays youth soccer, plays defense
in box lacrosse and yes; he's ridden on the back of my bikes for years
and wants on of his own. Plus he hunts a little and is a pretty good
shot. I almost forget, he also snowboards about twice a week in the
winter (without a helmet!). These are most high-risk activities --
but that is what you should be doing when you're 14 or 15. Oh, and he
doesn't worry one bit about urban planning or the fate of the city.
As for me, it's a nice sunny day and I need to go to city hall so I'm
going to hop on the bike and go. Boots, jeans, and a helmet -- no
leathers today. But that's a risk I take. Have fun on your mass
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
Post by Pat
I don't know the statistics,
but at least I know that Motercycles appear to be alot more dangerous
Post by Pat
Post by Mr.Cool [Defender of Cities]
to people. esp because the fact that if you get in an accedent in a
motercyle its far more likly to be trama worthy because of its lack of
outside protection.
So? Life is full of risks.
Yes I know, but its just another reason why some people wouldnt be as
attracted to them.
These reasons add up.
I have never driven a motorcycle so I assume its alot cooler then just
riding in one but
I know these reasons appear to me as ones that might turn people off
for getting one.
Okay,well I think I take plenty of risks, and I also play varsity
soccer [I am a freshmen so this was my first year] I also do varsity
wrestling and play summer soccer. I may not take the kind of risks
that are more known to each other, but I do what I can, me and my best
friend plan on this friday
to go hop over 3 fences in the backyard of some houses and pull the
ding dong ditch and get the heck our of their and get this all on
video camera (and of course put it on YouTube haha). Never done it in
the backyard before haha. Wev done alittle bit of graffiti on the side
to haha.
But is kinda cool getting to your life too( really it is, not being
sarcastic). But I think its a misconception
that teenagers are there just to have fun and rebel and smoke pot and
get drunk. Sure you cant take risks in life, but what someone does in
their teens tends to reflect who they will be in the adult ages.
Teenagers can help the world be a better place to, Keep in mind, it
was teenagers who won the revolutionary war.
send the youtube link.
