UK planning Law - Development within the curtilage of a dwellinghouse
(too old to reply)
2006-11-11 00:33:42 UTC
Advice sought:

I have a house with a veranda. 3.7m from the veranda I have a garage.

Two months ago I erected a large shed adjacent to the garage. The shed is
less than 70m3 so I assumed it would be permitted development. The planning
authority has advised me that the combined volumes of the existing garage
and the new shed are in excess of 70m3 and therefore planning permission is
required for the shed because both are within5m of the existing building.

My question is this:

Both 'temporary structures' are more than 5m from the dwellinghouse but only
3.7m from the veranda adjacent to the dwellinghouse. Does the veranda count
as part of the dwellinghouse?

What if 'plant and machinery' is located under the veranda? Does that change
the status of the veranda to 'roof over plant and machinery' ?
2006-11-11 03:38:57 UTC
Post by Mark
I have a house with a veranda. 3.7m from the veranda I have a garage.
Two months ago I erected a large shed adjacent to the garage. The shed is
less than 70m3 so I assumed it would be permitted development. The planning
authority has advised me that the combined volumes of the existing garage
and the new shed are in excess of 70m3 and therefore planning permission is
required for the shed because both are within5m of the existing building.
Both 'temporary structures' are more than 5m from the dwellinghouse but only
3.7m from the veranda adjacent to the dwellinghouse. Does the veranda count
as part of the dwellinghouse?
What if 'plant and machinery' is located under the veranda? Does that change
the status of the veranda to 'roof over plant and machinery' ?
You'll have to read your local planning regulation. At least in the
US, all regs are different and there are no standardized definitions.
2006-12-27 21:48:18 UTC
As Pat said, zoning rules differ from place to place. However, if code
enforcement has issued a complaint, then you are probably violating
local code. I don't know about there but; The "dwelling" includes the
actual living space and everthing physically attached to it, verandas,
porches, garages, utility rooms. What you are actually doing or
storing in that space does not change its definition in the zoning
code. If what you are doing or storing in a space violates the code,
well you will get a visit from code enforcement and an order to cease
and desist. The garage is not a "temporary" structure and niether is a
shed. Temporary structures are usually defined as a tent, pavillion,
or screen which can be set up or torn down in a matter of hours.
Temporary structures are usually forbidden by code or at least require
a permit to set up. I would look up the local zoning code to see if
there are any hares to split.

Your home. You bought it! Now you have to fix it
Post by Pat
Post by Mark
I have a house with a veranda. 3.7m from the veranda I have a garage.
Two months ago I erected a large shed adjacent to the garage. The shed is
less than 70m3 so I assumed it would be permitted development. The planning
authority has advised me that the combined volumes of the existing garage
and the new shed are in excess of 70m3 and therefore planning permission is
required for the shed because both are within5m of the existing building.
Both 'temporary structures' are more than 5m from the dwellinghouse but only
3.7m from the veranda adjacent to the dwellinghouse. Does the veranda count
as part of the dwellinghouse?
What if 'plant and machinery' is located under the veranda? Does that change
the status of the veranda to 'roof over plant and machinery' ?
You'll have to read your local planning regulation. At least in the
US, all regs are different and there are no standardized definitions.
2006-12-27 22:13:33 UTC
As Pat said, zoning rules differ from place to place. However, if code
enforcement has issued a complaint, then you are probably violating
local code. I don't know about there but; The "dwelling" includes the
actual living space and everthing physically attached to it, verandas,
porches, garages, utility rooms. What you are actually doing or
storing in that space does not change its definition in the zoning
code. If what you are doing or storing in a space violates the code,
well you will get a visit from code enforcement and an order to cease
and desist. The garage is not a "temporary" structure and niether is a
shed. Temporary structures are usually defined as a tent, pavillion,
or screen which can be set up or torn down in a matter of hours.
Temporary structures are usually forbidden by code or at least require
a permit to set up. I would look up the local zoning code to see if
there are any hares to split.

Your home. You bought it! Now you have to fix it
Post by Pat
Post by Mark
I have a house with a veranda. 3.7m from the veranda I have a garage.
Two months ago I erected a large shed adjacent to the garage. The shed is
less than 70m3 so I assumed it would be permitted development. The planning
authority has advised me that the combined volumes of the existing garage
and the new shed are in excess of 70m3 and therefore planning permission is
required for the shed because both are within5m of the existing building.
Both 'temporary structures' are more than 5m from the dwellinghouse but only
3.7m from the veranda adjacent to the dwellinghouse. Does the veranda count
as part of the dwellinghouse?
What if 'plant and machinery' is located under the veranda? Does that change
the status of the veranda to 'roof over plant and machinery' ?
You'll have to read your local planning regulation. At least in the
US, all regs are different and there are no standardized definitions.