Horn Blowing = Lion's Roar?
(too old to reply)
2008-04-28 19:52:49 UTC
(This comment interprets horn blowing. My own interpretation is found

Horn Blowing: Interpreting the Message.

If someone honks a horn at you, the meaning is all in the duration. A
really brief "Bip!" means "Hi!" or "Bye!" A moderately short beep
means, "I just want you to realize I'm here." Somewhere between a
second and maybe two seconds means, "I'm here and I am annoyed at your
heedlessness." Over two seconds it means, "I'm pissed off at you,
JERK!" Longer than three seconds it means, "I'm pissed off at this
whole situation! And I am frustrated that I can't do anything more
effective than sit here and blow my horn. Boy am I
frustrated!" (Usually employed in traffic jams to make people around
you even more frustrated too.)

Repeated honks are either repetitions of the above (sorted by blast
duration) or monotone musical "Hellos" if done in cadence with known
tunes like "Shave and a haircut: two bits!" (Meant to be friendly.)


Like I said somewhere else: most of the time the vehicle's blowing the
horn is equivalent to the lion's roar...

"Hey, this is my territory and you better get lost --or else I eat

And guess what the monkey riding the bike said... "Yes, you can eat my

2008-04-29 00:01:30 UTC
Pardon if I'm off topic but I have a quick question.

I've been browsing the rec.bicylces.rides and other rec.bicycles
usenet groups via google, and they seem completely full of spam except
for this post.

I hope this isn't a stupid question but are there some actual users
dialoguing on here regularly or is it all spam?

If so, how many people are actually regularly participating and how do
you use this group with so much spam?

Post by ComandanteBanana
(This comment interprets horn blowing. My own interpretation is found
Horn Blowing: Interpreting the Message.
If someone honks a horn at you, the meaning is all in the duration. A
really brief "Bip!" means "Hi!" or "Bye!" A moderately short beep
means, "I just want you to realize I'm here." Somewhere between a
second and maybe two seconds means, "I'm here and I am annoyed at your
heedlessness." Over two seconds it means, "I'm pissed off at you,
JERK!" Longer than three seconds it means, "I'm pissed off at this
whole situation! And I am frustrated that I can't do anything more
effective than sit here and blow my horn. Boy am I
frustrated!" (Usually employed in traffic jams to make people around
you even more frustrated too.)
Repeated honks are either repetitions of the above (sorted by blast
duration) or monotone musical "Hellos" if done in cadence with known
tunes like "Shave and a haircut: two bits!" (Meant to be friendly.)
Like I said somewhere else: most of the time the vehicle's blowing the
horn is equivalent to the lion's roar...
"Hey, this is my territory and you better get lost --or else I eat
And guess what the monkey riding the bike said... "Yes, you can eat my
WELCOME TO THE JUNGLEhttp://webspawner.com/users/donquijote
Eric Vey
2008-04-29 00:10:22 UTC
Post by mmeiser
Pardon if I'm off topic but I have a quick question.
I've been browsing the rec.bicylces.rides and other rec.bicycles
usenet groups via google, and they seem completely full of spam except
for this post.
I hope this isn't a stupid question but are there some actual users
dialoguing on here regularly or is it all spam?
If so, how many people are actually regularly participating and how do
you use this group with so much spam?
Don't use Google. I use news.datemas.de which filters out most spam.
2008-04-29 12:25:57 UTC
Post by mmeiser
Pardon if I'm off topic but I have a quick question.
I've been browsing the rec.bicylces.rides and other rec.bicycles
usenet groups via google, and they seem completely full of spam except
for this post.
I hope this isn't a stupid question but are there some actual users
dialoguing on here regularly or is it all spam?
If so, how many people are actually regularly participating and how do
you use this group with so much spam?
So I guess you don't use the horn to mark territory. Funny, dogs mark
territory be peeing all over. I hope it doesn't catch on with the SUV
drivers. ;)
2008-04-29 12:38:24 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by mmeiser
Pardon if I'm off topic but I have a quick question.
I've been browsing the rec.bicylces.rides and other rec.bicycles
usenet groups via google, and they seem completely full of spam except
for this post.
I hope this isn't a stupid question but are there some actual users
dialoguing on here regularly or is it all spam?
If so, how many people are actually regularly participating and how do
you use this group with so much spam?
So I guess you don't use the horn to mark territory. Funny, dogs mark
territory be peeing all over. I hope it doesn't catch on with the SUV
drivers. ;)
It's early morning and I make mistakes like this. This answer is
supposed to match Chris' comment.
2008-04-29 12:36:44 UTC
I wonder how that translates to bicycle bells?
Bicycle bells vs. car's horn amount to this: The lion roars and the
bicycle answers back...meaow.

It's a kind of behavior signalling submission. "Ding, ding, ding"...
Don Whybrow
2008-04-29 16:18:21 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
Bicycle bells vs. car's horn amount to this: The lion roars and the
bicycle answers back...meaow.
It's a kind of behavior signalling submission. "Ding, ding, ding"...
Might I suggest that one invests in an AirZound[1]

[1] I have no connection other than as a customer
Don Whybrow

Sequi Bonum Non Time

You guys got something against spam? (Vriess, in _Alien 4_)
2008-04-29 20:35:19 UTC
Post by Don Whybrow
Post by ComandanteBanana
Bicycle bells vs. car's horn amount to this: The lion roars and the
bicycle answers back...meaow.
It's a kind of behavior signalling submission. "Ding, ding, ding"...
Might I suggest that one invests in an AirZound[1]
[1] I have no connection other than as a customer
Don Whybrow
Sequi Bonum Non Time
You guys got something against spam? (Vriess, in _Alien 4_)
Well, that sounds real good... ;)

But wouldn't the lion take it as a challenge to his alpha male role?
How loud is a car's horn?
Don Whybrow
2008-04-29 22:03:22 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by Don Whybrow
Post by ComandanteBanana
Bicycle bells vs. car's horn amount to this: The lion roars and the
bicycle answers back...meaow.
It's a kind of behavior signalling submission. "Ding, ding, ding"...
Might I suggest that one invests in an AirZound[1]
[1] I have no connection other than as a customer
Well, that sounds real good... ;)
But wouldn't the lion take it as a challenge to his alpha male role?
How loud is a car's horn?
According to Wikipedia 107 to 112 dB


The AirZound produces 115 to 120 dB depending on sources although you
can adjust it while you are NOT on the move.
Don Whybrow

Sequi Bonum Non Time

My veal cutlet tried to beat the shit out of my cup of coffee...
the coffee just wasn't strong enough to defend himself. (Tom
2008-04-30 08:45:46 UTC
Post by Don Whybrow
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by Don Whybrow
Post by ComandanteBanana
Bicycle bells vs. car's horn amount to this: The lion roars and the
bicycle answers back...meaow.
It's a kind of behavior signalling submission. "Ding, ding, ding"...
Might I suggest that one invests in an AirZound[1]
[1] I have no connection other than as a customer
Well, that sounds real good... ;)
But wouldn't the lion take it as a challenge to his alpha male role?
How loud is a car's horn?
According to Wikipedia 107 to 112 dB
The AirZound produces 115 to 120 dB depending on sources although you
can adjust it while you are NOT on the move.
It can produce that for a very long time with a 2 litre coke bottle as
the reservoir, and some serious over-pressure.

You can actually adjust it whilst on the move, but I don't bother
since mine's used on motorvehicles. It's not suitable for
pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders, as it's far too loud to be
2008-04-30 12:44:31 UTC
Post by Don Whybrow
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by Don Whybrow
Post by ComandanteBanana
Bicycle bells vs. car's horn amount to this: The lion roars and the
bicycle answers back...meaow.
It's a kind of behavior signalling submission. "Ding, ding, ding"...
Might I suggest that one invests in an AirZound[1]
[1] I have no connection other than as a customer
Well, that sounds real good... ;)
But wouldn't the lion take it as a challenge to his alpha male role?
How loud is a car's horn?
According to Wikipedia 107 to 112 dB
The AirZound produces 115 to 120 dB depending on sources although you
can adjust it while you are NOT on the move.
I don't know but such a bluff may be a dangerous game to the cyclist.
As soon as the lion finds out that it's only a wimpy gazzelle...
Don Whybrow
2008-04-30 16:07:39 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
As soon as the lion finds out that it's only a wimpy gazzelle...
Are you related to Eric Cantona by any chance?
Don Whybrow

Sequi Bonum Non Time

"My God! The thought of that evil man, loose in London--with
money, from God only knows what source--fomenting riot and
rebellion during a public emergency--and in control of an Engine-
driven press! It's nightmarish!" (Gibson-Sterling, "The
Difference Engine")
2008-04-30 22:56:22 UTC
Post by Don Whybrow
Post by ComandanteBanana
As soon as the lion finds out that it's only a wimpy gazzelle...
Are you related to Eric Cantona by any chance?
Introduce me, please.
Don Whybrow
2008-05-01 18:48:22 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by Don Whybrow
Post by ComandanteBanana
As soon as the lion finds out that it's only a wimpy gazzelle...
Are you related to Eric Cantona by any chance?
Introduce me, please.

Don Whybrow

Sequi Bonum Non Time

The media finally figured out that their "paying customers"
(i.e. advertisers) don't WANT an intelligent, thoughtful
audience. And they no longer have one." (Rich Tietjens)
2008-04-30 12:52:33 UTC
Post by Commandante Apeshit
Got it. Whenever I hear a horn I know to be afraid.
I hear horns all day long, so I should be fearful all day long.
You should never let the guard down in the jungle. But you should be
able to tell a threatening roar from a hesitant driver, though both
can be deadly.

Another survival strategy that may not save you, but at least won't
make you fearful all the time is to wear headphones with noise
cancellation. Anyway that's what many drivers do with their radios.
2008-04-30 14:41:48 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
You should never let the guard down in the jungle. But you should be
able to tell a threatening roar from a hesitant driver, though both
can be deadly.
Gotcha. Fear is the mind-killer. Keep killing that mind.
2008-05-01 12:56:31 UTC
Post by Don Whybrow
Post by ComandanteBanana
Bicycle bells vs. car's horn amount to this: The lion roars and the
bicycle answers back...meaow.
It's a kind of behavior signalling submission. "Ding, ding, ding"...
Might I suggest that one invests in an AirZound[1]
[1] I have no connection other than as a customer
I know you don't have a connection with AirZound, but I'm promoting in
any way. Could my claim be true?

(Someone asks if there's such a product, and I put it in. My claim is
"It's supposed to paralize an SUV driver for 10 seconds, so you have
time to escape.")
Post by Don Whybrow
On Tue, 29 Apr 2008 05:30:31 -0700 (PDT), ComandanteBanana
Post by ComandanteBanana
It's a kind of behavior signalling submission. "Ding, ding, ding"...
Then why dont we see modified freon powered boat horns on bikes?
Well... CO2/propane powered horns since the Greentards banned freon...
Small, light, portable
Oh, they have already. They put it in the other thread.


It's supposed to paralize an SUV driver for 10 seconds, so you have
time to escape. ;)
Peter Clinch
2008-05-01 13:06:05 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
(Someone asks if there's such a product, and I put it in. My claim is
"It's supposed to paralize an SUV driver for 10 seconds, so you have
time to escape.")
But since it doesn't paralyse the SUV the driver is notionally in
control of, and being paralysed will remove that notional control, it is
not necessarily such a good thing...

Peter Clinch Medical Physics IT Officer
Tel 44 1382 660111 ext. 33637 Univ. of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital
Fax 44 1382 640177 Dundee DD1 9SY Scotland UK
net ***@dundee.ac.uk http://www.dundee.ac.uk/~pjclinch/
2008-05-01 13:31:57 UTC
Post by Peter Clinch
Post by ComandanteBanana
(Someone asks if there's such a product, and I put it in. My claim is
"It's supposed to paralize an SUV driver for 10 seconds, so you have
time to escape.")
But since it doesn't paralyse the SUV the driver is notionally in
control of, and being paralysed will remove that notional control, it is
not necessarily such a good thing...
I don't think most SUV drivers are much in control to begin with, so
we can always give them a good scare...and then run.

Hey, look at another interesting interpretation for horn blowing...

Originally Posted by chipcom
"When I hear a honk, I just figure they're horny and checking out my

I'm a guy... What should I assume when another guy blows the horn at
2008-05-01 16:38:46 UTC
Post by CommandanteApeshit
Post by Pat
I guess the better question is: what are YOU doing here because
you don't have anything to do with urban planning.
You assume that CommandanteBananasForBrains has the remotest awareness
of the newsgroups he's crossposting everything to.
Why should Britons care about your boondocks, anyway?
Because that's the one that sets the policies for America. Not
civilized people from NYC, Boston or even LA, where alternative
transportation is important.

And when people live in the boondocks and cars are necessary... THE
2008-05-01 16:52:18 UTC
Originally Posted by chipcom
"Well I guess you just ain't got the cute butt that I got or don't
wrap it up in all that nice tight spandex.
Some guys honk because they might be gay, other guys honk as a warning
to stay away from their wives, daughters, girlfriends and mothers,
some honk because of they think I'm a gal and obviously FREAKIN BLIND

Well, modesty apart, I've got a nice butt, but it doesn't show because
I don't use spandex.

So it must good-ol'-fashioned bullying. Bulls that use their horns as
means of intimidation...

PS: Is that why in this lycra group people don't get honked at? "Nice
ass, fellow traveller!"
2008-05-04 16:40:06 UTC
(I'm quoting here an interesting dialog with the original poster that
interprets the use of the horn)

"I can not subscribe to the Us versus Them Lions vs. Sheep analogy
wholeheartedly since few of us are only cyclists or drivers. But I
will admit that there are those out there who are not about to be more
courteous drivers around cyclists unless they are confronted by many
more cyclists on the road and strong peer and legal pressures to be
careful passing them all or careful in how they startle with their
angry horns.

But we are only talking about the horn blowers who lean on their horns
or startle us with bad timing of horn blows; don't forget that there
are many who just use their horns to alert or say hi without adding
the hostility aspect."

I'd only ask you,

Who surround themselves with statues of lions, lion's emblems, and
lion's family crests?

Yes, pretty much the same ones who buy SUVs and then...

"One major problem of SUVs is that some drivers tend to contract SUV
invincibility syndrome, which manifests itself by aggressive behavior.
Infected individuals mistakenly reason that the sheer size of the
vehicle suddenly makes them supreme road worriers. In other words some
mild mannered women who drive SUVs become aggressive chicks with
dicks, and a few normal guys who drive SUVs become über dick heads."

Yep, the lion has to do with the vehicle you ride, though there are
exceptions to the rule. And some of us --myself included-- use cars,
but not more than what we need. We are the monkeys...

And horns and roars of any kind are not welcome.
Tom Sherman
2008-05-04 16:42:16 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
And horns and roars of any kind are not welcome.
Nor is excessive and inappropriate cross-posting.
Tom Sherman - Holstein-Friesland Bovinia
The weather is here, wish you were beautiful
2008-05-05 13:52:02 UTC
Post by Tom Sherman
Post by ComandanteBanana
And horns and roars of any kind are not welcome.
Nor is excessive and inappropriate cross-posting.
Tom Sherman - Holstein-Friesland Bovinia
The weather is here, wish you were beautiful
Sorry but the posts are "on subject"...

QUOTE(Keith C. Johns @ May 5 2008, 12:10 AM)
"But this thread is about ALL uses of the horn, not just by aggressive
drivers, and horn blows ARE used by good drivers as part of good
driving technique when used to alert others of their presence, and
other polite uses already mentioned. And it is useful to be able to
interpret the meaning behind these horn sounds and not get angry when
the message was not intended to be unfriendly. If you just assume that
any horn blow is mean spirited, you will probably be misinterpreting
many of these and possibly create conflicts with an aggressive
response. Better to realize that all horn blows are not bad, even
including some by drivers of FSUVs."

Well, I see some rare instances where blowing the horn may become
necessary, but I don't see the need to use to give so many different
messages that riders would have to decipher. When you are concentrated
in your thing, or tired from riding, you don't need to be guessing
people's intentions. And chances are you'll feel intimidated when you
have several tons of steel next to you...

Wouldn't it better to educate the drivers NOT to blow the horn at
Frank Krygowski
2008-05-07 14:37:18 UTC
Post by Tom Sherman
Post by ComandanteBanana
And horns and roars of any kind are not welcome.
Nor is excessive and inappropriate cross-posting.
Nor constant whining. "Banana" needs to find another occupation.

- Frank Krygowski
Peter Clinch
2008-05-07 14:42:49 UTC
Post by Frank Krygowski
Post by Tom Sherman
Post by ComandanteBanana
And horns and roars of any kind are not welcome.
Nor is excessive and inappropriate cross-posting.
Nor constant whining. "Banana" needs to find another occupation.
he could try, oooooh... /cycling/? No, better not, it's apparently far
too dangerous with all the minefields, machine gun nests etc.

Peter Clinch Medical Physics IT Officer
Tel 44 1382 660111 ext. 33637 Univ. of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital
Fax 44 1382 640177 Dundee DD1 9SY Scotland UK
net ***@dundee.ac.uk http://www.dundee.ac.uk/~pjclinch/
2008-04-29 21:25:18 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
Like I said somewhere else: most of the time the vehicle's blowing the
horn is equivalent to the lion's roar...
Generally sounds more like the braying of a jackass to me.


__o | Any time of the year is a time of sorrow and sadness
_`\(,_ | when we lose a loss of life.
(_)/ (_) | - George W. Bush
2008-04-30 12:40:29 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
Like I said somewhere else: most of the time the vehicle's blowing the
horn is equivalent to the lion's roar...
   Generally sounds more like the braying of a jackass to me.
Or perhaps the bullying of a bull?
2008-04-30 14:42:18 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
Or perhaps the bullying of a bull?
Lots of bull here. It scares me.
Commandante Apeshit
2008-04-30 06:21:16 UTC
Got it. Whenever I hear a horn I know to be afraid.

I hear horns all day long, so I should be fearful all day long.
2008-04-30 15:27:39 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
(This comment interprets horn blowing. My own interpretation is found
Horn Blowing: Interpreting the Message.
If someone honks a horn at you, the meaning is all in the duration. A
really brief "Bip!" means "Hi!" or "Bye!" A moderately short beep
means, "I just want you to realize I'm here." Somewhere between a
second and maybe two seconds means, "I'm here and I am annoyed at your
heedlessness." Over two seconds it means, "I'm pissed off at you,
JERK!" Longer than three seconds it means, "I'm pissed off at this
whole situation! And I am frustrated that I can't do anything more
effective than sit here and blow my horn. Boy am I
frustrated!" (Usually employed in traffic jams to make people around
you even more frustrated too.)
Repeated honks are either repetitions of the above (sorted by blast
duration) or monotone musical "Hellos" if done in cadence with known
tunes like "Shave and a haircut: two bits!" (Meant to be friendly.)
Like I said somewhere else: most of the time the vehicle's blowing the
horn is equivalent to the lion's roar...
"Hey, this is my territory and you better get lost --or else I eat
And guess what the monkey riding the bike said... "Yes, you can eat my
WELCOME TO THE JUNGLEhttp://webspawner.com/users/donquijote
I've heard of people talking to themselves but not posting to
themselves. You need to adjust your meds or something. You've made
2/3 (11 of 17) of all posts in this thread with multiple cases in
which you respond to your own posts. Pretty unbelieveable.
2008-04-30 22:55:47 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by ComandanteBanana
(This comment interprets horn blowing. My own interpretation is found
Horn Blowing: Interpreting the Message.
If someone honks a horn at you, the meaning is all in the duration. A
really brief "Bip!" means "Hi!" or "Bye!" A moderately short beep
means, "I just want you to realize I'm here." Somewhere between a
second and maybe two seconds means, "I'm here and I am annoyed at your
heedlessness." Over two seconds it means, "I'm pissed off at you,
JERK!" Longer than three seconds it means, "I'm pissed off at this
whole situation! And I am frustrated that I can't do anything more
effective than sit here and blow my horn. Boy am I
frustrated!" (Usually employed in traffic jams to make people around
you even more frustrated too.)
Repeated honks are either repetitions of the above (sorted by blast
duration) or monotone musical "Hellos" if done in cadence with known
tunes like "Shave and a haircut: two bits!" (Meant to be friendly.)
Like I said somewhere else: most of the time the vehicle's blowing the
horn is equivalent to the lion's roar...
"Hey, this is my territory and you better get lost --or else I eat
And guess what the monkey riding the bike said... "Yes, you can eat my
WELCOME TO THE JUNGLEhttp://webspawner.com/users/donquijote
I've heard of people talking to themselves but not posting to
themselves.  You need to adjust your meds or something.  You've made
2/3 (11 of 17) of all posts in this thread with multiple cases in
which you respond to your own posts.  Pretty unbelieveable.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Well, I'm chatting with my copycat, ComandanteApeshit, about bull and

And what are doing here if you don't ride a bike and you hate cyclists?
2008-05-01 01:06:28 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by Pat
Post by ComandanteBanana
(This comment interprets horn blowing. My own interpretation is found
Horn Blowing: Interpreting the Message.
If someone honks a horn at you, the meaning is all in the duration. A
really brief "Bip!" means "Hi!" or "Bye!" A moderately short beep
means, "I just want you to realize I'm here." Somewhere between a
second and maybe two seconds means, "I'm here and I am annoyed at your
heedlessness." Over two seconds it means, "I'm pissed off at you,
JERK!" Longer than three seconds it means, "I'm pissed off at this
whole situation! And I am frustrated that I can't do anything more
effective than sit here and blow my horn. Boy am I
frustrated!" (Usually employed in traffic jams to make people around
you even more frustrated too.)
Repeated honks are either repetitions of the above (sorted by blast
duration) or monotone musical "Hellos" if done in cadence with known
tunes like "Shave and a haircut: two bits!" (Meant to be friendly.)
Like I said somewhere else: most of the time the vehicle's blowing the
horn is equivalent to the lion's roar...
"Hey, this is my territory and you better get lost --or else I eat
And guess what the monkey riding the bike said... "Yes, you can eat my
WELCOME TO THE JUNGLEhttp://webspawner.com/users/donquijote
I've heard of people talking to themselves but not posting to
themselves.  You need to adjust your meds or something.  You've made
2/3 (11 of 17) of all posts in this thread with multiple cases in
which you respond to your own posts.  Pretty unbelieveable.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Well, I'm chatting with my copycat, ComandanteApeshit, about bull and
And what are doing here if you don't ride a bike and you hate cyclists?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I guess the better question is: what are YOU doing here because you
don't have anything to do with urban planning.
2008-05-01 12:50:03 UTC
Post by Pat
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by Pat
Post by ComandanteBanana
(This comment interprets horn blowing. My own interpretation is found
Horn Blowing: Interpreting the Message.
If someone honks a horn at you, the meaning is all in the duration. A
really brief "Bip!" means "Hi!" or "Bye!" A moderately short beep
means, "I just want you to realize I'm here." Somewhere between a
second and maybe two seconds means, "I'm here and I am annoyed at your
heedlessness." Over two seconds it means, "I'm pissed off at you,
JERK!" Longer than three seconds it means, "I'm pissed off at this
whole situation! And I am frustrated that I can't do anything more
effective than sit here and blow my horn. Boy am I
frustrated!" (Usually employed in traffic jams to make people around
you even more frustrated too.)
Repeated honks are either repetitions of the above (sorted by blast
duration) or monotone musical "Hellos" if done in cadence with known
tunes like "Shave and a haircut: two bits!" (Meant to be friendly.)
Like I said somewhere else: most of the time the vehicle's blowing the
horn is equivalent to the lion's roar...
"Hey, this is my territory and you better get lost --or else I eat
And guess what the monkey riding the bike said... "Yes, you can eat my
WELCOME TO THE JUNGLEhttp://webspawner.com/users/donquijote
I've heard of people talking to themselves but not posting to
themselves.  You need to adjust your meds or something.  You've made
2/3 (11 of 17) of all posts in this thread with multiple cases in
which you respond to your own posts.  Pretty unbelieveable.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Well, I'm chatting with my copycat, ComandanteApeshit, about bull and
And what are doing here if you don't ride a bike and you hate cyclists?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I guess the better question is: what are YOU doing here because you
don't have anything to do with urban planning.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
That's one of the problems with living in the boondocks: Your brain
usually slows down until you get a sort of mental retardation. I call
it the "boondocks syndrome," and it manifests by either being
indifferent to the outside world, or making stupid comments about
something that you don't care about. For example, WHAT DO YOU CARE

FYI, I propose BIKE FACILITIES, and those are part of urban planning.
2008-05-01 13:31:22 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by Pat
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by Pat
Post by ComandanteBanana
(This comment interprets horn blowing. My own interpretation is found
Horn Blowing: Interpreting the Message.
If someone honks a horn at you, the meaning is all in the duration. A
really brief "Bip!" means "Hi!" or "Bye!" A moderately short beep
means, "I just want you to realize I'm here." Somewhere between a
second and maybe two seconds means, "I'm here and I am annoyed at your
heedlessness." Over two seconds it means, "I'm pissed off at you,
JERK!" Longer than three seconds it means, "I'm pissed off at this
whole situation! And I am frustrated that I can't do anything more
effective than sit here and blow my horn. Boy am I
frustrated!" (Usually employed in traffic jams to make people around
you even more frustrated too.)
Repeated honks are either repetitions of the above (sorted by blast
duration) or monotone musical "Hellos" if done in cadence with known
tunes like "Shave and a haircut: two bits!" (Meant to be friendly.)
Like I said somewhere else: most of the time the vehicle's blowing the
horn is equivalent to the lion's roar...
"Hey, this is my territory and you better get lost --or else I eat
And guess what the monkey riding the bike said... "Yes, you can eat my
WELCOME TO THE JUNGLEhttp://webspawner.com/users/donquijote
I've heard of people talking to themselves but not posting to
themselves.  You need to adjust your meds or something.  You've made
2/3 (11 of 17) of all posts in this thread with multiple cases in
which you respond to your own posts.  Pretty unbelieveable.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Well, I'm chatting with my copycat, ComandanteApeshit, about bull and
And what are doing here if you don't ride a bike and you hate cyclists?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I guess the better question is: what are YOU doing here because you
don't have anything to do with urban planning.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
That's one of the problems with living in the boondocks: Your brain
usually slows down until you get a sort of mental retardation. I call
it the "boondocks syndrome," and it manifests by either being
indifferent to the outside world, or making stupid comments about
something that you don't care about. For example, WHAT DO YOU CARE
FYI, I propose BIKE FACILITIES, and those are part of urban planning.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Like usual, you are completely wrong. I live in the boondocks because
it's a great place to live. But I work in urban planning and
community development. Unlike you, who just babbles some
incomprehensible thing about moneys riding bikes and "the revolution"
that will never come, I actually work towards the betterment of

As for bike plans, in the area of the world where I live; no one
cares. They are too expensive and wasteful. Money can be used for
much more benefitial activities. In some areas where people bike
more, they may be a great idea and therefore they should be

Finally, in your trifecta of wrongness, I am not against bikes and
have never said so. I always say "whatever floats your boat". If you
like biking, then bike. I don't give a d**n what you do.
2008-05-01 15:59:05 UTC
Post by Pat
As for bike plans, in the area of the world where I live; no one
cares. They are too expensive and wasteful
Sounds like you live in fearful boondocks, just like you should.
Beware! The Lion! Beware!
Jym Dyer
2008-05-03 06:35:26 UTC
=v= Oh man, Commandante Apeshit, your improved Subject: line
tipped me off to your email address. Insert smiley emoticons
right about here, with LOLs and ROFLs and such.

=v= So your previous "The Lyin'! The Lyin'!" message now makes
me think of Katherine Hepburn in _On_Golden_Pond_, if you know
what I mean. And I think you do.
2008-05-01 16:33:45 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by Pat
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by Pat
Post by ComandanteBanana
(This comment interprets horn blowing. My own interpretation is found
Horn Blowing: Interpreting the Message.
If someone honks a horn at you, the meaning is all in the duration. A
really brief "Bip!" means "Hi!" or "Bye!" A moderately short beep
means, "I just want you to realize I'm here." Somewhere between a
second and maybe two seconds means, "I'm here and I am annoyed at your
heedlessness." Over two seconds it means, "I'm pissed off at you,
JERK!" Longer than three seconds it means, "I'm pissed off at this
whole situation! And I am frustrated that I can't do anything more
effective than sit here and blow my horn. Boy am I
frustrated!" (Usually employed in traffic jams to make people around
you even more frustrated too.)
Repeated honks are either repetitions of the above (sorted by blast
duration) or monotone musical "Hellos" if done in cadence with known
tunes like "Shave and a haircut: two bits!" (Meant to be friendly.)
Like I said somewhere else: most of the time the vehicle's blowing the
horn is equivalent to the lion's roar...
"Hey, this is my territory and you better get lost --or else I eat
And guess what the monkey riding the bike said... "Yes, you can eat my
WELCOME TO THE JUNGLEhttp://webspawner.com/users/donquijote
I've heard of people talking to themselves but not posting to
themselves.  You need to adjust your meds or something.  You've made
2/3 (11 of 17) of all posts in this thread with multiple cases in
which you respond to your own posts.  Pretty unbelieveable.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Well, I'm chatting with my copycat, ComandanteApeshit, about bull and
And what are doing here if you don't ride a bike and you hate cyclists?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I guess the better question is: what are YOU doing here because you
don't have anything to do with urban planning.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
That's one of the problems with living in the boondocks: Your brain
usually slows down until you get a sort of mental retardation. I call
it the "boondocks syndrome," and it manifests by either being
indifferent to the outside world, or making stupid comments about
something that you don't care about. For example, WHAT DO YOU CARE
FYI, I propose BIKE FACILITIES, and those are part of urban planning.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Like usual, you are completely wrong.  I live in the boondocks because
it's a great place to live.  But I work in urban planning and
community development.  
No wonder urban planning is so wrong. Designed by people who live in
the boondocks and hate bikes.

Why don't you change your career to raising goats or cows?
2008-05-01 15:57:13 UTC
Post by Pat
I guess the better question is: what are YOU doing here because
you don't have anything to do with urban planning.
You assume that CommandanteBananasForBrains has the remotest awareness
of the newsgroups he's crossposting everything to.

Why should Britons care about your boondocks, anyway?