Do you carry a gun while out on a ride?
(too old to reply)
2008-06-17 22:30:24 UTC
(I'm not going to be posting here for a while --unless requested--,
but in case you are not protected by the revolution soon, here's some
practical advice so you can survive under the worst conditions)

Well, it seems that self-defense sometimes calls for a gun, and there
are plenty of offenses committed against cyclists out there.

I'm not advocating violence at all, but it seems that, of all places
where the gun may be necessary, the cyclist may have the most pressing
need for it. Almost as much, let's say, as a pump and a multi-wrench

So let's hear from the pacifists and the NRA people alike...


I think a water gun would be a good option. The guy may suffer from a
heart attack, but then you respond with a random act of kindness and
spray his windshield.

That would teach him two lessons: Not to mess with the cyclists and
that we are a friendly bunch! ;)

Welcome to the Jungle

2008-06-18 05:47:35 UTC
On Tue, 17 Jun 2008 15:30:24 -0700 (PDT)
Post by KingOfTheApes
(I'm not going to be posting here for a while --unless requested--,
but in case you are not protected by the revolution soon, here's some
practical advice so you can survive under the worst conditions)
Well, it seems that self-defense sometimes calls for a gun, and there
are plenty of offenses committed against cyclists out there.
I'm not advocating violence at all, but it seems that, of all places
where the gun may be necessary, the cyclist may have the most pressing
need for it. Almost as much, let's say, as a pump and a multi-wrench
So let's hear from the pacifists and the NRA people alike...
I think a water gun would be a good option. The guy may suffer from a
heart attack, but then you respond with a random act of kindness and
spray his windshield.
That would teach him two lessons: Not to mess with the cyclists and
that we are a friendly bunch! ;)
A heat-seeking missile that plugs the tailpipe would be good. Or maybe
a launcher that splats unpleasant goo down the side of anything that
passes too close. If someone pulled a gun on me when I was driving I'd
flatten him.
Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells
2008-06-18 07:36:51 UTC
Post by n***@ntlworld.com
On Tue, 17 Jun 2008 15:30:24 -0700 (PDT)
Post by KingOfTheApes
(I'm not going to be posting here for a while --unless requested--,
but in case you are not protected by the revolution soon, here's some
practical advice so you can survive under the worst conditions)
Well, it seems that self-defense sometimes calls for a gun, and there
are plenty of offenses committed against cyclists out there.
I'm not advocating violence at all, but it seems that, of all places
where the gun may be necessary, the cyclist may have the most
pressing need for it. Almost as much, let's say, as a pump and a
multi-wrench tool.
So let's hear from the pacifists and the NRA people alike...
I think a water gun would be a good option. The guy may suffer from a
heart attack, but then you respond with a random act of kindness and
spray his windshield.
That would teach him two lessons: Not to mess with the cyclists and
that we are a friendly bunch! ;)
A heat-seeking missile that plugs the tailpipe would be good. Or
maybe a launcher that splats unpleasant goo down the side of anything
that passes too close. If someone pulled a gun on me when I was
driving I'd flatten him.
Will you fucking idiots kindly stop posting this drivel to uk.rec.cycling?

This has been a public service announcement.
Col. Sandy Volestrangler (Mrs.)
2008-06-18 12:50:33 UTC
On Tue, 17 Jun 2008 15:30:24 -0700 (PDT), KingOfTheApes
Post by KingOfTheApes
(I'm not going to be posting here for a while --unless requested--,
but in case you are not protected by the revolution soon, here's some
practical advice so you can survive under the worst conditions)
Well, it seems that self-defense sometimes calls for a gun, and there
are plenty of offenses committed against cyclists out there.
I'm not advocating violence at all, but it seems that, of all places
where the gun may be necessary, the cyclist may have the most pressing
need for it. Almost as much, let's say, as a pump and a multi-wrench
So let's hear from the pacifists and the NRA people alike...
Wouldn't that add too much weight?
2008-06-18 13:18:16 UTC
Post by dgk
On Tue, 17 Jun 2008 15:30:24 -0700 (PDT), KingOfTheApes
Post by KingOfTheApes
(I'm not going to be posting here for a while --unless requested--,
but in case you are not protected by the revolution soon, here's some
practical advice so you can survive under the worst conditions)
Well, it seems that self-defense sometimes calls for a gun, and there
are plenty of offenses committed against cyclists out there.
I'm not advocating violence at all, but it seems that, of all places
where the gun may be necessary, the cyclist may have the most pressing
need for it. Almost as much, let's say, as a pump and a multi-wrench
So let's hear from the pacifists and the NRA people alike...
Wouldn't that add too much weight?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Compact grenade launchers are best...

Loading Image...

Sorry, out of stock!
2008-06-18 13:22:26 UTC
(Some people may be surprised that we in America have the need to
carry a gun when riding a bike, but then we should remind them the
bicycle has a place in violent places)

Originally Posted by evan_phi
(from Canada)
"jeeeeesus 8-ballin' christ..."

Why are you surprised??

Bicycles were iniatially set up for WWI. And I believe the special
commandos still use them...


See, Iraq seems to be a bike friendly place --provided you carry the
right guns.

I always love the James Bond music, don't you guys?
2008-06-18 13:55:24 UTC
(Notice I'm accused here of promoting "armed insurrection." Well, it
depends what you understand by "gun")

Originally Posted by st0ut
"The OP would like to see who carries a firearm to ward off cars( that
in his mind threaten him.)
He is too afraid to ride and think the only way for the streets to be
safe is armed insurrection. In this case the OP should NOT have a
firearm. has he views himself as judge and jury. And General of his
Basically he wants to take pot shots and anyone that gets tooo close
to him. or yells out the window."

You've been reading too much Mao lately... Me, armed insurrection?

Oh yes, my gun is a banana. They are the perfect weapon since I can
simply eat them, but if you carry it in your pocket it'll look like
something else... a gun, you know.

Then you can say, "Stick 'em up!" or "Stick it in!" Whatever that
shows you a tough contender.

NOTE: This is not promotion but I've got a T-shirt that says, "That
thing in pocket is only a banana!"
Bruce Gilbert
2008-06-18 13:16:26 UTC
Post by KingOfTheApes
(I'm not going to be posting here for a while --unless requested--,
but in case you are not protected by the revolution soon, here's some
practical advice so you can survive under the worst conditions)
Well, it seems that self-defense sometimes calls for a gun, and there
are plenty of offenses committed against cyclists out there.
I'm not advocating violence at all, but it seems that, of all places
where the gun may be necessary, the cyclist may have the most pressing
need for it. Almost as much, let's say, as a pump and a multi-wrench
So let's hear from the pacifists and the NRA people alike...
I think a water gun would be a good option. The guy may suffer from a
heart attack, but then you respond with a random act of kindness and
spray his windshield.
That would teach him two lessons: Not to mess with the cyclists and
that we are a friendly bunch! ;)
That is way too much gear to haul. Guns are heavy, especially on hills. All
guys carry an on-board liquid supply with a user actuated flexible delivery
system. Demonstrate real man fitness, jump onto the hood of the car and
perform the windshield cleaning ritual. It is sure to be a YouTube hit. In
fact, we can host a video contest, judged like any Olympic level event.
Height, distance, flow, color, pattern and grip style are all considered in
the point score. It will be the cycling version of the ever-popular bull
riding on Versus. Will windshield wipers serve as reins?

2008-06-18 14:27:59 UTC
"KingOfTheApes" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:ffe5b182-96d1-4fbe-8c31-***@34g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
| (I'm not going to be posting here for a while --unless requested--,
| but in case you are not protected by the revolution soon, here's some
| practical advice so you can survive under the worst conditions)
| Well, it seems that self-defense sometimes calls for a gun, and there
| are plenty of offenses committed against cyclists out there.
| I'm not advocating violence at all, but it seems that, of all places
| where the gun may be necessary, the cyclist may have the most pressing
| need for it. Almost as much, let's say, as a pump and a multi-wrench
| tool.
| So let's hear from the pacifists and the NRA people alike...

I've often wondered about strapping a punt gun to the underside of the boom
of my 'bent, add the trigger to the hardware on my bars - half a pound of
lead shot should grab the attention of even the most vacuous of cagers.

True, the reload time for one of these is measured on a calendar, but
there's not normally any need to reload, as anything in front of you for
about 50 yards tends to quietly evaporate.

Some people may think that this is a tad over the top, but, you know, you've
gotta get their attention somehow

2008-06-18 14:50:17 UTC
Post by PoB
Some people may think that this is a tad over the top, but, you know, you've
gotta get their attention somehow
And I've found out that "somehow" to be...

Originally Posted by chipcom
"I would have a pang of remorse reading that t-shirt after I shot
you...but your day would be pretty much ruined."

None of your weapons address the predator before he eats you. He flies
by you and shouts, "Hey *******, get off my road!" And speeds away.
You are left humiliated and powerless, even if you carry a gun.

I, on the other hand, have other T-shirt that says, "Hungry?" Then on
back, "You can eat my banana!"* I call it pre-emptive strike... Hey,
you may even get some chick out there --who happens to be hungry. Just
carry bananas.

PS: It's not what you think. That's what the monkey told the hungry
lion. And guess what the lion told the monkey...?
2008-06-18 15:52:15 UTC
I finally figured out how to fight back without making enemies that
can kill you...

"Hey, this is an original way to make friends among the unfriendly.
Just make sure to wave and smile back when they honk at you..."

2008-06-18 16:46:33 UTC
Post by PoB
| (I'm not going to be posting here for a while --unless requested--,
| but in case you are not protected by the revolution soon, here's some
| practical advice so you can survive under the worst conditions)
| Well, it seems that self-defense sometimes calls for a gun, and there
| are plenty of offenses committed against cyclists out there.
| I'm not advocating violence at all, but it seems that, of all places
| where the gun may be necessary, the cyclist may have the most pressing
| need for it. Almost as much, let's say, as a pump and a multi-wrench
| tool.
| So let's hear from the pacifists and the NRA people alike...
I've often wondered about strapping a punt gun to the underside of the boom
of my 'bent, add the trigger to the hardware on my bars - half a pound of
lead shot should grab the attention of even the most vacuous of cagers.
True, the reload time for one of these is measured on a calendar, but
there's not normally any need to reload, as anything in front of you for
about 50 yards tends to quietly evaporate.
"quietly evaporate"????
Dane Buson
2008-06-18 16:50:20 UTC
Post by Marc
Post by PoB
True, the reload time for one of these is measured on a calendar, but
there's not normally any need to reload, as anything in front of you for
about 50 yards tends to quietly evaporate.
"quietly evaporate"????
You're thinking "noisily evaporate" I imagine, much like I am?
Dane Buson - ***@unixbigots.org
The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. Instead of
altering their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their
views ... which can be very uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the
facts that needs altering. -- Doctor Who, "Face of Evil"
2008-06-18 22:08:05 UTC
Originally Posted by UnsafeAlpine
"Wow, I didn't realize I'm such a wimp for not bringing a gun with me
everywhere I go, for not being a frightened kid who has to resort to
machismo to feel important. Well, time to go buy that AK I keep seeing
for sale so I can be a real man."

Remember the grenade launcher I posted somewhere...

But the point is that the speed differential between cars and bikes
and the fact that we share the same road, puts us all at odds. The
quick tempered drivers feel you are on "their" turf and they have
every right to push you around. Then you feel the need to fight back
and, whether with a banana or a bazooka, the whole thing becomes a
confrontation. To me, we have been set up in this stupid situation, in
which we each should have our own space, and that calls for one of two
solutions: BIKE LANES or SLOW LANES, where bikes have the priority.

Short of that, we will see the Wild West out there. "The one that
draws the fastest, wins."
2008-06-19 13:02:26 UTC
(This is a selection of "best of the best" posts from another group.
You deserve no less)

Originally Posted by Trajan265
"I always carry a gun when I'm out on a ride...but then again it's my

When is America putting undercover cops on bikes to ride regular
streets? I bet you could catch more than one criminal out there.
2008-06-19 21:25:37 UTC
Originally Posted by chipcom
"Hint: you can't...what needs to be controlled are humans and their
behavior...not the tools they use."

I think the wild monkeys (those that display primitive behavior, like
aggression) should be put in a cage.

But since they look like humans, they figure the chances of being
caught are slim, particularly since nobody cares about nothing any
more. Some are being caught, but mainly because the police is looking
to i$$ue as many tickets as po$$ible.

If undercover policemen were to ride the roads, then the wild monkeys
would think twice before pushing around people on bikes. I wonder why
a society that puts undercover hookers out there, doesn't care that
much about the cyclists. Yeah, we know prostitution is a sin, but so
is bullying cyclists...

This is leading into religious morality, is it not?
2008-06-20 02:58:43 UTC
Post by KingOfTheApes
Originally Posted by chipcom
"Hint: you can't...what needs to be controlled are humans and their
behavior...not the tools they use."
I think the wild monkeys (those that display primitive behavior, like
aggression) should be put in a cage.
But since they look like humans, they figure the chances of being
caught are slim, particularly since nobody cares about nothing any
more. Some are being caught, but mainly because the police is looking
to i$$ue as many tickets as po$$ible.
If undercover policemen were to ride the roads, then the wild monkeys
would think twice before pushing around people on bikes. I wonder why
a society that puts undercover hookers out there, doesn't care that
much about the cyclists. Yeah, we know prostitution is a sin, but so
is bullying cyclists...
This is leading into religious morality, is it not?
9 of the 16 posts in the thread are from you --including multiple
times where you reply to yourself. This, after you swore "I'm not
going to be posting here for a while --unless requested". Well, guess
what, no one is requesting you to post. You're just embarrassing
yourself by posting like this. You're just posting to hear yourself
talk. Go get a life. Your gig working for "Big Oil" is up. Your
cover is blown.

If you're worried that people hate bikers. Guess what. It's because
of people like you. You're a disgrace.
Amy Blankenship
2008-06-20 12:38:59 UTC
Post by KingOfTheApes
Originally Posted by chipcom
"Hint: you can't...what needs to be controlled are humans and their
behavior...not the tools they use."
I think the wild monkeys (those that display primitive behavior, like
aggression) should be put in a cage.
But since they look like humans, they figure the chances of being
caught are slim, particularly since nobody cares about nothing any
more. Some are being caught, but mainly because the police is looking
to i$$ue as many tickets as po$$ible.
If undercover policemen were to ride the roads, then the wild monkeys
would think twice before pushing around people on bikes. I wonder why
a society that puts undercover hookers out there, doesn't care that
much about the cyclists. Yeah, we know prostitution is a sin, but so
is bullying cyclists...
This is leading into religious morality, is it not?
9 of the 16 posts in the thread are from you --including multiple
times where you reply to yourself. This, after you swore "I'm not
going to be posting here for a while --unless requested". Well, guess
what, no one is requesting you to post. You're just embarrassing
yourself by posting like this. You're just posting to hear yourself
talk. Go get a life. Your gig working for "Big Oil" is up. Your
cover is blown.

If you're worried that people hate bikers. Guess what. It's because
of people like you. You're a disgrace.


Could we adopt a policy of not responding to this guy? I have him
comfortably filtered out, but when people respond I have to see what they
are responding to.

2008-06-20 13:12:56 UTC
On Jun 20, 8:38 am, "Amy Blankenship"
Post by Pat
Post by KingOfTheApes
Originally Posted by chipcom
"Hint: you can't...what needs to be controlled are humans and their
behavior...not the tools they use."
I think the wild monkeys (those that display primitive behavior, like
aggression) should be put in a cage.
But since they look like humans, they figure the chances of being
caught are slim, particularly since nobody cares about nothing any
more. Some are being caught, but mainly because the police is looking
to i$$ue as many tickets as po$$ible.
If undercover policemen were to ride the roads, then the wild monkeys
would think twice before pushing around people on bikes. I wonder why
a society that puts undercover hookers out there, doesn't care that
much about the cyclists. Yeah, we know prostitution is a sin, but so
is bullying cyclists...
This is leading into religious morality, is it not?
9 of the 16 posts in the thread are from you --including multiple
times where you reply to yourself.  This, after you swore "I'm not
going to be posting here for a while --unless requested".  Well, guess
what, no one is requesting you to post.  You're just embarrassing
yourself by posting like this.  You're just posting to hear yourself
talk.  Go get a life.  Your gig working for "Big Oil" is up.  Your
cover is blown.
If you're worried that people hate bikers.  Guess what.  It's because
of people like you.  You're a disgrace.
Could we adopt a policy of not responding to this guy?  I have him
comfortably filtered out, but when people respond I have to see what they
are responding to.
Thanks!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Maybe there's someone out there smart enough to read posts like

(I think it was Lindon Johnson that called the "silent majority")

Originally Posted by Rex G
"Just to be clear, I would love to ride a bike, out of uniform,
allowing my self to be bullied, and using a radio to relay the
information to an officer in a marked cruiser around the next bend.
But, our stats would not be nearly as impressive as if I stood by the
road, in uniform or not, and lasered speeders, relaying the
information to guys around the bend. In reality, one officer with a
laser can keep half a dozen guys in marked cruisers busy, cutting
paper. (Local PD jargon for writing tickets.) Of course, slowing the
speeders makes things safer for cyclists, and police presence in an
area makes road rage/bullying less likely."

I'm sure you'd be happy to find help your fellow cyclists, but the
public opinion isn't there to back you up, and that takes leadership.

I think it would take an important personality (a president, better)
to change this view, and fund the effort accordingly since you can't
generate that much money. Perhaps the cities put pressure on you to go
"where the money is." Some say there's a quota. Meanwhile we will try
to survive out there, or simply stay away from it all until better
times arrive.

The last day I was out on the road (I still do but only for short
errands), I had a policeman wave me off the road before I had an
incident which could have proven fatal. To me, we are insignificant
out there, and some people feel they can act against us. A speed limit
helps, but not enough. Where I live dozens of speeding tickets are
issued everyday, and still cars go zooming by. Worse of all, they do
so on any lane, particularly the right hand lane, which puts us at
greater risk.

How smart it would be to bring "lane discipline" to our roads. Limit
the speed limit on the right, but be more lenient about speeds on the
left. And put speed cameras to help in the enforcement. If we ever had
politicians committed to friendlier roads. I doubt it. I see a self-
serving bunch.

Well, perhaps some day we can bring experts from Sweden or

"In 2005 Sweden recorded its lowest number of fatalities since the
1940s, while the US recorded its highest number in 15 years. The
Swedish total is 66% below the highest number recorded in Sweden (in
1966), while the US total is only 20% below the highest number
recorded in the US (in 1972). If the US total had dropped from its
high by the same percent as the Swedish total did, in 2005 the US
would have suffered 18,293 traffic deaths, 25,150 fewer than the
actual total of 43,443."

2008-06-20 13:18:03 UTC
On Jun 20, 8:38 am, "Amy Blankenship"
Post by Pat
Post by KingOfTheApes
Originally Posted by chipcom
"Hint: you can't...what needs to be controlled are humans and their
behavior...not the tools they use."
I think the wild monkeys (those that display primitive behavior, like
aggression) should be put in a cage.
But since they look like humans, they figure the chances of being
caught are slim, particularly since nobody cares about nothing any
more. Some are being caught, but mainly because the police is looking
to i$$ue as many tickets as po$$ible.
If undercover policemen were to ride the roads, then the wild monkeys
would think twice before pushing around people on bikes. I wonder why
a society that puts undercover hookers out there, doesn't care that
much about the cyclists. Yeah, we know prostitution is a sin, but so
is bullying cyclists...
This is leading into religious morality, is it not?
9 of the 16 posts in the thread are from you --including multiple
times where you reply to yourself.  This, after you swore "I'm not
going to be posting here for a while --unless requested".  Well, guess
what, no one is requesting you to post.  You're just embarrassing
yourself by posting like this.  You're just posting to hear yourself
talk.  Go get a life.  Your gig working for "Big Oil" is up.  Your
cover is blown.
If you're worried that people hate bikers.  Guess what.  It's because
of people like you.  You're a disgrace.
Could we adopt a policy of not responding to this guy?  I have him
comfortably filtered out, but when people respond I have to see what they
are responding to.
Thanks!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Hey, this is my first response to the guy since ... I don't know
when. My other post to him wasn't really a "response". But yes, in
general I ignore him. Unfortunately, that means pretty much ignoring
the whole NG which he pretty much killed.
2008-06-20 14:49:01 UTC
Post by KingOfTheApes
On Jun 20, 8:38 am, "Amy Blankenship"
Post by Pat
Post by KingOfTheApes
Originally Posted by chipcom
"Hint: you can't...what needs to be controlled are humans and their
behavior...not the tools they use."
I think the wild monkeys (those that display primitive behavior, like
aggression) should be put in a cage.
But since they look like humans, they figure the chances of being
caught are slim, particularly since nobody cares about nothing any
more. Some are being caught, but mainly because the police is looking
to i$$ue as many tickets as po$$ible.
If undercover policemen were to ride the roads, then the wild monkeys
would think twice before pushing around people on bikes. I wonder why
a society that puts undercover hookers out there, doesn't care that
much about the cyclists. Yeah, we know prostitution is a sin, but so
is bullying cyclists...
This is leading into religious morality, is it not?
9 of the 16 posts in the thread are from you --including multiple
times where you reply to yourself.  This, after you swore "I'm not
going to be posting here for a while --unless requested".  Well, guess
what, no one is requesting you to post.  You're just embarrassing
yourself by posting like this.  You're just posting to hear yourself
talk.  Go get a life.  Your gig working for "Big Oil" is up.  Your
cover is blown.
If you're worried that people hate bikers.  Guess what.  It's because
of people like you.  You're a disgrace.
Could we adopt a policy of not responding to this guy?  I have him
comfortably filtered out, but when people respond I have to see what they
are responding to.
Thanks!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Hey, this is my first response to the guy since ... I don't know
when.  My other post to him wasn't really a "response".  But yes, in
general I ignore him.  Unfortunately, that means pretty much ignoring
the whole NG which he pretty much killed.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Don't put it that bad. This group is alive and kicking, particularly
after my candidacy...

(this is probably my last post in 4 years)

Well, just assuming...

Suppose I ran for president, and I was serious about cycling, what
would I have to do to deserve your vote?

This article cites some of the things that need to be done to promote

(notice they are for the revolution too)

The Revolution Will Not Be Motorized
Is Austin finally giving bicyclists a little respect?

'Elkinton has observed a marked rise in transportation-bicycling
interest this year, motivated most strongly, he says, "by the
increasing price of gas and goods."'

1- Tax gasoline to promote bike facilities.

'One question planners already know the answer to is why people avoid
transportation cycling: safety.'

2- Implement bike paths and bike lanes or where necessary implement
slow lanes enforced by speed cameras.

"promote the heck out of it."

3- Promotion, promotion, promotion. Without it, the people won't come
out their cages.


Oh, thank you very much for your vote, and see you in four years.
Rob Morley
2008-06-20 14:34:21 UTC
On Fri, 20 Jun 2008 07:38:59 -0500
Post by Amy Blankenship
Could we adopt a policy of not responding to this guy? I have him
comfortably filtered out, but when people respond I have to see what
they are responding to.
So get a newsreader that can filter on message content as well as
headers. :-)
Steve C
2008-06-21 00:30:34 UTC
Post by Rob Morley
On Fri, 20 Jun 2008 07:38:59 -0500
Post by Amy Blankenship
Could we adopt a policy of not responding to this guy? I have him
comfortably filtered out, but when people respond I have to see what
they are responding to.
So get a newsreader that can filter on message content as well as
headers. :-)
Rob Morley
2008-06-22 02:55:18 UTC
On Sat, 21 Jun 2008 01:30:34 +0100
Post by Steve C
Post by Rob Morley
On Fri, 20 Jun 2008 07:38:59 -0500
Post by Amy Blankenship
Could we adopt a policy of not responding to this guy? I have him
comfortably filtered out, but when people respond I have to see
what they are responding to.
So get a newsreader that can filter on message content as well as
headers. :-)
On Windows I use Microplanet Gravity
and on Linux I use Claws Mail http://www.claws-mail.org/
Many other posters will no doubt have their own preferences.

2008-06-21 15:39:25 UTC
Post by KingOfTheApes
(I'm not going to be posting here for a while --unless requested--,
but in case you are not protected by the revolution soon, here's some
practical advice so you can survive under the worst conditions)
Well, it seems that self-defense sometimes calls for a gun, and there
are plenty of offenses committed against cyclists out there.
I'm not advocating violence at all, but it seems that, of all places
where the gun may be necessary, the cyclist may have the most pressing
need for it. Almost as much, let's say, as a pump and a multi-wrench
So let's hear from the pacifists and the NRA people alike...
I think a water gun would be a good option. The guy may suffer from a
heart attack, but then you respond with a random act of kindness and
spray his windshield.
That would teach him two lessons: Not to mess with the cyclists and
that we are a friendly bunch! ;)
Welcome to the Jungle
No, of course not. Too much extra weight ;-{)}