Six US cities tamper with traffic cameras for profit
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Jack May
2008-04-21 03:58:47 UTC
Government greed with no concern for the lives of drivers. The people
responsible should be charged with a felony and be jailed for a long time.


Six U.S. cities have been found guilty of shortening the amber cycles below
what is allowed by law on intersections equipped with cameras meant to catch
red-light runners. The local governments in question have ignored the safety
benefit of increasing the yellow light time and decided to install red-light
cameras, shorten the yellow light duration, and collect the profits instead.

The cities in question include Union City, CA, Dallas and Lubbock, TX,
Nashville and Chattanooga, TN, Springfield, MO, according to Motorists.org,
which collected information from reports from around the country. This isn't
the first time traffic cameras have been questioned as to their
effectiveness in preventing accidents. In one case, the local government was
forced to issue refunds by more than $1 million to motorists who were issued
tickets for running red lights.

The report goes on to note these are just instances that have been
identified, and there may be more out there, and urges visitors to send in
their own findings.
Amy Blankenship
2008-04-21 12:53:39 UTC
This isn't the first time traffic cameras have been questioned as to their
effectiveness in preventing accidents.
Traffic lights in general. In many places, they seem carefully timed to
cause maximum congestion.
Jack May
2008-04-21 18:21:55 UTC
Post by Amy Blankenship
This isn't the first time traffic cameras have been questioned as to
their effectiveness in preventing accidents.
Traffic lights in general. In many places, they seem carefully timed to
cause maximum congestion.
True but the reducing of the yellow light time on purpose to increase ticket
revenue is causing an increase in crashes, especially side impacts. That is
Amy Blankenship
2008-04-21 21:03:16 UTC
Post by Jack May
Post by Amy Blankenship
This isn't the first time traffic cameras have been questioned as to
their effectiveness in preventing accidents.
Traffic lights in general. In many places, they seem carefully timed to
cause maximum congestion.
True but the reducing of the yellow light time on purpose to increase
ticket revenue is causing an increase in crashes, especially side impacts.
That is deadly.
Around here, we pretty much expect everyone to run red lights, cut us off in
traffic, and pull out into major highways (not limited access) without
looking. The problem comes when you get people in from out of town. Our
tenants had a friend who came down to visit them on his motorcycle. He
didn't live through his first encounter with someone pulling out on the
highway without looking.
