Another fine mess we've gotten ourselves into
(too old to reply)
2007-04-11 05:07:43 UTC
Okay, I admit I drive quit a bit due to where I live. In fact for the
last week or so I've been traveling for business and been putting on
the miles. But I swear that no matter how much people don't like
gasoline powered cars and such, I am NOT responsible for this mess:


It sort of makes you wonder. If we are not responsible for this, then
who is and when were they there????
Jack May
2007-04-11 06:08:11 UTC
Post by Pat
Okay, I admit I drive quit a bit due to where I live. In fact for the
last week or so I've been traveling for business and been putting on
the miles. But I swear that no matter how much people don't like
It sort of makes you wonder. If we are not responsible for this, then
who is and when were they there????
It is those coal burning flying saucers :-)
