Your neighborhood, you town, you city.
(too old to reply)
2007-06-24 02:37:05 UTC
Hey all, so a few disscussions back Pat told as all why he loves where
he lives so much, then I discribed why I love where I live so much. I
just want the rest of you to do the same. Share with each other the
things that you love most in your area on a daily basis.



Pat's small town love

Ya just can't explain it.

I like looking up and seeing hills and trees. I like having air that
isn't "flavored". I like having some neighbors around but not being
in a city. I like having a mayor who has a published telephone number
and everyone knows his cell phone number (but no one calls it much
'cause you don't want to bother him at work). I like going to city
hall and knowing everyone there. I like it that the mayor is "Jeff".
I like know where the school principal lives, in case I need to go see
him. I like seeing the same families at soccer and football and

I like knowing that if you set something down it won't be stolen
(probably). True story: I had a license plate fall off my trailer.
The cops out on patrol found it, "ran the plate", found the address,
and dropped it off at the house.

I like knowing that I have guns in the house -- and that guns are for
hunting or target practice. I like knowing I have a "carry concealed"
permit for a handgun but that I have no place I want to carry it

I like it that the high school/middle school concert can be the
biggest event of the week.

I kid in school was causing some problems. I went down to his house
and let his father know and asked his father to take care of it.
Problem solved. No school intervention. No "disipline report". I
like knowing that you can do that, and if my kid was causing problems
I hope that he would do the same.

I like watching the seasons. I like my small garden. I like my
neighbors having fires in their backyards all summer long. I like
taking my dog off of the leash once we get past the busy road during
our walk.

I like kids riding bikes and walking places. I like knowing that they
aren't going to get in the middle of a gang war.

I like the fact that Steven Stills is at the casino tonight. The
casino is across town -- maybe 4 miles. I like faintly hearing the
music and knowing things are so quiet that you notice the concert.

I like looking overhead last night and seeing the Big Dipper. Wow, it
was bright.

I like that our newspaper usually doesn't have anything in it worth
My big city love

Hearing the Saxophone player across the street, I also like hearing
the cars roll by even if its not the most soothing sound in the world,
it makes me feel like
Im a part of something big. And this past Christmas season when I
looked out my mom's bosses downtown condo from the deck I honestly
said to myself "I love life". The city is so peaceful from the hight
yet I love hearing the faint noise of cars rush by while getting the
cold Minnesotan winter wind in my face. I know for most people rolling
hills, golden valleys and praries is the ideal view for them, but to
me seeing the city at night is like for Pat to look up and see the
brightest Big Dipper he has ever witnessed while hanging with his
small town he loves so much.
2007-06-24 22:10:56 UTC
Come on guys have a heart!
2007-06-26 00:01:01 UTC
Post by William
Come on guys have a heart!
Alright I'll just assume everyone here besides me and Pat hate where
they live then.....
2007-06-26 00:08:03 UTC
Post by William
Post by William
Come on guys have a heart!
Alright I'll just assume everyone here besides me and Pat hate where
they live then.....
Hey, as long as they keep out of here, I'm fine.
