Trains vs PRT
(too old to reply)
2007-07-25 18:52:21 UTC
Personal Rapid Transit
Amy Blankenship
2007-07-25 20:28:11 UTC
If I have to click twice and still don't have any idea why I am at the site,
they've lost me.
Post by William
Personal Rapid Transit
2007-07-26 05:00:04 UTC
On Jul 25, 4:28 pm, "Amy Blankenship"
Post by Amy Blankenship
If I have to click twice and still don't have any idea why I am at the site,
Post by William
Personal Rapid Transit
So website with incredibly annoying graphics -- trying to be cool.

The PRT is your basic sci-fi transit system. Is this the one that was
in Demolition Man with Sly Stalone and Wesley Snipes?
2007-07-27 02:04:37 UTC
Post by Pat
On Jul 25, 4:28 pm, "Amy Blankenship"
Post by Amy Blankenship
If I have to click twice and still don't have any idea why I am at the site,
Post by William
Personal Rapid Transit
So website with incredibly annoying graphics -- trying to be cool.
The PRT is your basic sci-fi transit system. Is this the one that was
in Demolition Man with Sly Stalone and Wesley Snipes?
I don't know but some people think it is quite a isolated anti-society
way of mass transiting.
I don't know, It seems pretty cool you just have to type in you code
and theres no stops. But it is quite small.
Jack May
2007-07-28 04:53:47 UTC
Post by William
Post by Pat
On Jul 25, 4:28 pm, "Amy Blankenship"
I don't know but some people think it is quite a isolated anti-society
way of mass transiting.
I don't know, It seems pretty cool you just have to type in you code
and theres no stops. But it is quite small.
Huh?? The pods have to pick up and let off people which means stops
especially with full cars. There will inherently be stop and go
2007-07-29 19:19:14 UTC
Post by Jack May
Post by William
Post by Pat
On Jul 25, 4:28 pm, "Amy Blankenship"
I don't know but some people think it is quite a isolated anti-society
way of mass transiting.
I don't know, It seems pretty cool you just have to type in you code
and theres no stops. But it is quite small.
Huh?? The pods have to pick up and let off people which means stops
especially with full cars. There will inherently be stop and go
Well, no. It's the same reason why trains never have traffic.
