America's economy depends on constant crowding
(too old to reply)
Enough Already
2008-07-26 17:20:13 UTC

Note the number of times population growth and land development are
mentioned in that piece. "Job growth" or "job creation" invariably
follows population growth, so how long is it supposed to last on a
finite planet? Only a fraction of economists will answer that question
directly. "Uh...we need perpetual growth because...uh...well, someone
just said so!"

Is the ultimate plan to destroy as much nature as possible while
leaving just enough space for people to live and farm? The scale of
human land use is vastly underestimated. Actual dwellings take up a
fraction of the total land required for watersheds, agriculture,
grazing, timber, mining, and upcoming plans for wind-power and solar
sites. Biofuels use enormous tracts but people are at least seeing
that; mainly because they compete directly with food.

How about planning for a steady-state economy based on a stable
population without impossible expectations of constantly rising
wealth? The rising cost of oil should be used as a wake-up call for
growth cessation, not a scramble to keep up with more of it. But, with
human nature as it is, the Takers will prevail for awhile.



Cancer-model economies don't last on finite planets.
Scott M. Kozel
2008-07-26 17:28:12 UTC
Post by Enough Already
Note the number of times population growth and land development are
mentioned in that piece. "Job growth" or "job creation" invariably
follows population growth, so how long is it supposed to last on a
finite planet? Only a fraction of economists will answer that question
directly. "Uh...we need perpetual growth because...uh...well, someone
just said so!"
Those who claim that it is too crowded, are welcome to consider
completing their suicide.
george conklin
2008-07-26 18:07:14 UTC
Post by Scott M. Kozel
Post by Enough Already
Note the number of times population growth and land development are
mentioned in that piece. "Job growth" or "job creation" invariably
follows population growth, so how long is it supposed to last on a
finite planet? Only a fraction of economists will answer that question
directly. "Uh...we need perpetual growth because...uh...well, someone
just said so!"
Those who claim that it is too crowded, are welcome to consider
completing their suicide.
No, enough wants YOU to die so he thinks he can live a better life.
f. barnes
2008-07-27 02:16:31 UTC
Post by Scott M. Kozel
Post by Enough Already
Note the number of times population growth and land development are
mentioned in that piece. "Job growth" or "job creation" invariably
follows population growth, so how long is it supposed to last on a
finite planet? Only a fraction of economists will answer that question
directly. "Uh...we need perpetual growth because...uh...well, someone
just said so!"
Those who claim that it is too crowded, are welcome to consider
completing their suicide.
At what point, if any, would you say it was too crowded? And how does
an economic system that depends on a constant influx of more people
coming into that economic system differ from a ponzi scheme? A ponzi
scheme will last just so long as more and more people come into it.
(David P.)
2008-07-27 04:31:17 UTC
Those who claim that it's too crowded are
welcome to consider suicide.
Public policy isn't about ONE person;
it's about EVERYONE! Did you forget?
Rod Speed
2008-07-27 04:44:38 UTC
Post by (David P.)
Those who claim that it's too crowded are welcome to consider suicide.
Public policy isn't about ONE person;
It takes someone to make the first move with something like that.
Post by (David P.)
it's about EVERYONE!
Its never about EVERYONE!!!
Post by (David P.)
Did you forget?
Who could forget your drivel ?
The Trucker
2008-07-26 20:06:45 UTC
Post by Enough Already
Note the number of times population growth and land development are
mentioned in that piece. "Job growth" or "job creation" invariably
follows population growth, so how long is it supposed to last on a
finite planet? Only a fraction of economists will answer that question
directly. "Uh...we need perpetual growth because...uh...well, someone
just said so!"
It is about economic rent. The fascist, the plutocrat, the oligarch, the
Republican cannot survive without economic rent being collected by the
leaders/pigs/authorities/ and used to enforce their control.


If more people do not arrive then the claimant of the "best" location
cannot live a life of luxury having the later arrivals harvesting the
fruit for him. This is Republicansism 101.
"I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers
of society but the people themselves; and
if we think them not enlightened enough to
exercise their control with a wholesome
discretion, the remedy is not to take it from
them, but to inform their discretion by
education." - Thomas Jefferson
2008-07-27 11:02:34 UTC
Post by Enough Already
Note the number of times population growth and land development are
mentioned in that piece. "Job growth" or "job creation" invariably
follows population growth, so how long is it supposed to last on a
finite planet? Only a fraction of economists will answer that question
directly. "Uh...we need perpetual growth because...uh...well, someone
just said so!"
Well, moron economists are always on the side of the UN, though.
Which is why it was it people with science and logic and
engineering brains,
that invented robots, digital, adaptive A.I. HDTV, DVD, lasers,
fiber optics,
PV Cells, GPS, and cruise missiles, rather than retards like
Post by Enough Already
Is the ultimate plan to destroy as much nature as possible while
leaving just enough space for people to live and farm? The scale of
human land use is vastly underestimated. Actual dwellings take up a
fraction of the total land required for watersheds, agriculture,
grazing, timber, mining, and upcoming plans for wind-power and solar
sites. Biofuels use enormous tracts but people are at least seeing
that; mainly because they compete directly with food.
How about planning for a steady-state economy based on a stable
population without impossible expectations of constantly rising
wealth? The rising cost of oil should be used as a wake-up call for
growth cessation, not a scramble to keep up with more of it. But, with
human nature as it is, the Takers will prevail for awhile.
Cancer-model economies don't last on finite planets.