What presidential issue you prefer, bike facilities or gay marriage?
(too old to reply)
2008-01-23 22:17:30 UTC
How scandalous... You are peacefully riding a bike in Holland among
the beautiful gardens and all of a sudden you find this...

"a gay couple kissing in a flowery field."

Well, I hope you don't get offended by sexuality, which seems to be a
feature of Dutch democracy...

"Sexual democracy becomes central even more than religious freedom
when discussing the Dutch vision of democracy."


And I believe that the fact that the Greeks created democracy and that
they had very liberal views about sexuality is more than a historical
coincidence. Religious censorship and democracy are at odds. Real
democracy is built upon other issues that improve the quality of life
for all, for example fighting poverty or building BIKE FACILITIES,
another area where the Dutch excel.

"In the Gospels, Jesus himself never mentions homosexuality. And he
seldom even discusses sexual sin. In contrast, the Gospels are full of
Jesus' teachings against self-righteousness, greed, pride, bigotry,
sexism, racism, and hypocrisy. Like Amos and Isaiah before him, Jesus
roundly condemns the rich and powerful who exploit, cheat, or ignore
the poor. For Jesus, immorality had much more to do with economic
injustice than with sex. He taught a morality of love."


Dave Larrington
2008-01-24 08:57:12 UTC
Presidential? Election?

Nope, don't get it.
Dave Larrington
Mr. Charles Kennedy (Krankieburgh): Would the Prime Minister
care to comment on a report in today's Guardian that he: "arrived
late for a meeting with Jacques Chirac, smelling of alcohol, and
with body language suggesting a total disregard for the rights
of ethnic minorities, lone parents and laboratory animals"?
2008-01-24 09:05:28 UTC
Presidential?  Election?
Nope, don't get it.
Dave Larrington
Mr. Charles Kennedy (Krankieburgh): Would the Prime Minister
care to comment on a report in today's Guardian that he: "arrived
late for a meeting with Jacques Chirac, smelling of alcohol, and
with body language suggesting a total disregard for the rights
of ethnic minorities, lone parents and laboratory animals"?
When Lord Bedford re-planned Russell Square gardens to Humphrey
Repton's original design outraged letters were sent to him from the
gaymosexuals who said the bushes offered a splendid opportunity for
touching each others' bottoms and so on, and how dare he countenance
removing them. Jacqui Smith and her badly- packed kebab remain
curiously quiet on this issue.
2008-01-24 17:31:55 UTC
Presidential?  Election?
Nope, don't get it.
Yep, it's a kind of show they put together every 4 years. Several
actors compete to play the main character. Of course, it's totally

Perhaps we can even suggest an act for the show called the "Dutch
package." Homosexual rights and bike facilities in one neat package.
Because what people care about homosexual rights if they don't get
something in return?
Amy Blankenship
2008-01-24 19:59:01 UTC
Presidential? Election?
Nope, don't get it.
Yep, it's a kind of show they put together every 4 years. Several
actors compete to play the main character. Of course, it's totally

Perhaps we can even suggest an act for the show called the "Dutch
package." Homosexual rights and bike facilities in one neat package.
Because what people care about homosexual rights if they don't get
something in return?

Don't you mean "in the end"? ;-)
2008-01-24 22:04:09 UTC
On Jan 24, 2:59 pm, "Amy Blankenship"
Post by donquijote1954
Presidential? Election?
Nope, don't get it.
Yep, it's a kind of show they put together every 4 years. Several
actors compete to play the main character. Of course, it's totally
Perhaps we can even suggest an act for the show called the "Dutch
package." Homosexual rights and bike facilities in one neat package.
Because what people care about homosexual rights if they don't get
something in return?
Don't you mean "in the end"?  ;-)
Don't know what you mean, but people gotta get something back "in the
end" or else they wouldn't vote for gay issues. Likewise, we can throw
in prostitution in the Dutch Package, so the streetwalkers get their
own place and some overdue recognizition.

Hey, should we also throw in weed...???
Tom Sherman
2008-01-25 01:47:47 UTC
On Jan 24, 2:59 pm, "Amy Blankenship"
Post by donquijote1954
Presidential? Election?
Nope, don't get it.
Yep, it's a kind of show they put together every 4 years. Several
actors compete to play the main character. Of course, it's totally
Perhaps we can even suggest an act for the show called the "Dutch
package." Homosexual rights and bike facilities in one neat package.
Because what people care about homosexual rights if they don't get
something in return?
Don't you mean "in the end"? ;-)
Don't know what you mean...
Whoosh! Think buggery.
Tom Sherman - Holstein-Friesland Bovinia
"And never forget, life ultimately makes failures of all people."
- A. Derleth
2008-01-25 18:11:30 UTC
They would have to join Muslim fundamentalists in trying to ban all
kinds of sexual democracy. "Hey, banana should be taken off the
menu"... ;)
WHY THE BANANA REVOLUTION?http://webspawner.com/users/bananarevolution
We have freedom of speech over here.
So they could fit in.
We still have a party in the Netherlands that bans women from being a
So we are used to having nutcases around.
Peter van Velzen
January 2008
The Netherlands- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
That's good, but here they run the show.

I wonder if the fact that the Pilgrims came from there has to with
Holland being too free?

'The Dutch have given many things to America: Easter eggs, Santa
Claus, waffles, sauerkraut, sleighing, skating, and a host of "vans"
and "velts" that helped to build our nation.1 But perhaps their
greatest contribution to America was the 11 years of freedom they gave
the Pilgrims -- crucial years that helped America's founding fathers
work out their philosophy of freedom and prepare for self-government
in the New World.'

Tom Sherman
2008-01-26 17:13:26 UTC
Post by donquijote1954
They would have to join Muslim fundamentalists in trying to ban all
kinds of sexual democracy. "Hey, banana should be taken off the
menu"... ;)
WHY THE BANANA REVOLUTION?http://webspawner.com/users/bananarevolution
We have freedom of speech over here.
So they could fit in.
We still have a party in the Netherlands that bans women from being a
So we are used to having nutcases around.
Peter van Velzen
January 2008
The Netherlands- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
That's good, but here they run the show.
I wonder if the fact that the Pilgrims came from there has to with
Holland being too free?
'The Dutch have given many things to America: Easter eggs, Santa
Claus, waffles, sauerkraut, sleighing, skating, and a host of "vans"
and "velts" that helped to build our nation.1 But perhaps their
greatest contribution to America was the 11 years of freedom they gave
the Pilgrims -- crucial years that helped America's founding fathers
work out their philosophy of freedom and prepare for self-government
in the New World.'
The Brownists were about religious freedom for themselves, but not others.
Tom Sherman - Holstein-Friesland Bovinia
"And never forget, life ultimately makes failures of all people."
- A. Derleth
2008-01-26 17:58:58 UTC
Post by Tom Sherman
Post by donquijote1954
They would have to join Muslim fundamentalists in trying to ban all
kinds of sexual democracy. "Hey, banana should be taken off the
menu"... ;)
WHY THE BANANA REVOLUTION?http://webspawner.com/users/bananarevolution
We have freedom of speech over here.
So they could fit in.
We still have a party in the Netherlands that bans women from being a
So we are used to having nutcases around.
Peter van Velzen
January 2008
The Netherlands- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
That's good, but here they run the show.
I wonder if the fact that the Pilgrims came from there has to with
Holland being too free?
'The Dutch have given many things to America: Easter eggs, Santa
Claus, waffles, sauerkraut, sleighing, skating, and a host of "vans"
and "velts" that helped to build our nation.1 But perhaps their
greatest contribution to America was the 11 years of freedom they gave
the Pilgrims -- crucial years that helped America's founding fathers
work out their philosophy of freedom and prepare for self-government
in the New World.'
The Brownists were about religious freedom for themselves, but not others.
It's always like that. And they were quick to secure their "lion's
share" from the Indians...

"...symbolically speaking, there are legitimate reasons for thinking
of them as America's parents: their religiosity, their isolationism,
their earnestness and grit. If you're inclined to look at the history
of America as one of exploitation, they can be made to fit that too.
They started with an honest and thoroughly biblical mission. That
their colony would become caught up in massacre and sadness, one could
reasonably conclude, underscores the danger of believing that God
guides one's hand."


And we still living the consequences of ISOLATIONISM, and a
religiosity that leads to exploitation and superiority over all other
people of the Earth.
2008-01-25 18:26:43 UTC
I'm not claiming "cause & effect," and perhaps some studies are
needed, but gays and bikes are related....

See, there's a couple of places many of you may be familiar with,
South Beach (Miami Beach) and Key West, both having a lot of room for
gays and bicycles. True, there's a hardly parking lots and distances
are short, but the fact remains that you can be a drag queen or
peacefully ride your bike. Or you can be a drag queen and ride a bike
at the same time.

The point is that FREEDOM IS FREEDOM, and that must be understood by
the Religious Right who vote against gays, but totally ignore "real
and present needs" like having bike facilities. Hey, both places can
claim to be Blue Cities (Democratic) as well. So the Dutch Package
(weed and prostitution included) stands as an issue for the 2008
presidential elections...

2008-01-24 15:50:31 UTC
Is this about a presidential election in the Netherlands? Did you
mean to put it in uk.cycling ?
2008-01-24 17:04:06 UTC
Is this about a presidential election in the Netherlands?  Did you
mean to put it in uk.cycling ?
No, it's about the presidential elections in the US. More
specifically, about making BIKE FACILITIES a presidential issue,
instead of homosexuals and other red herrings.

Believe it or not, this country dictates the issues for the rest of
the world. And, needless to say, while billions of dollars are wasted
in fighting terrorism, there will be nothing left for bikes and other
real issues.
Jens Müller
2008-01-24 21:54:05 UTC
Post by donquijote1954
Post by Jon
Is this about a presidential election in the Netherlands? Did you
mean to put it in uk.cycling ?
No, it's about the presidential elections in the US. More
specifically, about making BIKE FACILITIES a presidential issue,
instead of homosexuals and other red herrings.
Believe it or not, this country dictates the issues for the rest of
the world.
They don't dictate German laws regarding bike facilities.


"Many German streets and sidewalks have dedicated bike lanes for use by
bicyclists. Pedestrians should be aware that bicycles have priority use
of these lanes and should be careful to observe whether any bicyclist is
approaching before crossing or stepping into the bike lane. Bicyclists
also have priority over cars turning onto side streets, and motorists
should always confirm whether a bicyclist is approaching from either
direction before attempting to enter side streets, even when the light
is in their favor. Motorists turning into a side street who hit a
bicyclist who is using a marked bike lane will be held responsible for
any injury or damage caused."
2008-01-24 22:13:30 UTC
Post by Jens Müller
Post by donquijote1954
Is this about a presidential election in the Netherlands?  Did you
mean to put it in uk.cycling ?
No, it's about the presidential elections in the US. More
specifically, about making BIKE FACILITIES a presidential issue,
instead of homosexuals and other red herrings.
Believe it or not, this country dictates the issues for the rest of
the world.
They don't dictate German laws regarding bike facilities.
"Many German streets and sidewalks have dedicated bike lanes for use by
bicyclists. Pedestrians should be aware that bicycles have priority use
of these lanes and should be careful to observe whether any bicyclist is
approaching before crossing or stepping into the bike lane. Bicyclists
also have priority over cars turning onto side streets, and motorists
should always confirm whether a bicyclist is approaching from either
direction before attempting to enter side streets, even when the light
is in their favor. Motorists turning into a side street who hit a
bicyclist who is using a marked bike lane will be held responsible for
any injury or damage caused."
Germany and mainland Europe are a little bit outside the American
sphere of influence. They only fall in place in the war against
terrorism. The UK is more like America, but with a Queen.
2008-01-24 18:27:06 UTC
presidential erections at bike facilities...

what does any of this have to do with the greeks? Good lord, of
course they were all gay, the men went around in dresses for crying
out loud.

Back to riding with a woody; not on a wedgie, that's fer sure.
2008-01-24 19:10:35 UTC
Post by DennisTheBald
presidential erections at bike facilities...
what does any of this have to do with the greeks?  Good lord, of
course they were all gay, the men went around in dresses for crying
out loud.
Back to riding with a woody; not on a wedgie, that's fer sure.
It all fits one big picture... The Greeks invented gay liberation and
democracy (but not the bike), but the Dutch found a great use for gay
liberation, democracy and the bike, and America, well, America found
use for none. ;)

Afraid of being called names?

Jens Müller
2008-01-24 21:48:58 UTC
Post by donquijote1954
How scandalous... You are peacefully riding a bike in Holland among
the beautiful gardens and all of a sudden you find this...
"a gay couple kissing in a flowery field."
Well, I hope you don't get offended by sexuality, which seems to be a
feature of Dutch democracy...
"Sexual democracy becomes central even more than religious freedom
when discussing the Dutch vision of democracy."
And I believe that the fact that the Greeks created democracy and that
they had very liberal views about sexuality is more than a historical
coincidence. Religious censorship and democracy are at odds. Real
democracy is built upon other issues that improve the quality of life
for all, for example fighting poverty or building BIKE FACILITIES,
another area where the Dutch excel.
Real democracy is based on abolishing apartheid based on power source.
2008-01-24 21:56:19 UTC
Post by donquijote1954
How scandalous... You are peacefully riding a bike in Holland among
the beautiful gardens and all of a sudden you find this...
"a gay couple kissing in a flowery field."
Well, I hope you don't get offended by sexuality, which seems to be a
feature of Dutch democracy...
"Sexual democracy becomes central even more than religious freedom
when discussing the Dutch vision of democracy."
And I believe that the fact that the Greeks created democracy and that
they had very liberal views about sexuality is more than a historical
coincidence. Religious censorship and democracy are at odds. Real
democracy is built upon other issues that improve the quality of life
for all, for example fighting poverty or building BIKE FACILITIES,
another area where the Dutch excel.
Real democracy is based on abolishing apartheid based on power source.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
What you mean, that Holland or America practice apartheid? I think
America practices discrimination only...
Jens Müller
2008-01-24 22:23:09 UTC
Post by donquijote1954
Real democracy is based on abolishing apartheid based on power source.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
What you mean, that Holland or America practice apartheid? I think
America practices discrimination only...
The Netherlands do, from what I know.

The UK, e.g., does not.
2008-01-24 22:38:21 UTC
Post by Jens Müller
Post by donquijote1954
Real democracy is based on abolishing apartheid based on power source.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
What you mean, that Holland or America practice apartheid? I think
America practices discrimination only...
The Netherlands do, from what I know.
The UK, e.g., does not.
Well, if you have to fend for yourself on dangerous roads, then the
government is discriminating against you. This quote applies here...

"Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the
powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral." -Paulo

In other words, the cyclist is the powerless, whose power is next to
nothing. Sort of like an insect. You'll be lucky if the car doesn't
leave the scene, something very common.

But if you are separated by bike paths (not bike lanes) though it
constitutes apartheid, it's a welcome separation in order to gain
safety. The difference between discrimination and apartheid is
important. At least when it comes to bicycle riding.
2008-01-24 23:06:44 UTC
I just made another T-shirt for the "Banana Revolution Gear"
collection. It sounds terrific in German...

"Willkommen zum Dschungel"

Good advice for bikes riding on Darwinistic roads...


Notice the description...

"You know that size matters in the jungle. That's why nobody messes
with elephants."

That's why everybody wants SUVs. ;)
2008-01-25 00:06:06 UTC
Could the American Religious Right fit in Holland?
It'ld be a tight fit. They'ld have to lose some weight.
Bret Cahill
For them to fit, they would have to ride bikes like the Dutch.

Their SUVs certainly won't fit.
2008-01-28 00:58:32 UTC
This is Bush people...

Evangelicals Say They Led Charge For the GOP

As the presidential race was heating up in June and July, a pair of
leaked documents showed that the Bush-Cheney reelection campaign was
urging Christian supporters to turn over their church directories and
was seeking to identify "friendly congregations" in battleground

Those revelations produced a flurry of accusations that the Bush
campaign was leading churches to violate laws against partisan
activities by tax-exempt organizations, and even some of the White
House's closest religious allies said the campaign had gone too far.

But the untold story of the 2004 election, according to national
religious leaders and grass-roots activists, is that evangelical
Christian groups were often more aggressive and sometimes better
organized on the ground than the Bush campaign. The White House
struggled to stay abreast of the Christian right and consulted with
the movement's leaders in weekly conference calls. But in many
respects, Christian activists led the charge that GOP operatives
followed and capitalized upon.

This was particularly true of the same-sex marriage issue. One of the
most successful tactics of social conservatives -- the ballot
referendums against same-sex marriage in 13 states -- bubbled up from
below and initially met resistance from White House aides, Christian
leaders said.


That's why we need the Dutch Package to free up their minds. Perhaps
some weed would pacify them... ;)
2008-01-28 22:15:33 UTC
Let me recycle this post. It's too good to waste. ;)
Hussein himself didn't believe he would be invaded. Just out in the
news the other day.
So WHAT...? He was a self-absorbed tyrannical dictator. What do you
THINK he was thinking..? Just like Richard Nixon making all of those
tapes. He didn't think he stood a chance of being brought down
So you are taking upon your shoulder to remove all tyrants that
commit crimes against their own people, or just that those who oppose
you? Again, you many friends like that, and Hussein himself was you
ally against Iran. What did he do wrong? He broke the golden rule the
King of the Jungle tolerates... COMPETITION NOT ALLOWED. Invading Iran
was OK, but invading Kuwait was not.
The invasion had no other justification other than
a hungry predator eating the smaller predator under the Law of the
Not according to all of your dem buddies.... Should I re-post what
you've so thoughtfully snipped away....? I know you can't be THAT old,
not to remember what I posted just the other day.... You know what
they all said. They're no different than Bush.
Some of them are the same under a different camouflage. But some
really offered a hope, particularly Gore, whose presidency you stole.
and was even called such by Iraq and many others. Of course,
someone green like Al Gore would never have thought of invading Iraq.
His vision didn't call for an unending flow of oil...
And just where is that oil today...? It'll fall into the hands of the
enemy if people like you have any say about it. And you people have
been working full time to see that it does.
Yeah... better to fall into the hands of the insurgents than Bush,
Better in anyone's hands than in the tanks of the SUVs. They are the
ones that terrorize American roads.
As previously held notions about our reasons for invading
Iraq have crumbled, new justifications for the invasion continually
metamorphose. Public opinion about what we are doing there has varied
from individual to individual from the start. As we search for new
rationalizations to replace the old, I think we will eventually come
to find American sentiment settling on a final justification (or
possibly only the next justification, but I think it will be the
final). I think that Americans will eventual embrace the idea that we
invaded Iraq to insure an uninterrupted flow of oil from the middle
east to the rest of the world. For some reason, attempts of critics
suggesting that oil was the original reason, have been resisted by
most of the war hawks, but I think eventually, those hawks and many of
the doves will actually come to embrace the idea.
http://atheism.about.com/b/2004/01/07/the-reason-america-invaded-iraq...Hide quoted text -
I have but one request..... Prove it. Until you can, you're just a
rambling nut-case Bush-hating liberal... Nothing special. Seen
2,912,253 of 'em. Thank God there was 2,912,790 of us..
So you are claiming you didn't invade Iraq for oil. How come you
didn't invade, say, Cuba, and took over the sugar cane fields? Hey,
why won't you donate the Iraqi oil profits for the environment or even
for the children whose Medicare you deny? Then I'd believe you... ;)
2008-01-29 16:45:43 UTC
Hey, I'm asking you all --even Atheists-- to make an abstraction, or
reduction to the absurd if you will, so we can have an idea where we --
the nonbelievers-- are supposed to go. Are you afraid of it? Or you
actually think it may be a fun place, like a sinful nightclub with all
the girls dancing naked and smoking weed?
Just curious... ;)
(Now we threw in the "Dutch Package," gays, bicycles, prostitution and
weed in one neat package --T-shirts too!)
Hell is a Holiday Inn in Nebraska. Lawrence Welk is on every
television station, and the Inn is full of very fat Born-Again
Christians. The sun never completely sets, and the only thing on the
horison is a grain elevator with peeling paint.
Do you realise that your post single handedly caused 5 suicicides?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Do you think the Religious Right is part of this deceit game too? A
system that produces War, Environmental Recklessness and SUVs while
preaching of a Messiah that rode a donkey?

"In a society dominated by the fact of commercial competition, money
is necessarily the test of prowess, and wastefulness the sole
criterion of power." -Upton Sinclair, book 'The Jungle'
