Got to love planners
(too old to reply)
2007-05-25 04:04:35 UTC
I'm sitting here reviewing a new, local housing plan that arrived
earlier today. There's a map of "developable" areas, streams, stream
setbacks, senic views, yada yada yada. Then there's this areas with a
really weird shading that overlays a couple of other areas. So I look
down at the legand, find that weird shading, and the legand reads
"shaded area". Doh !!! <head smack>

Oh, and the contours aren't labels and the edge of the paper is labled
"edge". Oh yeah, they got their money's worth.
2007-05-25 09:11:57 UTC
Post by Pat
I'm sitting here reviewing a new, local housing plan that arrived
earlier today. There's a map of "developable" areas, streams, stream
setbacks, senic views, yada yada yada. Then there's this areas with a
really weird shading that overlays a couple of other areas. So I look
down at the legand, find that weird shading, and the legand reads
"shaded area". Doh !!! <head smack>
Oh, and the contours aren't labels and the edge of the paper is labled
"edge". Oh yeah, they got their money's worth.
Don't tell me let me guess - there's no north point, and north isn't top of
the sheet?

I'm the oldest planner in my outfit - and the only one who knows how to do
a proper drawing. Head smack? My preference is banging my head against a
filing cabinet ...
George Conklin
2007-05-25 12:10:48 UTC
Post by Troppo
Post by Pat
I'm sitting here reviewing a new, local housing plan that arrived
earlier today. There's a map of "developable" areas, streams, stream
setbacks, senic views, yada yada yada. Then there's this areas with a
really weird shading that overlays a couple of other areas. So I look
down at the legand, find that weird shading, and the legand reads
"shaded area". Doh !!! <head smack>
Oh, and the contours aren't labels and the edge of the paper is labled
"edge". Oh yeah, they got their money's worth.
Don't tell me let me guess - there's no north point, and north isn't top of
the sheet?
I'm the oldest planner in my outfit - and the only one who knows how to do
a proper drawing. Head smack? My preference is banging my head against a
filing cabinet ...
Those that we used to see were always multi-colored, but under NC law, they
were only advisory unless we demanded and got "committed elements." They
were just pretty pictures.
2007-05-25 13:30:41 UTC
Post by Troppo
Post by Pat
I'm sitting here reviewing a new, local housing plan that arrived
earlier today. There's a map of "developable" areas, streams, stream
setbacks, senic views, yada yada yada. Then there's this areas with a
really weird shading that overlays a couple of other areas. So I look
down at the legand, find that weird shading, and the legand reads
"shaded area". Doh !!! <head smack>
Oh, and the contours aren't labels and the edge of the paper is labled
"edge". Oh yeah, they got their money's worth.
Don't tell me let me guess - there's no north point, and north isn't top of
the sheet?
I'm the oldest planner in my outfit - and the only one who knows how to do
a proper drawing. Head smack? My preference is banging my head against a
filing cabinet ...
... as a matter of fact, the page is oriented to the east...

It is a narrow and long parcel that goes due north/south. They
oriented it on a fold out sheet (it appears, because I only have it on
disk) that folds out from the binding. So they put north to the
left. But the text is oriented across the page when you fold it out
(with north to your left). I don't remember if there's a north arrow,
but it might be better to have an east arrow -- maybe a big E and
arrow :-)

Believe me, I wish that was the biggest problem with the report.
