If I were to promote the benefits of biking, I'd put a lady
(too old to reply)
2008-05-02 13:46:43 UTC
If I were to promote the benefits of biking, I'd put a lady like this
to ride around town...

No speeches about Global Warming or Road Safety would be necessary.

Actually, she could advertise my T-shirts too...

2008-05-02 16:08:46 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
If I were to promote the benefits of biking, I'd put a lady like this
to ride around town...
No speeches about Global Warming or Road Safety would be necessary.
Actually, she could advertise my T-shirts too...
I think I could attract ladys to cycling by having a photo of me, 8
stone in weight, sat eating a sausage butty followed by a large
chocolate bar!
2008-05-02 17:21:47 UTC
Post by Nat
Post by ComandanteBanana
If I were to promote the benefits of biking, I'd put a lady like this
to ride around town...
No speeches about Global Warming or Road Safety would be necessary.
Actually, she could advertise my T-shirts too...
I think I could attract ladys to cycling by having a photo of me, 8
stone in weight, sat eating a sausage butty followed by a large
chocolate bar!
And then you'd wear a t-shirt that said, "You can eat my sausage!!!"
2008-05-04 21:51:18 UTC
Sincerely, guys, I think you are riding the wrong saddles that leave
you, you know with ED (impotence).

In this other forum, look what they say to the question,

"Are you in favor of using sex to sell biking?"


Yep, 85% of them think is good.

The good news is that if you change the seat, it should be all right.
Look for the ones with the groove. ;)
2008-05-07 16:26:26 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
"Are you in favor of using sex to sell biking?"
Yep, 85% of them think is good.
Including this guy:


No need to fear him. He's not a female hunter.
2008-05-02 17:04:39 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
If I were to promote the benefits of biking, I'd put a lady like this
to ride around town...
Kinda like this?

2008-05-02 17:31:23 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by ComandanteBanana
If I were to promote the benefits of biking, I'd put a lady like this
to ride around town...
Kinda like this?
I can already read the promotion: "Put something fun between your
legs"... (the bike)

Loading Image...
Jym Dyer
2008-05-03 06:26:24 UTC
=v= In response to a rather nice advert:


Don Quixote a.k.a. No Lion No Problem a.k.a. Commandante Banana
responded with Internet porn. Way to go, Commandante Dipshit.
Not only are you a fearmongering idiot, but you're a pathetic
sexist porn-consumer.

[I removed rec.bicycles.rides because this thread has nothing to
do with the charter of that newsgroup. Honoring a newsgroup's
charter is the most rudimentary courtesy on Usenet, which Don
Quixote apparently lacks the necessary brainpower to grasp.]
2008-05-04 15:31:40 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Don Quixote a.k.a. No Lion No Problem a.k.a. Commandante Banana
responded with Internet porn. Way to go, Commandante Dipshit.
Not only are you a fearmongering idiot, but you're a pathetic
sexist porn-consumer.
[I removed rec.bicycles.rides because this thread has nothing to
do with the charter of that newsgroup. Honoring a newsgroup's
charter is the most rudimentary courtesy on Usenet, which Don
Quixote apparently lacks the necessary brainpower to grasp.]
If you are afraid of sex or bikes, you shouldn't go to Holland. But
this is NOT porno. This is a sexy lady on a bike. Yummy!

Hey, but even in hypocritical America, Big Business uses sex to

"In the case of SUV consumers, the auto company marketers start by
implanting the subliminal message you can be tough, independent and

'To sell a product (like an SUV) ad campaigns repeat a message over
and over again in seductive way that appeals to a target audience, and
like it or not people are not immune to it. Advertising like political
propaganda is the art of getting people to believe a crafted message
and advertisers know what buttons to push, kind of like how the
Taliban brain washed their followers into believing that the United
States is the enemy of Islam or how Nazi propaganda was able to put
Hitler in power. So to some degree consumers of SUVs, followers of the
Taliban and Nazi party, all have something in common and that is they
all were fooled into buying bullshit!

In the case of SUV consumers, the auto company marketers start by
implanting the subliminal message you can be tough, independent and
SEXY, if ya buy and drive our brand of SUV. Notice many ads show an
SUV in a wilderness, the H2 ads show it off roading in Iceland (the
viewer is shown beautiful people conquering nature and having fun). In
some National Geographic print ads for Toyota, they show back packers
with their SUVs in the wilderness, with the slogan “oh what a
feeling.” The basic idea of an auto company ad campaign is to
associate driving their SUV with the idea of being SEXY, tough and
independent. The tough and independent image of driving an SUV is
further reinforced by the name of the vehicle (Path Finder, Trail
Blazer, Mountaineer, Escape, Explorer, Expedition, etc.). Constant
exposure to slick ads fools people into thinking they can “walk the
walk” of being independent and tough just by buying the SUV shown in
the idealized dreamland of advertisers. If you do not think SUV
propaganda effects the consumer, then ask your self is it just a
coincidence that SUVs became trendy after SUV advertising rose nearly
nine-fold from $172.5 million in 1990 to $1.5 billion in 2000.'


And when you go to any auto show you find these stunning ladies
selling the stupid SUVs in scanty cloth. SEX SELLS, you know.

So, I don't see why not the Banana Revolution can't use sexy ladies
and bananas to sell biking. Yeah, banana... ;)

"Sexual democracy becomes central even more than religious freedom
when discussing the Dutch vision of democracy."


Actually, I propose a "Dutch Package," where issues normal to the
Dutch --gay rights, bike facilities, prostitution and marihuana-- are
discussed in less open societies.
2008-05-07 16:07:51 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
If you are afraid of sex or bikes, you shouldn't go to Holland
Of course I'm afraid of bikes because, just like you, I fear THE LION!
Post by ComandanteBanana
And when you go to any auto show you find these stunning ladies
selling the stupid SUVs in scanty cloth. SEX SELLS, you know.
SEX KILLS, you know.

CommandanteBanana, I am shocked at your lack of vigilance. Don't you
realize that females are dangerous? Which lions are the hunters? THE
FEMALES! The safest course by far is to stay at home instead of biking
and stay tuned to Usenet for more fear warnings. That way you'll
never be hit by cars and you'll never meet females, either.

You are hereby demoted from Commandante. I, on the other hand, have
been promoted for embracing this campaign of fear to the utmost.
Jym Dyer
2008-05-09 06:57:50 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
If you are afraid of sex or bikes, you shouldn't go to
=v= You're the fearful one, remember? I don't fear sex or
bikes, and I've enjoyed visiting Holland.
Post by ComandanteBanana
But this is NOT porno. This is a sexy lady on a bike. Yummy!
=v= The "sample photo" you linked to on the sexy[sic]deanna.com
is most definitely porn. It does nothing to promote bicycling;
its entire purpose is to promote the porn site itself.

=v= Although there is a bicycle in this particular photo, the
woman is clearly not a bicyclist (nor is she Dutch), as we can
tell just by looking at the state of her legs.
Bill Z.
2008-05-09 14:24:48 UTC
Post by Jym Dyer
Post by ComandanteBanana
But this is NOT porno. This is a sexy lady on a bike. Yummy!
Don't try that one in San Fransisco - the PC police will arrest
you for being a sexist pig who treats women as sex objects. :-)
Post by Jym Dyer
=v= The "sample photo" you linked to on the sexy[sic]deanna.com
is most definitely porn. It does nothing to promote bicycling;
its entire purpose is to promote the porn site itself.
=v= Although there is a bicycle in this particular photo, the
woman is clearly not a bicyclist (nor is she Dutch), as we can
tell just by looking at the state of her legs.
Jym's assessment aside (you don't have to consider the photo to be
porn to think it is promoting a porn site), the *bicycle* in the
pitture is not what you'd typically see in places like Amsterdam,
where nearly all the bicycles are three-speed "clunkers" used to get
around town, not mountain bikes with shock absorbers.
My real name backwards: nemuaZ lliB
2008-05-05 13:38:49 UTC
Originally Posted by I-Like-To-Bike

"Oh how little you know! Biking is a good means to initiate sexual

I don't advocate using a bike as an actual sex object...

"The case of a man convicted of simulating sex with his bicycle has
sparked a debate about human rights and the privacy of an individual.

He was reported by cleaners at a hostel who unlocked his door and
found him engaged in a sex act with his bike.

Stewart was put on the Sex Offenders' Register, which some posters
said was an over-reaction by the sheriff.

Stewart admitted a sexually aggravated breach of the peace by
conducting himself in a disorderly manner and simulating sex. As well
as being put on register for three years, he was put on probation for
the same length of time.

More than a million people have read the story on the BBC news website
and it has been hotly debated on forums elsewhere.

One contributor asked: "Would they have done the same to a woman with
a sex toy?"


Just that biking could be sold better to the masses, the monkeys in my
stories, who would stop trying to imitate the lions and their SUVs.
Monkey see, monkey do...
Timothy Baldwin
2008-05-08 17:34:01 UTC
In message
Post by ComandanteBanana
If I were to promote the benefits of biking, I'd put a lady like this
to ride around town...
She needs to raise the saddle...