Is the bike an improvement on God's design?
(too old to reply)
2008-06-03 00:59:04 UTC
(the original subject here is God made the banana to fit in one's
...with a tab for easy opening! Fits the hand perfectly as well! :-)
I thought He made the hand to fit the banana!
You really don't want to know what i misread that as...

OK, let's change the subject... ;)

I think the bike is an improvement on God's design. Before, man
depended on the beasts to get around. Even Jesus rode a donkey.
Imagine what Jesus would have done if he had a bike!

Which proves that mankind can better itself without help from above.

"The revolution starts when you ride a bike. You think of it as a
kinder, gentler vehicle that will help keep Peace as well as save the
Environment, and make you Sexy."

Jack May
2008-06-03 03:48:43 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
I think the bike is an improvement on God's design. Before, man
depended on the beasts to get around. Even Jesus rode a donkey.
Imagine what Jesus would have done if he had a bike!
Kangaroos hopping are very efficient. I don't know how they compare to a
bike, but a kangaroo will beat a bike every time over naturally rough
Post by ComandanteBanana
Which proves that mankind can better itself without help from above.
Kangaroos are produced by evolution. That is why they are so efficient over
natural ground. Bikes are mainly designed for smooth man made surfaces
like roads and pedways.
Dead Paul
2008-06-03 10:02:09 UTC
Post by Jack May
I think the bike is an improvement on God's design. Before, man depended
on the beasts to get around. Even Jesus rode a donkey. Imagine what
Jesus would have done if he had a bike!
Kangaroos hopping are very efficient. I don't know how they compare to a
bike, but a kangaroo will beat a bike every time over naturally rough
Which proves that mankind can better itself without help from above.
Kangaroos are produced by evolution.
Your proof?
Post by Jack May
That is why they are so efficient
No, they are "efficient" because of the way they work, because of the way
natural laws have been exploited. It's not because of evolution.
Evolution is a process of construction of new forms. It is blind even
according to Darwinists evolution is a blind process.
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2008-06-03 13:31:54 UTC
Post by Dead Paul
Post by Jack May
I think the bike is an improvement on God's design. Before, man depended
on the beasts to get around. Even Jesus rode a donkey. Imagine what
Jesus would have done if he had a bike!
Kangaroos hopping are very efficient. I don't know how they compare to a
bike, but a kangaroo will beat a bike every time over naturally rough
Which proves that mankind can better itself without help from above.
Kangaroos are produced by evolution.
Your proof?
Post by Jack May
That is why they are so efficient
No, they are "efficient" because of the way they work, because of the way
natural laws have been exploited. It's not because of evolution.
Evolution is a process of construction of new forms. It is blind even
according to Darwinists evolution is a blind process.
Right, and Darwin did not come up with the theory of evolution. He
came up with the idea that natural selection takes place because some
random mutations are beneficial in the particular environment.
Somehow, a mutation (or mutations) allowed certain kangaroos to jump
better than others and they escaped predators. Seems fairly
reasonable. That pouch for raising young is a bit hard to take though.

Not only that, the pouch exists on that weird creature that hangs
around my backyard, the oPossum. Odd beast that one is.

Bikes evolve also, but not through random mutation.
2008-06-03 13:48:27 UTC
The natural world has many answers to the problems we face today.
There's even a science about it...

"Sociobiology is a neo-Darwinian synthesis of scientific disciplines
that attempts to explain social behavior in all species by considering
the evolutionary advantages the behaviors may have. It is often
considered a branch of biology and sociology, but also draws from
ethology, anthropology, evolution, zoology, archeology, population
genetics and other disciplines. Within the study of human societies,
sociobiology is closely related to the fields of human behavioral
ecology and evolutionary psychology.

Sociobiology investigates social behaviors, such as mating patterns,
territorial fights, pack hunting, and the hive society of social


Don't you see the evolutionary advantages of riding a bike? I see
2008-06-03 14:01:55 UTC
(I'm using some metaphoric language here, just like the Christians use
Adam and Eve, just that the terminology is Teflon and cast iron.)

While Teflon wears out, cast iron is "forever," but you have to keep
"curing it"...

In other words, we should live under a permanent state of r-evolution,
making corrections along the way.

It's what made humans out of monkeys. The Christians' creation though
denies evolution both in the past and present. Proof of that is how
they stick to their SUVs in the face of oil crisis, while denying
space to the "smart" bicycles. If they studied life at the time of the
dinosaurs, they'd find out that's a recipe for disaster, which they
call "Armageddon." No more preaching for today. ;)
Amy Blankenship
2008-06-03 15:07:55 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
(I'm using some metaphoric language here, just like the Christians use
Adam and Eve, just that the terminology is Teflon and cast iron.)
While Teflon wears out, cast iron is "forever," but you have to keep
"curing it"...
In other words, we should live under a permanent state of r-evolution,
making corrections along the way.
It's what made humans out of monkeys. The Christians' creation though
denies evolution both in the past and present. Proof of that is how
they stick to their SUVs in the face of oil crisis, while denying
space to the "smart" bicycles. If they studied life at the time of the
dinosaurs, they'd find out that's a recipe for disaster, which they
call "Armageddon." No more preaching for today. ;)
I don't believe you.
2008-06-03 15:20:02 UTC
On Jun 3, 11:07 am, "Amy Blankenship"
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by ComandanteBanana
(I'm using some metaphoric language here, just like the Christians use
Adam and Eve, just that the terminology is Teflon and cast iron.)
While Teflon wears out, cast iron is "forever," but you have to keep
"curing it"...
In other words, we should live under a permanent state of r-evolution,
making corrections along the way.
It's what made humans out of monkeys. The Christians' creation though
denies evolution both in the past and present. Proof of that is how
they stick to their SUVs in the face of oil crisis, while denying
space to the "smart" bicycles. If they studied life at the time of the
dinosaurs, they'd find out that's a recipe for disaster, which they
call "Armageddon." No more preaching for today. ;)
I don't believe you.
I called that "preaching" because I wrote it on Sunday morning. So
today is Tuesday, and I'm free to say anything...
Post by Amy Blankenship
I don't think a smart vehicle such as the bike can ever become
mainstream in a stupid place...

I think Stupid Unnecessary Vehicles make more sense there.
I don't think a smart vehicle such as the bike can ever become
mainstream in a stupid place...
So someone replies...

I ride over 10,000 miles each year, I can't tell you how many times
heard the line 'cars have the right of way over bikes', or 'bikes
belong on the road', or, my favorite 'bikes should ride _against_ the
of traffic'.

Fucking idiots
2008-06-03 15:29:06 UTC
Post by Amy Blankenship
I don't think a smart vehicle such as the bike can ever become
mainstream in a stupid place...
I ride over 10,000 miles each year, I can't tell you how many times I've
heard the line 'cars have the right of way over bikes', or 'bikes don't
belong on the road', or, my favorite 'bikes should ride _against_ the flow
of traffic'.
Fucking idiots
I'm about to conclude that Christians reject anything "smart" that was
NOT created by God.

SUVs, of course, stand for Stupid Unnecessary Vehicles.
2008-06-04 11:52:25 UTC
On Tue, 3 Jun 2008 08:20:02 -0700 (PDT), ComandanteBanana
Post by ComandanteBanana
So someone replies...
I ride over 10,000 miles each year, I can't tell you how many times
heard the line 'cars have the right of way over bikes', or 'bikes
belong on the road', or, my favorite 'bikes should ride _against_ the
of traffic'.
Fucking idiots
I always seem to be riding against the wind.
Tim McNamara
2008-06-03 21:44:42 UTC
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by ComandanteBanana
(I'm using some metaphoric language here, just like the Christians
use Adam and Eve, just that the terminology is Teflon and cast
While Teflon wears out, cast iron is "forever," but you have to
keep "curing it"...
Why, is it ill?
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by ComandanteBanana
In other words, we should live under a permanent state of
r-evolution, making corrections along the way.
It's what made humans out of monkeys.
I'll ask you the same question I asked the other guy: do you actually
understand the theory of evolution? Your question betrays all kinds of
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by ComandanteBanana
The Christians' creation though denies evolution both in the past
and present. Proof of that is how they stick to their SUVs in the
face of oil crisis, while denying space to the "smart" bicycles.
How come I see so many liberal atheists driving around in SUVs?
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by ComandanteBanana
If they studied life at the time of the dinosaurs, they'd find out
that's a recipe for disaster, which they call "Armageddon."
Dinosaurs drove SUVs?
Post by Amy Blankenship
Post by ComandanteBanana
No more preaching for today. ;)
I don't believe you.
Me neither.
2008-06-04 17:13:52 UTC
Post by Tim McNamara
Post by ComandanteBanana
(I'm using some metaphoric language here, just like the Christians
use Adam and Eve, just that the terminology is Teflon and cast
While Teflon wears out, cast iron is "forever," but you have to
keep "curing it"...
Why, is it ill?
Anything that's not used gets rusted. A good parable for Americans who
got so many bikes, and yet can't use them.
Post by Tim McNamara
Post by ComandanteBanana
In other words, we should live under a permanent state of
r-evolution, making corrections along the way.
It's what made humans out of monkeys.
I'll ask you the same question I asked the other guy:  do you actually
understand the theory of evolution?  Your question betrays all kinds of
Tell me what did. Humans didn't come out of monkeys? Well, we are only
cousins, but they are in our family tree.
Post by Tim McNamara
Post by ComandanteBanana
The Christians' creation though denies evolution both in the past
and present. Proof of that is how they stick to their SUVs in the
face of oil crisis, while denying space to the "smart" bicycles.
How come I see so many liberal atheists driving around in SUVs?
There's a few of those, but at least I can address them by their true
nature: "Mister, you are a predator, and the rest is camouflage."

Christians I think do it more because of their party affiliation, and
because they feel above nature... But they are still predators. ;)
Post by Tim McNamara
Post by ComandanteBanana
If they studied life at the time of the dinosaurs, they'd find out
that's a recipe for disaster, which they call "Armageddon."
Dinosaurs drove SUVs?
No, Dinosaurs are a good metaphor for SUVs: big and stupid. And the
little furry mammals are a good metaphor for the cyclists today.

Beware of the Jungle!
2008-06-05 21:55:53 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
(the original subject here is God made the banana to fit in one's
...with a tab for easy opening! Fits the hand perfectly as well!
I thought He made the hand to fit the banana!
You really don't want to know what i misread that as...
OK, let's change the subject... ;)
I think the bike is an improvement on God's design. Before man
depended on the beasts to get around. Even Jesus rode a donkey.
Imagine what Jesus would have done if he had a bike!
Which proves that mankind can better itself without help from above.
BIKE FOR PEACEhttp://webspawner.com/users/bikeforpeace
Got it? :-)- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Got it, it almost sounds like r-evolution!

I just took spin now in the greatest piece of technology human
ingenuity has created...

Loading Image...

Nah, just testing your attention. That's a product of human stupidity.

This is what I rode...


It was a blast on packed sand. Four miles of fun, and catching a lot
of glances. And I'm 6'1", 210lbs...

High tech, 3 speed internal gear, comfortable, even sexy!

Does anyone have an idea why you need a Hummer, other than to show
you've got money to burn?
Leo Lichtman
2008-06-03 16:22:24 UTC
"Dead Paul" wrote: No, they are "efficient" because of the way they work,
because of the way
Post by Dead Paul
natural laws have been exploited. It's not because of evolution.
Evolution is a process of construction of new forms. It is blind even
according to Darwinists evolution is a blind process.
Oy, do you have a wrong number! They work the way they do because that is
the way they have evolved. What part of natural selection don't you get?
2008-06-03 16:28:00 UTC
Post by Amy Blankenship
I don't think a smart vehicle such as the bike can ever become
mainstream in a stupid place...
I ride over 10,000 miles each year, I can't tell you how many times I've
heard the line 'cars have the right of way over bikes', or 'bikes don't
belong on the road', or, my favorite 'bikes should ride _against_ the flow
of traffic'.
10 000 whao, have you guys got special lanes there? you won't make 50
here and your a gonner. you'll be lucky if ten taxi's pass you and
very lucky to see 15, you will see no more :(
Here I've decided to stay off the roads. Waiting for the SUVs to go
the way of the dinosaurs.

They reject to evolve but the world is changing all around them...

GM to close four plants, may unload Hummer line

WILMINGTON, Delaware (Reuters) - General Motors Corp on Tuesday said
it was closing four truck plants and could sell its Hummer brand to
cut slow-selling trucks and SUVs from its lineup in response to higher
gasoline prices the automaker now sees as a permanent threat to its

2008-06-03 16:40:50 UTC
I think Americans can get smarter, but not THAT Smart...

The tiny car that won over Europeans with its cute looks and very high
mileage is finally coming to America, just not in the way you might
expect it to.


Instead, smart USA is betting Americans won't want the small smarts,
at least not yet, and has taken a different strategy: a smart SUV,
available here in 2006. The first press release touts not the mileage
but that it's "loaded with adrenaline — both off road as well as on."


Well, if we are not ready for a Smart car, we won't be ready for a
bike jaunt to the supermarket for a long time... :(
Jens Müller
2008-06-03 17:24:44 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
I think Americans can get smarter, but not THAT Smart...
The tiny car that won over Europeans with its cute looks and very high
mileage is finally coming to America, just not in the way you might
expect it to.
Btw, the Smart seems to be designed exclusively for city use. I once
hired one for the 500 miles "driving home for christmas", and the fuel
consumption was as high as with a normal small car (VW Polo, Opel Corsa,
Hyundai Getz, about that category ...), if not higher ... But it was
cheap to hire, probably because the mileage is usually not high.
2008-06-03 18:46:08 UTC
10 000 whao, have you guys got special lanes there? you won't make 50
here and your a gonner. you'll be lucky if ten taxi's pass you and
very lucky to see 15, you will see no more :(
Sometimes, though not where I live. I get most of them by commuting. I've
been doing it for about 20 years now (in and around the boston area), and
I've only ever had an incident once, where a driver coming from the opposite
direction took a left right in front of me. I catapulted over the car,
landed headfirst (helmets work), broke my nose and ankle.
I tend to get a bit aggressive in traffic, and have learned to to anticipate
drivers. IF you pretend they don't see you, you're much better off. You need
to _make_ them see you. That is, make a move to take the lane when you need
it, but always with a bit of hesistation, so you can withdraw quickly.
I worked with a women recently who saw me drafting a jeep in traffic
traveling home from work one day. She said to me, "you're just a little bit
crazy, aren't you"
It takes practice commuting in traffic, especially in a city regarded as one
of the least-bicycle friendly in the country. I wouldn't recommend it for
neophyte cyclist.
It all makes sense until you figure the "unknown" out there...

It's not a god, but the only times I come close to praying is when I
see those SUVs pass me within inches while their drivers chat on the
phone, and I just want to come out alive from that harrowing
experience, and promise to myself never to try to go to Heaven, where
those Christians go. In other words, I become a BORN AGAIN
2008-06-04 11:55:50 UTC
On Tue, 3 Jun 2008 11:46:08 -0700 (PDT), ComandanteBanana
Post by ComandanteBanana
10 000 whao, have you guys got special lanes there? you won't make 50
here and your a gonner. you'll be lucky if ten taxi's pass you and
very lucky to see 15, you will see no more :(
Sometimes, though not where I live. I get most of them by commuting. I've
been doing it for about 20 years now (in and around the boston area), and
I've only ever had an incident once, where a driver coming from the opposite
direction took a left right in front of me. I catapulted over the car,
landed headfirst (helmets work), broke my nose and ankle.
I tend to get a bit aggressive in traffic, and have learned to to anticipate
drivers. IF you pretend they don't see you, you're much better off. You need
to _make_ them see you. That is, make a move to take the lane when you need
it, but always with a bit of hesistation, so you can withdraw quickly.
I worked with a women recently who saw me drafting a jeep in traffic
traveling home from work one day. She said to me, "you're just a little bit
crazy, aren't you"
It takes practice commuting in traffic, especially in a city regarded as one
of the least-bicycle friendly in the country. I wouldn't recommend it for
neophyte cyclist.
It all makes sense until you figure the "unknown" out there...
It's not a god, but the only times I come close to praying is when I
see those SUVs pass me within inches while their drivers chat on the
phone, and I just want to come out alive from that harrowing
experience, and promise to myself never to try to go to Heaven, where
those Christians go. In other words, I become a BORN AGAIN
Does a Born Again anything get an extra belly button?
2008-06-04 17:27:49 UTC
Post by dgk
On Tue, 3 Jun 2008 11:46:08 -0700 (PDT), ComandanteBanana
Post by ComandanteBanana
10 000 whao, have you guys got special lanes there? you won't make 50
here and your a gonner. you'll be lucky if ten taxi's pass you and
very lucky to see 15, you will see no more :(
Sometimes, though not where I live. I get most of them by commuting. I've
been doing it for about 20 years now (in and around the boston area), and
I've only ever had an incident once, where a driver coming from the opposite
direction took a left right in front of me. I catapulted over the car,
landed headfirst (helmets work), broke my nose and ankle.
I tend to get a bit aggressive in traffic, and have learned to to anticipate
drivers. IF you pretend they don't see you, you're much better off. You need
to _make_ them see you. That is, make a move to take the lane when you need
it, but always with a bit of hesistation, so you can withdraw quickly.
I worked with a women recently who saw me drafting a jeep in traffic
traveling home from work one day. She said to me, "you're just a little bit
crazy, aren't you"
It takes practice commuting in traffic, especially in a city regarded as one
of the least-bicycle friendly in the country. I wouldn't recommend it for
neophyte cyclist.
It all makes sense until you figure the "unknown" out there...
It's not a god, but the only times I come close to praying is when I
see those SUVs pass me within inches while their drivers chat on the
phone, and I just want to come out alive from that harrowing
experience, and promise to myself never to try to go to Heaven, where
those Christians go. In other words, I become a BORN AGAIN
Does a Born Again anything get an extra belly button?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Not if you don't request it. Go to any plastic surgery doctor...
2008-06-03 19:39:08 UTC
Well, since I've already veered off topic, I think that the roadblock
to the Smart car coming to the US is stupidity. The automakers and
the potential buyers seem to not know what the other really wants.
I would agree with the 'stupid' aspect but not for the same reason. I think
it's more that most drivers in the US don't want to admit they're part of
the problem and get rid of their <20MPG vehicles. They see large cars as a
status symbol and ego booster, and downsizing would be admitting some sort
of intellectual failure, but that's just my opinion, and I could be wrong.
Perhaps they interpret that whatever they do, God will clean it up for
them, and that in the "last days" everything is supposed to go wrong.
So it all becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy they help to create.
Worse, they believe they can't help it by riding a bike.

And then they vote Republican... ;)
2008-06-03 21:33:35 UTC
I know many of you don't believe, but the Devil is capable of doing
many evil things...

Originally Posted by John E
'In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth and populated
the Earth with broccoli, cauliflower and spinach, green and yellow and
red vegetables of all kinds, so Man and Woman would live long and
healthy lives. Then using God's great gifts, Satan created Ben and
Jerry's Ice Cream and Krispy Creme Donuts. And Satan said, "You want
chocolate with that?" And Man said, "Yes!" and Woman said, "and as
long as you're at it, add some sprinkles." And they gained 10 pounds.
And Satan smiled.

And God created the healthful yogurt that Woman might keep the figure
that Man found so fair. And Satan brought forth white flour from the
wheat, and sugar from the cane and combined them. And Woman went from
size 6 to size 14.

So God said, "Try my fresh green salad." And Satan presented Thousand-
Island Dressing, buttery croutons and garlic toast on the side. And
Man and Woman unfastened their belts following the repast.

God then said, "I have sent you heart healthy vegetables and olive oil
in which to cook them." And Satan brought forth deep fried fish and
chicken-fried steak so big it needed its own platter. And Man gained
more weight and his cholesterol went through the roof.

God then created a light, fluffy white cake, named it "Angel Food
Cake," and said, "It is good." Satan then created chocolate cake and
named it "Devil's Food."

God then brought forth running shoes so that His children might lose
those extra pounds. And Satan gave cable TV with a remote control so
Man would not have to toil changing the channels. And Man and Woman
laughed and cried before the flickering blue light and gained pounds.

Then God brought forth the potato, naturally low in fat and brimming
with nutrition. And Satan peeled off the healthful skin and sliced the
starchy center into chips and deep-fried them. And Man gained pounds.

God then gave lean beef so that Man might consume fewer calories and
still satisfy his appetite. And Satan created McDonald's and its 99-
cent double cheeseburger. Then said, "You want fries with that?" And
Man replied, "Yes! And super size them!" And Satan said, "It is good."
And Man went into cardiac arrest.

God sighed and created quadruple bypass surgery.
Then Satan created HMOs.'


It all makes sense. But just to add a comment: Satan kept the roads
full of reckless SUVs, so anyone that wanted to ride a bike would be
intimidated, and would turn to his beloved Idiot Box where to watch
the latest in food technology and news of the world being a scary
place --just for the ratings, you know.
Dead Paul
2008-06-03 18:23:50 UTC
Post by Leo Lichtman
"Dead Paul" wrote: No, they are "efficient" because of the way they
work, because of the way
Post by Dead Paul
natural laws have been exploited. It's not because of evolution.
Evolution is a process of construction of new forms. It is blind even
according to Darwinists evolution is a blind process.
Oy, do you have a wrong number! They work the way they do because that is
the way they have evolved. What part of natural selection don't you get?
If you believe all that Darwinist sh*t then you have to accept that
random processes are the only means of producing new forms. Natural
selection does not produce new forms.
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2008-06-03 18:50:54 UTC
Post by Dead Paul
"Dead Paul" wrote:   No, they are "efficient" because of the way they
work, because of the way
Post by Dead Paul
natural laws have been exploited. It's not because of evolution.
Evolution is a process of construction of new forms. It is blind even
according to Darwinists evolution is a blind process.
Oy, do you have a wrong number!  They work the way they do because that is
the way they have evolved.  What part of natural selection don't you get?
If you believe all that Darwinist sh*t then you have to accept that
random processes are the only means of producing new forms. Natural
selection does not produce new forms.
I think that the Darwinistic sh*t is not something the Christians
believe in... THE PRACTICE IT! ;)
Tim McNamara
2008-06-03 21:41:03 UTC
Post by Dead Paul
Post by Jack May
Post by ComandanteBanana
I think the bike is an improvement on God's design. Before, man
depended on the beasts to get around. Even Jesus rode a donkey.
Imagine what Jesus would have done if he had a bike!
Kangaroos hopping are very efficient. I don't know how they
compare to a bike, but a kangaroo will beat a bike every time over
naturally rough ground.
Post by ComandanteBanana
Which proves that mankind can better itself without help from above.
Kangaroos are produced by evolution.
Your proof?
Post by Jack May
That is why they are so efficient
No, they are "efficient" because of the way they work, because of the
way natural laws have been exploited. It's not because of evolution.
Evolution is a process of construction of new forms. It is blind even
according to Darwinists evolution is a blind process.
Do you actually understand the theory of evolution?
Dead Paul
2008-06-04 07:44:43 UTC
Post by Tim McNamara
Post by Dead Paul
Post by Jack May
Post by ComandanteBanana
I think the bike is an improvement on God's design. Before, man
depended on the beasts to get around. Even Jesus rode a donkey.
Imagine what Jesus would have done if he had a bike!
Kangaroos hopping are very efficient. I don't know how they compare
to a bike, but a kangaroo will beat a bike every time over naturally
rough ground.
Post by ComandanteBanana
Which proves that mankind can better itself without help from above.
Kangaroos are produced by evolution.
Your proof?
Post by Jack May
That is why they are so efficient
No, they are "efficient" because of the way they work, because of the
way natural laws have been exploited. It's not because of evolution.
Evolution is a process of construction of new forms. It is blind even
according to Darwinists evolution is a blind process.
Do you actually understand the theory of evolution?
If you are having problems with understanding the evolution hypothesis
I suggest you see someone at your local college about it or read up on it
with books from your local library. I don't give tuition due to time
___ _______ ___ ___ ___ __ ____
/ _ \/ __/ _ | / _ \ / _ \/ _ |/ / / / /
/ // / _// __ |/ // / / ___/ __ / /_/ / /__
/____/___/_/ |_/____/ /_/ /_/ |_\____/____/
2008-06-03 13:23:14 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
I think the bike is an improvement on God's design. Before, man
depended on the beasts to get around. Even Jesus rode a donkey.
Imagine what Jesus would have done if he had a bike!
Kangaroos hopping are very efficient.   I don't know how they compare to a
bike, but a kangaroo will beat a bike every time over naturally rough
Post by ComandanteBanana
Which proves that mankind can better itself without help from above.
Kangaroos are produced by evolution.  That is why they are so efficient over
natural ground.   Bikes are mainly designed for smooth man made surfaces
like roads and pedways.
Well, bikes evolve too.

Originally Posted by Ed Holland
"Or, is the bike part of evolution"

Such seems to be the case...

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The whole process was like this: the monkey walked first, then became
a man, then invented the bike, and then went for bananas on his
2008-06-03 14:08:41 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
I think the bike is an improvement on God's design. Before, man
depended on the beasts to get around. Even Jesus rode a donkey.
Imagine what Jesus would have done if he had a bike!
Kangaroos hopping are very efficient.   I don't know how they compare to a
bike, but a kangaroo will beat a bike every time over naturally rough
Post by ComandanteBanana
Which proves that mankind can better itself without help from above.
Kangaroos are produced by evolution.  That is why they are so efficient over
natural ground.   Bikes are mainly designed for smooth man made surfaces
like roads and pedways.
That makes sense because the donkey is not very well thought out...

The bike is the product of intelligent design, the donkey was made
with little attention to comfort and speed.

I think it was a product of God wanting to finish creation in a few
Tim McNamara
2008-06-03 21:39:59 UTC
Post by Jack May
Post by ComandanteBanana
I think the bike is an improvement on God's design. Before, man
depended on the beasts to get around. Even Jesus rode a donkey.
Imagine what Jesus would have done if he had a bike!
Kangaroos hopping are very efficient. I don't know how they compare
to a bike, but a kangaroo will beat a bike every time over naturally
rough ground.
Post by ComandanteBanana
Which proves that mankind can better itself without help from above.
Kangaroos are produced by evolution. That is why they are so
efficient over natural ground. Bikes are mainly designed for smooth
man made surfaces like roads and pedways.
That's where bikes are very efficient, but as you say less so on natural
terrains or, for that matter, even on the typical deteriorating roadways
that 28 years of devotion to tax cutting above all else has left us

But are they more or less efficient than kangaroos? These things are
usually considered in calories per mile or kilometer, and I've never
seen estimated for kangaroos. Pedestrians, horses, dog, cars, etc. I
have seen estimates for but not kangaroos. Come to think of it, all the
estimates I have seen for bikes have been on pavement, I've never seen
one for bike off-road.
2008-06-03 22:00:25 UTC
Post by Tim McNamara
Post by ComandanteBanana
I think the bike is an improvement on God's design. Before, man
depended on the beasts to get around. Even Jesus rode a donkey.
Imagine what Jesus would have done if he had a bike!
Kangaroos hopping are very efficient.   I don't know how they compare
to a bike, but a kangaroo will beat a bike every time over naturally
rough ground.
Post by ComandanteBanana
Which proves that mankind can better itself without help from above.
Kangaroos are produced by evolution.  That is why they are so
efficient over natural ground.   Bikes are mainly designed for smooth
man made surfaces like roads and pedways.
That's where bikes are very efficient, but as you say less so on natural
terrains or, for that matter, even on the typical deteriorating roadways
that 28 years of devotion to tax cutting above all else has left us
But are they more or less efficient than kangaroos?  These things are
usually considered in calories per mile or kilometer, and I've never
seen estimated for kangaroos.  Pedestrians, horses, dog, cars, etc. I
have seen estimates for but not kangaroos.  Come to think of it, all the
estimates I have seen for bikes have been on pavement, I've never seen
one for bike off-road.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Perhaps we can learn from kangaroos...

(without the jumping, of course)

2008-06-04 11:54:42 UTC
On Tue, 3 Jun 2008 15:00:25 -0700 (PDT), ComandanteBanana
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by Tim McNamara
Post by ComandanteBanana
I think the bike is an improvement on God's design. Before, man
depended on the beasts to get around. Even Jesus rode a donkey.
Imagine what Jesus would have done if he had a bike!
Kangaroos hopping are very efficient.   I don't know how they compare
to a bike, but a kangaroo will beat a bike every time over naturally
rough ground.
Post by ComandanteBanana
Which proves that mankind can better itself without help from above.
Kangaroos are produced by evolution.  That is why they are so
efficient over natural ground.   Bikes are mainly designed for smooth
man made surfaces like roads and pedways.
That's where bikes are very efficient, but as you say less so on natural
terrains or, for that matter, even on the typical deteriorating roadways
that 28 years of devotion to tax cutting above all else has left us
But are they more or less efficient than kangaroos?  These things are
usually considered in calories per mile or kilometer, and I've never
seen estimated for kangaroos.  Pedestrians, horses, dog, cars, etc. I
have seen estimates for but not kangaroos.  Come to think of it, all the
estimates I have seen for bikes have been on pavement, I've never seen
one for bike off-road.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Perhaps we can learn from kangaroos...
(without the jumping, of course)
You must be referring to the pouch. We've learned. We invented
pockets. And lots of stuff to put in pockets.
2008-06-06 09:45:50 UTC
Post by Tim McNamara
Kangaroos are produced by evolution.  That is why they are so
efficient over natural ground.   Bikes are mainly designed for smooth
man made surfaces like roads and pedways.
That's where bikes are very efficient, but as you say less so on natural
terrains or, for that matter, even on the typical deteriorating roadways
that 28 years of devotion to tax cutting above all else has left us
But are they more or less efficient than kangaroos?  These things are
usually considered in calories per mile or kilometer, and I've never
seen estimated for kangaroos.  Pedestrians, horses, dog, cars, etc. I
have seen estimates for but not kangaroos.  Come to think of it, all the
estimates I have seen for bikes have been on pavement, I've never seen
one for bike off-road.- Hide quoted text -
According to a compendium of research from various sources published
in Scientific American (March 1973), a human riding a bicycle on a
firm and reasonably level surface, outperforms every other creature in
terms of energy per unit bodyweight over a given distance, by a
substantial margin. I don't have the original article to hand or
recall whether kangaroos were included, but some of this data is
reproduced in Bicycling Science (D G Wilson, MIT Press 2004),
including that for leaping rabbits. Kangaroos have a similar mode of
locomotion and surely do it more efficiently, being larger, but
leaping rabbits score so badly that it seems unlikely the kangaroos
would beat horses, never mind humans on bikes - on pavement.

Soft and irregular surfaces are, of course, a totally different
matter. Here a wheel becomes inefficient compared to walking, in which
the legs act like the spokes of a rimless wheel.

On a firm and flat surface, the energy requirements of adjusting the
lengths of these "spokes" in order to walk without excessive jolting,
which also has an energy cost, render legs less efficient than wheels.
On a soft surface however, compression of the surface becomes a major
energy cost and whereas feet only compress small patches of surface, a
wheel compresses a continuous track. As anyone who has ridden a
mountain-bike in sand will know, there comes a point where it is less
fatiquing, AND faster, to walk and push. And on irregular surfaces the
adjustable-length spokes, that are legs, really come into their own,
isolating the visco-elasitc mass of the human body from energy sapping
bump losses to a level that no wheel can match - even with the biggest
tyres and most sophisitcated suspension!

However: if a few humans invest some energy in smoothing a path, then
a large number of humans can save a great deal more energy in
bicycling along it. That facility for cooperation and invention is
what makes us more efficient travellers than animals.
2008-06-06 13:36:10 UTC
Post by GeneralissimoApeshit
Post by ComandanteBanana
Gorillas scare me, particularly after King Kong.
Private Banana, you were demoted for your lack of vigilance.
You are not a comandante. Comandantes lead people.
NOBODY follows your lead.
The revolutions that follow a comandante are found in Cuba and
Venezuela. Here we've got a Democratic revolution, where we don't need
a gorilla. All we need is a good political program...


Well, we also need him!

Loading Image...
2008-06-06 14:10:30 UTC
Originally Posted by KrisPistofferson

"Is this a Ron Paul thread?"

This is NOT a Paid Political Advertising.

Is he for the lion or the monkey?

He's a Libertarian, and they are for the Law of the Jungle. I'm left
libertarian, where Gandhi or Martin Luther King would be. I think
along these lines....

"Communism forgets that life is individual. Capitalism forgets that
life is social, and the kingdom of brotherhood is found neither in the
thesis of communism nor the antithesis of capitalism but in a higher
synthesis. It is found in a higher synthesis that combines the truths
of both." -M.L. King
2008-06-06 17:54:53 UTC
Just like politicians!
then i'll say you referring to hyenas, they laugh wile they kill
you :)
You saw 'The Lion King'? The hyenas work for the lion in exchange for
scraps. All the lion has to it is control the leftovers!
small correction on your mistake;
when the lion (king) comes the hyenas become the left overs, so too
the black sheep :)
the common sheep will go with the lion (king) to his den and be eaten
by him thereby becomming part of him, yes.
i don't know what happens to the black sheep and hyenas, who cares! do
you think the common sheep should care for what happens to them, what
say you?
I say the Black Sheep are in the opposition while the hyenas work for
the lion in exchange for the leftovers. The foxes too work for the
lion, but usually occupy a higher rank in politics...

One day the King of the Jungle, tired of being called AUTHORITARIAN,
gathered the most cunning animals in the kingdom, chief among them the
Foxes, and told them: "It's mighty unjust that I am not recognized for
what I am. You know full well that the best of my SCRAPS, after you,
go to the Little Animals... Well, I want you to write LAWS, so from
now on it'll be them, and not me, who would rule over this God chosen

After a few months of hard deliberations (and a few "private parties"
and "business trips") the Foxes (now turned politicians) returned with
a long, long book of laws written in a language so hard to understand
to the Little Animals that they thought it was old Greek. After
translation, it started like this: "The animals with a mane will be
treated like kings; the animals with paws and teeth will be above the
Laws; and the animals who will represent the interests of the Little
Animals, us, will be granted a raise in benefits and status... Of
course, ALL FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION will be considered ILLEGAL, and
will result in the Lion eating the Little Animal..." (Moral: The trick
is in the law.)


Of course, when there's revolution everybody is fair game, and then
the hyenas may turn on the lion, or the foxes switch sides to the
Black Sheep.

And the rats, what do we with the rats? Are they with the lion or the
little animals. The issue wasn't settled in Animal Farm. ;)
2008-06-07 17:46:07 UTC
If Jesus and Christians were smart (something we've got to determine)
they would be riding things like this...


This is NOT a paid advertising, but it looks SIMPLE, and COOL, MORALLY

And they are for the revolution. Has anyone tried them?
2008-06-08 14:30:21 UTC
Well, as long as she has no license she lets me do the driving.
Bur we found out there is a donwside of not being in a Hummer.
Someone might overlook your car and bump into it while changing lanes.
Which happened to me. As a result the dirverside mirror broke off, the
police wouldn't allow me to continue and now I temporarily drive a
lower modelhttp://www.rijtesten.nl/test/206/0/0/volkswagen_polo_14_tdi_bluemotio...
and Kesinee (1m45) managed to bump her head!
Most people in America would be simply go for a larger vehicle, much

This is heard by my girlfriend at work: "My next vehicle will be
something like an SUV, so I can be safe." They never go, "Gee, it's
time to make our roads safer." That would be way too smart for a
Christian nation.
2008-06-08 16:59:08 UTC
On Jun 8, 10:52 am, Checkers <***@telkomsa.net> wrote:

if you are sane, you will ban that stupid vehicle. people will die
like flies here if they use it in our streets. they will fall with
every pothole and if they swerve for a pothole a taxi will whipe them
out anyway - gee, do you hate me so much to suggest i ride that thing.
I just saw the triangle shape, and made me think of the Holy Trinity.
Very much unlike the Stupid Unholy Vehicles. ;)

But this other bike I would guarantee you works on all kinds of


I know because I own one, and put it through sand and everything. I'm
sure Jesus would have ridden one too!

Dead Paul
2008-06-03 07:34:59 UTC
(the original subject here is God made the banana to fit in one's hand)
...with a tab for easy opening! Fits the hand perfectly as well! :-)
I thought He made the hand to fit the banana!
You really don't want to know what i misread that as...
OK, let's change the subject... ;)
I think the bike is an improvement on God's design. Before, man depended
on the beasts to get around. Even Jesus rode a donkey. Imagine what Jesus
would have done if he had a bike!
Which proves that mankind can better itself without help from above.
Does it bollox.
"The revolution starts when you ride a bike. You think of it as a kinder,
gentler vehicle that will help keep Peace as well as save the Environment,
and make you Sexy."
___ _______ ___ ___ ___ __ ____
/ _ \/ __/ _ | / _ \ / _ \/ _ |/ / / / /
/ // / _// __ |/ // / / ___/ __ / /_/ / /__
/____/___/_/ |_/____/ /_/ /_/ |_\____/____/
2008-06-03 07:54:25 UTC
Post by Dead Paul
Does it bollox.
Cogent argument Paul. Nice one, well thought out.
Dead Paul
2008-06-03 09:50:23 UTC
Post by BigRab
Post by Dead Paul
Does it bollox.
Cogent argument Paul. Nice one, well thought out.
___ _______ ___ ___ ___ __ ____
/ _ \/ __/ _ | / _ \ / _ \/ _ |/ / / / /
/ // / _// __ |/ // / / ___/ __ / /_/ / /__
/____/___/_/ |_/____/ /_/ /_/ |_\____/____/
Tim McNamara
2008-06-03 21:46:06 UTC
Post by Dead Paul
(the original subject here is God made the banana to fit in one's hand)
...with a tab for easy opening! Fits the hand perfectly as well! :-)
I thought He made the hand to fit the banana!
You really don't want to know what i misread that as...
OK, let's change the subject... ;)
I think the bike is an improvement on God's design. Before, man
depended on the beasts to get around. Even Jesus rode a donkey.
Imagine what Jesus would have done if he had a bike!
Which proves that mankind can better itself without help from above.
Does it bollox.
"Bollox" is not a verb.
Tony B
2008-06-04 19:29:27 UTC
Post by Tim McNamara
"Bollox" is not a verb.
it can do verb functions though, occasionally.

2008-06-05 01:43:30 UTC
I think a typical Christian car would be an SUV with bumper stickers
and an American flag.
LL. Plus a christian fish symbol.
Yeah, but I'm not fooled by that: Their Big Fish SUV threatens my
Little Fish bike.
2008-06-05 01:55:01 UTC
OK, I've got a final question before I decide who's smarter, God or

Who invented the wheel?

We must praise whoever made the invention of the bicycle possible. ;)
Amy Blankenship
2008-06-05 03:01:35 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
OK, I've got a final question before I decide who's smarter, God or
Who invented the wheel?
We must praise whoever made the invention of the bicycle possible. ;)
Wasn't it that guy in B.C.?
2008-06-05 12:19:09 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
OK, let's change the subject... ;)
I think the bike is an improvement on God's design. Before, man
depended on the beasts to get around. Even Jesus rode a donkey.
Imagine what Jesus would have done if he had a bike!
Which proves that mankind can better itself without help from above.
What if God gave man the brain that allowed man to make the bike?

BugBear (atheist, with an interest in logic, comparative theology, and evolution)
2008-06-05 13:38:14 UTC
Post by bugbear
Post by ComandanteBanana
OK, let's change the subject... ;)
I think the bike is an improvement on God's design. Before, man
depended on the beasts to get around. Even Jesus rode a donkey.
Imagine what Jesus would have done if he had a bike!
Which proves that mankind can better itself without help from above.
What if God gave man the brain that allowed man to make the bike?
  BugBear (atheist, with an interest in logic, comparative theology, and evolution)
The brain that made the wheel should realize the fact of evolution.
2008-06-05 15:06:54 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by Tim McNamara
Post by ComandanteBanana
While Teflon wears out, cast iron is "forever," but you have to
keep "curing it"...
Why, is it ill?
Anything that's not used gets rusted.
Only if it hasn't been properly cured & used first.
Post by ComandanteBanana
A good parable for Americans who
got so many bikes, and yet can't use them.
It's only because I have too much crap in my garage to reach them easily.
Well, after you reach it, you will soon realize that the roads are NOT
friendly --a "jungle" so to speak-- to ride a bike... So I wouldn't
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by Tim McNamara
Post by ComandanteBanana
In other words, we should live under a permanent state of
r-evolution, making corrections along the way.
It's what made humans out of monkeys.
I'll ask you the same question I asked the other guy: do you actually
understand the theory of evolution? Your question betrays all kinds of
Tell me what did. Humans didn't come out of monkeys? Well, we are only
cousins, but they are in our family tree.
Monkeys split off before humans split off from the other apes...so,
relatively distant cousins, wouldn't you say?
I know, but perhaps I feel more akin to them because they are more
funny. Gorillas scare me, particularly after King Kong.
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by Tim McNamara
Post by ComandanteBanana
The Christians' creation though denies evolution both in the past
and present. Proof of that is how they stick to their SUVs in the
face of oil crisis, while denying space to the "smart" bicycles.
How come I see so many liberal atheists driving around in SUVs?
There's a few of those, but at least I can address them by their true
nature: "Mister, you are a predator, and the rest is camouflage."
I'm not getting you. In which way, are they predators?
If you go by the definition of "predator," they look like one...

(Yahoo definition)

1- An organism that lives by preying on other organisms.
2- One that victimizes, plunders, or destroys, especially for one's
own gain.

Definition #2 is quite fitting of those who reckelessly put others on
the road at risk, and who wantonly destroy the environment.

I call them the "hungry lion" and sometimes the "beast."
Post by ComandanteBanana
Christians I think do it more because of their party affiliation, and
because they feel above nature... But they are still predators. ;)
I can understand Xians being referred to as predators.
Well, if the act as predators, they are predators, despite all their
camouflage (ie, religious affiliation, bumper stickers, etc.)

But Atheists could be predators too, just that perhaps they wouldn't
be so hypocrite about it. Less camouflage, but same beast. (I prefer
to see the beast for what it is. Lions have a hard time hunting once
their prey have seen them.)
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by Tim McNamara
Post by ComandanteBanana
If they studied life at the time of the dinosaurs, they'd find out
that's a recipe for disaster, which they call "Armageddon."
Dinosaurs drove SUVs?
No, Dinosaurs are a good metaphor for SUVs: big and stupid.
Every time I think of SUVs, they remind me of this story:http://www.mgexperience.net/article/nice-drive.html
I'll check into it later.
Of course, that reminds me of Red Barchetta, which was immediately obviously
closely related. If my basement has dried out enough, maybe I'll digitize
that record tonight.
Post by ComandanteBanana
And the little furry mammals are a good metaphor for the cyclists today.
Especially while they're grooving with a Pict.
Post by ComandanteBanana
Beware of the Jungle!
Which one? The Blackboard Jungle?
The Christian jungle, where the sheep support the lion, and the lion
looks like a sheep... ;)


One day the Lion, who had been thinking how to best eat the sheep,
decided to dress as one of them... This way the common sheep trusted
the new sheep more and more every day, some confessing to him, others
voting for him, and most allowing to be fleeced by him...

Meanwhile, the Black Sheep --who was able to see through camouflage--
thought this way: "If he lies, and takes the lion's share, lion he

And that's the reason why from then on the Black Sheep weren't allowed
to mingle anymore with the simple and common sheep...
2008-06-05 17:34:40 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
Which one? The Blackboard Jungle?
The Christian jungle, where the sheep support the lion, and the lion
looks like a sheep... ;)
One day the Lion, who had been thinking how to best eat the sheep,
decided to dress as one of them... This way the common sheep trusted
the new sheep more and more every day, some confessing to him, others
voting for him, and most allowing to be fleeced by him...
Meanwhile, the Black Sheep --who was able to see through camouflage--
thought this way: "If he lies, and takes the lion's share, lion he
And that's the reason why from then on the Black Sheep weren't allowed
to mingle anymore with the simple and common sheep...
Don't want to be coldly rational but where can a wild lion catch and
eat a sheep?
Maybe a coughing lion escaped from the Glagow zoo can but this cannot
have inspired God.

Some of your views on evolution are interesting. Many people miss the
fact that human societies are the latest 'beasts' created by
evolution, men are only bits of it: ants with two oversized testicles.

Men was a mistake, an unfortunate attempt, with us life has lost 100
million years.

Amy Blankenship
2008-06-05 18:58:04 UTC
Post by jp1138
Post by ComandanteBanana
Which one? The Blackboard Jungle?
The Christian jungle, where the sheep support the lion, and the lion
looks like a sheep... ;)
One day the Lion, who had been thinking how to best eat the sheep,
decided to dress as one of them... This way the common sheep trusted
the new sheep more and more every day, some confessing to him, others
voting for him, and most allowing to be fleeced by him...
Meanwhile, the Black Sheep --who was able to see through camouflage--
thought this way: "If he lies, and takes the lion's share, lion he
And that's the reason why from then on the Black Sheep weren't allowed
to mingle anymore with the simple and common sheep...
Don't want to be coldly rational but where can a wild lion catch and
eat a sheep?
Western North America. Many places in Africa.
2008-06-05 20:11:37 UTC
Post by jp1138
Post by ComandanteBanana
And that's the reason why from then on the Black Sheep weren't allowed
to mingle anymore with the simple and common sheep...
Don't want to be coldly rational but where can a wild lion catch and
eat a sheep?
Maybe a coughing lion escaped from the Glagow zoo can but this cannot
have inspired God.
Some of your views on evolution are interesting. Many people miss the
fact that human societies are the latest 'beasts' created by
evolution, men are only bits of it: ants with two oversized testicles.
Men was a mistake, an unfortunate attempt, with us life has lost 100
million years.
The ones that created the wheel weren't a mistake; perhaps the ones
that created the SUV are... ;)
Post by jp1138
Post by ComandanteBanana
OK, I've got a final question before I decide who's smarter, God or
Who invented the wheel?
Seems to me God invented the hydrogen atom.
It makes sense. Then an atheist invented the wheel.

Who created the SUV?
2008-06-05 20:29:06 UTC
Post by jp1138
Post by ComandanteBanana
And that's the reason why from then on the Black Sheep weren't allowed
to mingle anymore with the simple and common sheep...
Don't want to be coldly rational but where can a wild lion catch and
eat a sheep?
Maybe a coughing lion escaped from the Glagow zoo can but this cannot
have inspired God.
You sound too rational to read the Bible, but they lion and the sheep
dwell in a mythical place called...

Hicks’s Peaceable Kingdom

His symbols of the animals were joined to a quotation of Isaiah's
prophecy in the Bible (Isa. 11:6):

"The wolf shall also dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie
down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling
together; and a little child shall lead them."

'The Peaceable Kingdom' paintings portray a delicate balance of
difficult and unresolved issues. The lion-ego poses the greatest
threat. The wild animals are seemingly domesticated and brought into
line with loving kindness. However, their expression of pop-eyed
puzzlement is not lost on any viewer. For the moment, they are
behaving themselves, eating bovine food and not the little lambs.

Amy Blankenship
2008-06-05 21:09:09 UTC
Post by jp1138
Post by ComandanteBanana
And that's the reason why from then on the Black Sheep weren't allowed
to mingle anymore with the simple and common sheep...
Don't want to be coldly rational but where can a wild lion catch and
eat a sheep?
Maybe a coughing lion escaped from the Glagow zoo can but this cannot
have inspired God.
You sound too rational to read the Bible, but they lion and the sheep
dwell in a mythical place called...

Hicks’s Peaceable Kingdom

His symbols of the animals were joined to a quotation of Isaiah's
prophecy in the Bible (Isa. 11:6):

"The wolf shall also dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie
down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling
together; and a little child shall lead them."

Oddly, there was a special on Animal planet recently about a lioness that
was stealing Oryx calves. She'd "care for" them until they died of
starvation or some other lion came by and ate them. It was really
2008-06-05 21:23:52 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by jp1138
Post by ComandanteBanana
And that's the reason why from then on the Black Sheep weren't allowed
to mingle anymore with the simple and common sheep...
Don't want to be coldly rational but where can a wild lion catch and
eat a sheep?
Maybe a coughing lion escaped from the Glagow zoo can but this cannot
have inspired God.
You sound too rational to read the Bible, but they lion and the sheep
dwell in a mythical place called...
I am an European atheist and a ?cyclist?. I read genesis recently!
It's time for an update or total destruction of all heretic writings,
thoughts, ... :)
Post by ComandanteBanana
Hicks’s Peaceable Kingdom
His symbols of the animals were joined to a quotation of Isaiah's
"The wolf shall also dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie
down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling
together; and a little child shall lead them."
Sounds like the sixties when everybody was sleeping with everybody :)
Post by ComandanteBanana
'The Peaceable Kingdom' paintings portray a delicate balance of
difficult and unresolved issues. The lion-ego poses the greatest
threat. The wild animals are seemingly domesticated and brought into
line with loving kindness. However, their expression of pop-eyed
puzzlement is not lost on any viewer. For the moment, they are
behaving themselves, eating bovine food and not the little lambs.
Nice pictures,

2008-06-05 22:22:52 UTC
Post by jp1138
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by jp1138
Post by ComandanteBanana
And that's the reason why from then on the Black Sheep weren't allowed
to mingle anymore with the simple and common sheep...
Don't want to be coldly rational but where can a wild lion catch and
eat a sheep?
Maybe a coughing lion escaped from the Glagow zoo can but this cannot
have inspired God.
You sound too rational to read the Bible, but they lion and the sheep
dwell in a mythical place called...
I am an European atheist and a ?cyclist?. I read genesis recently!
It's time for an update or total destruction of all heretic writings,
thoughts, ... :)
Then I wouldn't have a clue why you are reading the Genesis, other
than building up your endurance for the Tour de France!

Or you do it for fun? (I mean the riding)
Post by jp1138
Post by ComandanteBanana
Hicks’s Peaceable Kingdom
His symbols of the animals were joined to a quotation of Isaiah's
"The wolf shall also dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie
down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling
together; and a little child shall lead them."
Sounds like the sixties when everybody was sleeping with everybody :)
According to the logic of a vegetarian lion, he should be able to eat
banana too. That would be a test for the Banana Revolution. ;)
Post by jp1138
Post by ComandanteBanana
'The Peaceable Kingdom' paintings portray a delicate balance of
difficult and unresolved issues. The lion-ego poses the greatest
threat. The wild animals are seemingly domesticated and brought into
line with loving kindness. However, their expression of pop-eyed
puzzlement is not lost on any viewer. For the moment, they are
behaving themselves, eating bovine food and not the little lambs.
Nice pictures,
Yeah, they are cute. But notice that the little animals are quite
relaxed before the lion. Never trust the beast!

"The lion was quick-tempered and willful."
2008-06-06 07:42:59 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
Gorillas scare me, particularly after King Kong.
Private Banana, you were demoted for your lack of vigilance.

You are not a comandante. Comandantes lead people.
NOBODY follows your lead.