Your big Jesus fish (SUV) swallowing the small Darwin fish (bike)
(too old to reply)
2008-05-04 17:31:41 UTC
(I can see some the so-called "cyclists" here reject the idea of using
sex to sell biking. Their prudish behavior must be religious in
nature... But could you please tell us if you side with the big or the
small fish?)

You see all the time: the Big Fish SUV with the Jesus fish
intimidating and sometimes eating the Small Fish on the bicycle. I say
that if Jesus were to come back on his ass, he wouldn't last long
among the Christians lions. They'd probably kick his ass, and send him
back where he came from...

This comment indeed makes you reflect about that reality. It's ironic
though that those who claim to believe in Jesus practice SOCIAL
DARWINISM, while those of us who believe in BIOLOGICAL DARWINISM
reject the immorality in "fish eat fish" as a negation of CIVILIZED
BEHAVIOR. And yet their behavior confirms that the alpha-male monkeys
among us are on the loose. Without further ado, here's the comment...

'Indeed opportunities for a little "agit-prop" and class struggle
abound everywhere if we only seize the moment.

I just got in from up north (Canada) and my long drive south to the
other Vancouver, on the Oregon border, involved mostly driving through
some blinding rain. Well around just south of SEA-TAC airport, the
rain was particularly blinding and almost all cars slowed to about
30-40 mph due to the extreme conditions and inability to see much.
Almost all cars slowed down that is. In the diamond lane, came this
huge, gas-guzzling, possibly-small-penis-compensating, SUV that was
truly a cliché incarnate: full of bumper stickers, two American flag
decals (means the person is at least TWICE as "patriotic"), a Bush
sticker, a "Support-Our Troops" sticker, and a large open-mouthed fish
that said "Jesus" swallowing a smaller fish with legs that said

As the guy passed everyone, doing at least 70 mph, while everyone else
was doing 30-40 mph, he left a wake of water that was blinding and I
and others almost lost it. He obviously cared nothing about
endangering others as well as himself. If I had been driving that
"James Bond" Aston-Martin, with rockets and machine guns, he might
well have been toast.

Well about 10 or so miles up I-5, traffic slowed to a slow trickle and
what do I see but this same SUV rolled-over on its side (luckily more
toward the side of the freeway), very damaged, with the driver and his
female companion standing out in the rain trying to wave down traffic
passing them by; the Washington State Patrol had not yet arrived. I
pulled over, mainly to see if anyone else was injured, and pulled up
to the guy and lowered my window. The guy asked me if I had a cell
phone and I told him no. He then asked if I could wait for the WSP in
my car and get out of the rain.

I told him that: "I am on the horns of a dilemma, or a paradox or a
contradiction and maybe you can help me out with it." The guy said:
"What are you talking about, what do you mean?" I said to him: "Well
as a fellow Christian, and by the way I just love your big Jesus fish
swallowing the small Darwin fish, I am driven by my faith to care
about and help all of those who are less fortunate, oppressed or in
distress no matter how they may have gotten that way; On the other
hand, as a fellow Conservative, and by the way it's so great that you
support our president and our troops, I believe in--and practice--'the
virtue of selfishness', 'dog-eat-dog', 'take care of number one--me',
SOCIAL--that's SOCIAL--not BIOLOGICAL--Darwinism, and most of all,
each person taking personal responsibility for and accepting the
consequences of, personal behaviors and choices." The guy just glared
at me. I then said: "You know, about 10 or so miles back, while
everyone was driving at around 30-40 mph because of the hazardous
conditions, you flew by at over 70, caring nothing about endangering
others as well as yourself, spraying everyone with blinding water
spray, and by the way I almost lost it and my little 9-year-old
daughter could have easily wound up without a father, and now you need
to accept personal responsibility for--and the consequences of--your
present situation of your own making; you need to continue to stand
out in the heavy rain, and I only stopped to give you that message and
to see if anyone other than you had been injured. I guess my
conservatism trumps my Christianity today--as was the case with you
and your self-indulgent and reckless driving and behavior." Also I
said that:" I cannot not even let you wait in my car as you both are
too wet, you made this mess you are in, and I don't want to get my car
interior and seats wet--sorry, but I have to think of "number one",
you know how it is as a fellow conservative eh?"

Of course the guy got pissed and started screaming all sorts of "un-
Christian" epithets and language. As I drove off I noted to him that
also he should also consider, as a conservative and supporter of our
president and our troops, that, as former hard-core conservative
Arianna Huffington has noted in her TV ads, those who drive these gas-
guzzling, macho and self-indulgent SUVs are as complicit in supporting
terrorism and all sorts of nasty stuff as those who buy dope from dope

As the character "Hannibal" used to say on the old TV show "the A-
Team": "God I love it when a plan comes together." On the way down,
there were three more traffic-stopping wrecks before Vancouver.'

Jim Craven


2008-05-07 16:13:35 UTC
You forgot to mention that followers of Jesus were thrown to LIONS.

FEMALE lions.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.
